Deion Sanders and his longtime girlfriend, Tracey Edmonds, announced their breakup last week. According to one report, the Colorado head coach has quickly moved on, as he's reportedly dating model Quiana Aviles...

(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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ChoadieMcSmalls13 months
I wonder if the doc could squeeze a few more units of juvederm into her lips
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porge710614 months
Be original Deion.
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theBru14 months
Money works for things like that...
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tigerpawl14 months
Wake me up when honor, integrity, gratitude, and humility return to the game.
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TouchdownTony14 months
I'm sure Deion had this BEFORE the said breakup. There's something about Deion that has that Tiger Woods feel. That he isn't /wasn't the guy you think he is.
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mcpotiger14 months
Dude is such a fraud..
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deltafarmer14 months
He got her in the transfer portal.
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cheeto22514 months
he's not "dating" her, she's just arm candy
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Bandits5814 months
He’s an awful
Person!! Gold digger !!
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danilo14 months
Face of a tranny
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LSUvet7214 months
He's going to the portal potty now
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LSUvet7214 months
He's going to the portal potty now
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VoxDawg14 months
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SmelvinRat14 months
Those aren't buoys...
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CaptainJ4714 months
Prime and Coach O seem to have similarities
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Drizzt14 months
That is prime
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ajr121514 months
Didn't take him long to put his toe back in the water
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OrthoBro14 months
Did they meet at church?
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Turnblad8514 months
I'm calling it. Primetime is done. One more season and he will melt into the horizon.
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Bige1114 months
Will make CFP within 5 years
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jizzle660914 months
You mean another throw away lol

He ain't keeping this broad around
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