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This ending in Philly last night led to this post-game reaction to the refs from Kelly Oubre...
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Filed Under: NBA
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StrikeIndicator11 months
Ref got parlays
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Havoc11 months
Grown men playing with balls lol.
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ThatTahoeOverThere11 months
I doubt he used the "re
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Geauxldninja11 months
Those were both such obvious fouls, I’m not even mad at him for his reaction. Refs need some accountability for being terrible at their professional jobs. That was the difference in a win and a loss right there.
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ATLTiger11 months
None of em were cool? Not the replay official or anyone?
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idlewatcher11 months
More overpaid bitches complaining. Seems like a great sport to watch with your kids smh
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The nba is full of bitches
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atltiger648711 months
there was no foul there. The defensive player jumped straight up and didn't bring his arms down - the offensive player initiated contact. Good no-call.
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Mickey Goldmill11 months
It was a blocking foul. Defensive player did not establish position before contact was made with the offensive player.
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3nOut11 months
There was a literal mid air chest bump from the defender. I’m not a fan of calling fouls when the offense takes their shot into the defender but he was going to the basket and the defender chest bumped him midair and it was pretty blatant.
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Tasseo11 months
I hope the refs call him on every tic tac foul, technical travel, etc for the rest of the season until he apologizes.

He may be right or wrong, but these players need to get brought down a few pegs. Tossing of hecklers/customers proves they have to much sense of importance.
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SECSolomonGrundy11 months
You a bitch, too
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ImBatman11 months
Lol, nice one.
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Floating Change Up11 months
Nothing says "Brotherly Love" like calling someone a bitch to their face.
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TigerFan5555511 months
ok, that was funny
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Mickey Goldmill11 months
I understand not wanting to call a foul in the last second, but you can't just ignore obvious calls like that.
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GeauxtigersMs3611 months
At least he was mad. Maxley was smiling and chatting with the clippers.
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3PieceSpicy11 months
That’s just Maxey’s personality. He’s still a dog while the game is going on.
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JetsetNuggs11 months
"frick you, frick you, frick you, you're cool, frick you, I'm out"
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L5ut1g3r11 months
He ain’t wrong!
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