LeBron James Had 2 Courtside Pacers Fans Kicked Out Of Last Night's Game
© Raj Mehta-USA TODAY Sports
LeBron James was unhappy with some fans sitting coutisde in Indiana last night, so he had them booted...
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Filed Under: NBA
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TigersJump38 months
LeBitch Blames earns his name daily.
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Napoleon39 months
He got home team fans thrown out while he was a visiting player. This is a bad precedent.
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stlslick39 months
100% it was about China and him. If it was anything close to racial, he would of had refs stop the game to tweet about it. He's such a pussbag
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prplhze200039 months
Do y'all know what they actually said?
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75503Tiger39 months
I enjoy some basketball occasionally but now I avoid an NBA game. Nothing good on TV and the only sport on is NBA then I hand the remote to the wife and give her an evening to choose what we watch. It’s a win/win because she thinks I am thoughtful and I never have to see this weak arse bitch
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Old Money39 months
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Lcguy39 months
Crying about fans! Not surprised. Tattle tail lol
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jdd4839 months
And people actually want to say this clown is better than Jordan. Never in a million years
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FullFontE39 months
This is why he will never be the greatest. MJ would use it to fuel him, not cry about it to the officials. Pathetic!
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burke98539 months
Love when the left ears their own
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Robber DeNiro39 months
No White Privilege lol
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CoyoteSong39 months
LeBron is a moron
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gamecockman1239 months
LeBron is such a pussy.
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Giantkiller39 months
They dogged out Xi and LaBum said 'don't talk about my daddy like that...'
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howieshoodlums39 months
What a huge fricking snowflake. Maybe he should go to the car wash and get the sand out of his Vagina.
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JoeXiden39 months
It’s like they ran over 60 people at a Christmas parade out of pure hatred or something
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SnoopALoop39 months
He'd never do that to an oppressed black family or couple.
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lsuohiofan39 months
Spoiled brat punk!
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ImBatman39 months
This MF is a f****ing crybaby!
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Jdublsu39 months
Self absorbed Lagina
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