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Registered on:12/7/2016
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re: Where the hell is Joe?

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 7/26/24 at 5:39 pm
[quote]Have they just given up and stopped pretending?[/quote] 110% of efforts are being applied towards revisionist history of Harris's past, trying to convince people that she's not an insufferable bitch, and promoting the hilarious narrative that she's actually polling right on par with Trump....

re: ABC News tells the truth

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 7/26/24 at 5:31 pm
[quote]He says gunman not government[/quote] LOL no, he didn't. Your revisionist history isn't working any more. He very clearly said "government", not gunman. I just listened to it three times....

re: ABC News tells the truth

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 7/26/24 at 5:29 pm
Wow. The quiet part. Out loud How refreshing....
[quote]Apparently she is a contortionist given how many positions she claims to hold simultaneously.[/quote] The only two positions she's needed up until now, are bent over and on her knees....
The one with the mohawk is statist4ever....

re: Fake Obama Endorsement Call

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 7/26/24 at 11:43 am
[quote]the HNIC [/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/dZ7d75C5HB8AAAAM/will-smith-wow.gif[/img]...
[quote]saw video here that shows multiple news outlets then vs. now on Calling her the border czar. Anyone know where I can find it? Thanks.[/quote] Haven't you heard? The new talking point is the media telling everyone that the media was wrong back then and shouldn't have been believed, but the me...
She'll end up having to pick some rando Uber driver as her veep. No one in the political spectrum wants to commit career suicide by affixing themselves to what will certainly be a spectacularly hilarious campaign failure. Maybe she should talk to Chris Christie or Jeb! Bush. They're desperate to ...
[quote]The average voter doesn’t give a shite about policy. They want a popularity contest. It should have been Tulsi[/quote] Oh, ok. So a Republican president should have selected someone who until very recently was an avowed liberal Socialist for 20 years? This place grows sillier by the day...
[quote]How long will Kamala’s honeymoon be?[/quote] It's already over. They're already in overdrive damage control....
[quote]If true, I wonder if he becomes Sec of Health.[/quote] [b]IF[/b] this is true, then there was definitely some form agreement between Trump and RFK2. And I would 100% not be opposed to RFK2 as Health Secretary. Put him somewhere where he aligns with conservatives and it's a win/win. I actu...
[quote]The Democratic coup needs to end right now! Kamala needs to do the right thing and support Joe getting back in the race!! He’s totally fine![/quote] They created Harris by artificially inflating her, and she's dumb enough that she actually started believing the hype. They can't get rid of he...
A). "Assault style firearms" is far too loose of a definition, and is nomenclature that can and [b]will[/b] be used to apply towards any firearm, period. The only thing that makes any gun an "assault" weapon, is the person carrying it, of they choose to do so, and B). This is wholly unconstitutio...
[quote]What was that bruise on his chin[/quote] Left side of his chin and left side of his forehead. Even the makeup and spray tan couldn't mask it. That "medical emergency in Vegas" rumor that the MSM is avoiding like the plague, sure seems to be plausible....
[quote]The real dividing factor of Americans[/quote] [quote] what MSM would have us believe[/quote] The MSM [b]IS[/b] the real dividing factor of Americans....

re: You damn cheap fakers!!!

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 7/25/24 at 7:51 pm
[quote]Why don't you give a few examples of these unequivocally false news reports and articles.[/quote] You fricking serious? Well ok... [img]https://i.postimg.cc/2msW-3hvv/Screenshot-20240724-084114-2.png[/img]...
[quote]But, I am fun at parties.[/quote] We would get along:lol: People always ask Mrs. Axe, "Is your husband kind of an a-hole. Is he always like that?" She has learned to just say, "No, he's actually wonderful. He just doesn't like you."...
Any way to see this without having to log in to IG? Tried. Failed....
[quote]Do we really want a socialist president?[/quote] [img]https://c.tenor.com/jmYGxzxLqGMAAAAC/tenor.gif[/img]...