Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
Former LSU defensive coordinator John Chavis had his case against the school regarding his contract buyout dismissed Friday by a Texas judge. Per

Chavis is countersuing LSU saying the school owes him back pay after LSU sued him for a $400,000 buyout payment for leaving before completing his contract. Chavis' counter suit says he does not owe LSU the buyout and that Texas A&M is "obligated to satisfy or be satisfied the liquidated damages."
The case will now be fought in Louisiana court and Chavis' attorneys plans to appeal the decision.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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19109 months
"Chavis' attorneys plans" should be "Chavis's attorneys plan"


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Corch Urban Myers109 months
Chavis just needs to pay up and move on.
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TexasTiger89109 months
Aggies lose again to LSU. Same story different day.
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TigerB8109 months
someone's been a bad boy and has to pay....not sure he could have gone to A&M and still be allowed to preside over case. That would have been a conflict of interest and any intelligent attorney would ask that the judge recuse himself.
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PsychTiger109 months
Reports are that Chavis' case fell apart late in the suit.
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G I Jeaux109 months
Going to have to pay....on and off the field.
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HuRRiCaNe MiLeS109 months
Poor Chavis. 2015= downfall
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stonedbegonias109 months
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Chief!
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luvdatigahs109 months
400k, that's a lot of Big Macs
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Louisianaboy87109 months
Judge actually went to Texas A&M for those who read in full..
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cheo25109 months
Good. We should go all Stewie Griffin on him. "Hey, it's me, knock, knock. So, you, you got my money?"
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Cmlsu5618109 months
Suck that judicial dick, bitch.
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SamuelClemens109 months
Judge went to Texas
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DrSteveBrule109 months
Pay up you fat donut eating frick
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mkibod1109 months
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demtigers73109 months
ha, ha!
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blueboy109 months
Suck it, Chavis.
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Wild Thang109 months
lol at aggy
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