LSU freshmen cornerback Laterrance Welch and linebacker Harold Perkins are getting some offseason training workouts in. Check it out:

Filed Under: LSU Football
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Vernonbrew2232 months
Music meh
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Srobi1432 months
Welch looks pretty damn quick.
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SouthernInsanity32 months
It's just a video played in slo-mo. Most posters would have been eating turf.
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KennabraTiger32 months
None of y’all know what you’re even looking at
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Willie Stroker32 months
Seeing Welch in these video side by sides made it clear Perkins needs work.
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GoneFishing2132 months
Why are we comparing a cornerback to a linebacker? And of course they both need work. They’re freshmen.
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Lgrnwd32 months
Nice. But it’s no Lolo
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Fox McCloud32 months
I can do those drills faster than Perkins and I’m 30
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GoneFishing2132 months
Do you have any eligibility left?
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derrick035632 months
It's more about technique than speed at this point.
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tiger10932 months
Are you really an 18 year old who identifies as a 30?
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tigersav32 months
We got so many transfers in that we've almost forgotten about the incoming freshman this year and the class from last year. I'm almost mad that we have so much depth on defense this year. Honestly a 2 deep starting rotation
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225Tyga32 months
HP looking a little slow. Hopefully hes only going like 60-65%
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