Former LSU tight end Foster Moreau has reportedly signed a four-year contract with the Oakland Raiders worth just over $3 million dollars with a $488,484 signing bonus.

The Raiders selected Moreau with the No. 137 overall pick in the fourth round of the NFL Draft last week. He is the first player that team drafted to sign a deal.

NFL Insider Adam Caplan was the first to report the deal.

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Here are the details, according to
Filed Under: LSU Football
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Capital Cajun69 months
They are moving to Nevada in 2020. 750k/year there should be plenty
user avatar
JOHNN69 months
Agreed. Hell Id ask to make the minimum I can while in Cali and once they move to Nevada, pay the rest. Itll be great to move to a state with no state income tax.
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Ripley69 months
Gotta be one of the shittiest contracts I've ever seen, especially when you consider the market. So much of that going to taxes + cost of living in LA. Did he even have an agent? ... Shafted royally.
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glorymanutdtiger69 months
He is a 4th Round pick not 1st
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atltiger648769 months
rookie contracts are slotted - there's not much, if anything, an agent can do to negotiate it up. Now the second contract is a different story.
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NASA_ISS_Tiger69 months
So what's that...about 150K (on his signing bonus) after taxes in Cali?
user avatar
TigerSpray69 months
Pelosi's battery charger in her drawer needs paid.
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DeafVallyBatnR69 months
Guaranteed amount Zero. Bonus is all he gets now until he makes the team
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NPComb69 months
Make if 5 and get the NFL pension. Good luck, Foster!
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baobabtiger69 months
I wonder what is left after Cali taxes, agent, and federal taxes.
user avatar
TigerSpray69 months
He rich. He doin' this gig for fun.
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Spankum69 months
Man, that is awesome news. Now, go out and dominate so that second contract sets you up for life!
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tigersbh69 months
Good for him!
user avatar
Old69 months
Great family tradition.
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X123F4569 months
Moreau is g9nna end up at the Patriots with etling
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Ebridg369 months
uh.... no room for etling right?
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bountyhunter69 months
Patriots staff really like Etling. I bet he gets a shot there.
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GeauxsomeMeaux69 months
Great Kid! Well deserving! Now ball out Foster!
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TheWalrus69 months
Probably can’t afford to live in San Francisco at that salary
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Solo Cam69 months
750k a year? Yeah you can live in San Fran on that bud.
user avatar
Stud Bud69 months
Very underrated player. Proud of him.
user avatar
GeauxLSUGeaux69 months
That’s a lot of hookers and blow.
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CanebreakCajun69 months
Not after the commies in California, steal, I mean tax him
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Violent Tally69 months
Congrats to a great Tiger!
user avatar
GoRuckTiger69 months
That's a nice chunk of change for being a 4th rounder. Congrats Foster!
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