Cleveland Guardians beat the New York Yankees on the field and the stands last night...
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: MLB
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9th Green At 923 months
Ole baw in plaid came from the heavens with that shot
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Yeahright23 months
They mad because they got bad seats.
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Water Mocassin23 months
Combined IQ of those 4 guys = -5.
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ForLSU5623 months
Always seems to be at least one sucker puncher in the group. Dude in the red plaid jacket won the CS award in this one.
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CrystalPreserves23 months
Nobody scraps more than drunk wypipo. Not nobody do that but wypipo.
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BamaRoo23 months
I'm 100-percent positive alcohol played no
part in this tussle.
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ShakeandBake23 months
Yankee fans taking Ls like their team against the Indians.

Go get'em Tribe! frick the Yankees!
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TigerNlc23 months
Cleveland rocks
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algiersron23 months
Was that Freddy Krueger?
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Rex Feral23 months
Throwing haymakers.
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B00M23 months
NY, expect nothing less.
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Nix to Twillie23 months
It was Cleveland.

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Kajuntiger12111023 months
Y can't adults act like adults?
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Wolfhound4523 months
Straight trash.
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tiggerthetooth23 months
Yankees trash found its way to Cleveland.
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