Filed Under: LSU Football
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Blind Zebras84 months
" I'm from here and like the gumbo so they gave me a Bunch of money to be average "
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tigerbutt84 months
All I can say is our defense better be ready for their fast paced offense.
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TigerAxeOK84 months
Emily Dixon is just an amazing woman. That is all.
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chitiger9184 months
"Yaw yaw yaw rabble rabble rabble foobaw tigers my fault" Ed O
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BayouBengal9984 months
Good that means we'll do very well. It was one game morons. Besides the penalties we played well in the first two games, imagine had we not committed all those penalties in those first two games how well we would have done? We are fine as long as they have a plan for the depth issues along the line. That's an issue.
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Lexman184 months
Having Lawrence back will certainly help.
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Rickdaddy418884 months
tell your dad to make sure our heisman rb gets at least 20 carries
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SirWinston84 months
I kind of have a bad feeling about this game
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NAsh-vegas Tigah84 months
I do as well. If it happens, you will probably see a quick end to the Alleva era. O will not be far behind.
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Whynotme84 months
I wonder who will last longer. Trump or Alleva?
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TaderSalad84 months
@whynotme - no way Alleva lasts another 7 years.
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