Several LSU students were struggling trying to hop the fence on their way to the field on Saturday to celebrate LSU's win over Georiga.

Jacques Doucet with WAFB was able to catch some of it on video...

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tadelatt71 months
Just asking but if your job is to make sure no one enters the field of play, and you are paid to stand guard and face the crowd, why would you continue to stand at attention while students charge the field and not just get out the way? lol
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Buckeye Jeaux71 months
May because schools like Utah got their a$$es sued big time for excessive force against students storming the field. Way more than 100 grand.
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YrNucoach71 months
Concrete people....
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Homesick Tiger71 months
And who said gym class in high school was no longer beneficial? There's your proof that it is.
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rbdallas71 months
is there alcohol in gym class? probably the reason why most could not get over the fence lol
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kensnippy71 months
Oh my...the struggle is real in that video.
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GetEmTigers0871 months
At least they were patient, I figured that would have been a stampede with a fence victim. Should have seen the students at the dome in ‘08 at 7am to get first dibs on NC tickets. It wasn’t pretty for the fence or security guard
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STEVED0071 months
Did the PA guy tell the fans not to rush the field? I remember for the 97 Fla game, they announced over the PA not to rush the field. I just remember thinking right after that rushing the field sounds like fun. We should definitely do that.
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DemLSUBoyz3871 months
After drinking whiskey all morning Saturday and being hammered before noon I am pretty sure I would have looked the same.
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Dr. Morgus71 months
Stupid millenials
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StadiumDormRat'7271 months
Haha, they should've stopped that chick in hot pink shorts, black&white top and tennies, and said, "Hold up - sorry, but you gotta be wearing LSU fan gear to climb that fence."
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cypresstiger71 months
That "security" guy is workin' hard
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MDTiger 1371 months
It's a good thing our fans don't have fence hopping skills. Don't need to hop the fence when you're used to winning. Also, props to Greedy for helping fans. Geaux Tigers!!!
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SomeLSUguy71 months
Looks like we need more practice!
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atxfan71 months
What a pathetic display. They can text 200 words/minute but can't manage to scale a 3 foot fence.
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TigerFan5555571 months
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geauxtigers649271 months
Alcohol? Can we just say we are drunk?
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whoisnickdoobs71 months
Still better than Auburn.
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goodgrin71 months
Remember, we as Americans are getting more obese, lack of physical activity, public schools cutting out P.E., etc. J/k Looks potentially dangerous. I remember back in the late 80's during a soccer match in England, a bunch of fans died when they were pressed against the fence (chain link) from suffocation. It was absolutely god awful to see on TV the folks getting crushed to death...
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TaderSalad71 months
Our enemies just got a chubby....
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