Brody Miller with is reporting that suspended LSU wide receiver Drake Davis has been dismissed for the team following his latest arrest.

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Davis was arrested Sunday morning on battery charges and his being held in jail under judge's orders.

Head coach Ed Orgeron met with the media on Monday and said that he could not comment on the situation as it was a legal matter and in the hands of the University.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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Hammond Tiger Fan77 months
For the life of me, I just don't understand why it's so hard for people to act right and follow the rules, especially whenever you've been given the privilege to play big time ball somewhere.
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Bluegrassbengal77 months
Will be starting at Bama next year
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TigerFanatic9977 months
In other news, next years class just gained one more scholly offer!
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ct4lsu77 months
Lester Earl, just keeps on sticking it LSU
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jennyjones77 months
Drake to Kansas amirite
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DVinBR77 months
what a waste
user avatar
stat1977 months
It's not a big loss considering the depth at WR and QB that misses over half his passes.
user avatar
SeminoleMarine77 months
You mean the SEC player of the week? That QB? Can't fix stupid
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AustinKnight77 months
Guy obviously has some psych issues. As I’m I’m glad he is no longer part of our football program I hope somehow we extend through the University advice and assistance on how to get his life straight so not only does he not do this to other women but possibly pass off this type of behavior to his son if he has any one day or already does.
user avatar
TaderSalad77 months
Good riddance.
user avatar
theicebox77 months
Keeping it real goes wrong
user avatar
lsuohiofan77 months
No brainer there!
user avatar
GaTiger2777 months
See ya on Netflix, Drake
user avatar
TigerFan24477 months
No other choice. CEO had to pull the trigger on this.
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alumni9577 months
Doesn’t sound like he did, or had a chance to at all... “that’s in the hands of the University.”
user avatar
FLObserver77 months
dont need these types on the team. Another scholarship just opened up for someone that wants to play for LSU and actually contribute to the team
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Hester Carries77 months
I would have never guessed he would have been one of these guys after reading that Players Tribune article he wrote coming into college
user avatar
OzChuffnugg77 months
Right! I was so excited about this guy when I read his article. He seemed like such a down to earth level headed kid. Crazy he has gotten himself into this mess and can't live out the dream he was so excited to live out in that article. I am shocked!
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voodooidotwo77 months
Good, this isn’t bama. You shouldn’t be able to get away with stuff like this.
user avatar
atltiger648777 months
and the Bama obsession continues....
user avatar
voodooidotwo77 months
The obsession with bama players getting away with crimes? Yeah I guess anyone would
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LSUsince7477 months
This position is what 8 deep. I think we'll be ok fellas
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Jwils77 months
True, but you have to hope the guy gets his shite together before he’s another statistic.
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Gulf Coast Tiger77 months
I hope he gets things corrected and he gets on the right road
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DrewSimp8277 months
Yeah obviously he’s made mistakes. Hopefully he can get the counseling and guidance he needs to be the best person he can be, before football.
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Nolaughingmatter77 months
Fix your life Drake. I hope you get the help you need.
user avatar
Solo Cam77 months
Right decision but it’s sad to see a kid throw his life away. He deserves to be in jail if the charges are correct.
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