Derrius Guice showed off some serious power at Top Golf this week, now he just needs to work on his form...

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TampaTiger2255 months
He needs to learn to do something, he gets hurt every 2 seconds on the football field.
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tubucoco55 months
Form wasn't that bad, but it would help if you stop looking back at the camera while hitting it. Lol
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BabyTac55 months
It’s not that hard to hit the back fence. You dont need a driver.
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geauxgauthier55 months
Holy cow! That’s the TopGolf in Sterling VA and my family was in that same bay two weeks ago!!
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Swamp Angel55 months
I recognize it too. I built that Top Golf.
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Geauxmbo55 months
'Boy you talented' lol
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Dr. Morgus55 months
Since I always hit the back fence do I crush it too?
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DeafVallyBatnR55 months
Putt for doe and drive for show
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Deltatiger55 months
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blueboxer111955 months
Golf could be dominated by a super athlete with premier focus and work ethic.
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Strannix55 months
Lol clown workd
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RightWingTiger55 months
So is this an attempt at being funny or were you marooned on an island alone for the last 20 years & havent heard about this dude they call TIGER?
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CDawson55 months
Like Tiger before chic problems unfocused him?
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Higgysmalls55 months
Nice hook. The back nets only about 225. I can hit it with a 3 iron
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Fightin Okra55 months
Hook? Straight with possible fade. And, no way you hit 3 iron back there with those dead balls and clubs. Nice try
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reauxl tigers55 months
It takes you a 3 iron to get it there!!??
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LuzianaFootball55 months
Damn he killed the ball. Was at that same location not too long ago. Taking a break after nearly busting my arse in the net and knocking out a waitress.
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caliegeaux55 months
We can party together.
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CLT Tiger55 months
Slow time of year for news on TigerDroppings..
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Tiger Prawn55 months
But how many points did that ball score?
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Dr. Morgus55 months
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dagrippa55 months
Looks like shite but he ripped that
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TwoDatBait55 months
If Barkley can show improvement, anyone can....
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LSUAlum200155 months
Charles Barkley’s swing still looks turrible..
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TwoDatBait55 months
Hence the *show improvement *, not looks good...
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