For the second time this season, head coach Ed Orgeron was asked the controversial song "Neck" which sometimes gets played in Tiger Stadium. Here's what he had to say:

Q. A couple weeks ago you said you weren't a fan of profanity in music, the crowd. Hot topic after this weekend. Is there a fine line between a college atmosphere and keeping it classy?

ED ORGERON: I love our fans. I love the tunes. I love all that stuff. But the words used I would prefer those words not to be used.
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legeaux71 months
Former players, current players, & recruits love it.. Good enough for me..
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The Mick71 months
Translation: O likes neck and the words, but cant say that publicly.
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gizmothepug71 months
Bitch please... Ain’t nobody going to tell me he doesn’t let them fly. I know why he said it but I don’t believe it for a second.
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jkylejohnson71 months
I like gumbo just not the tomatoes
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2geaux71 months
Somebody screamed it the wife of an UGA friend of mine. Let's be classy!
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CanebreakCajun71 months
No thanks.
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CaptainJ4771 months
He has to toe the line. What is he going to say... yeah you know I love hearing STTDB! He knows it amps his players up and probably wants it to continue for big games.
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