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Location:Baton Rouge, La
Number of Posts:1726
Registered on:9/25/2016
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Yea . Hard working families should be incentives to reproduce not just the impoverished that get more welfare benefits per kid. About time some od you old timers wake up and realize the trajectory we are on. You're great grand kids gonna be screwed ....
They did the same thing with Biden rally. They are going to try to steal election again....

re: The upcoming rigged election

Posted by Ebridg3 on 7/26/24 at 12:30 am
[quote]I’m sure you believe that any election that Trump loses is rigged. Most Americans are very tired of this constant nonsense spouted by the current GOP.[/quote] You're talking about the same Americans that wear masks alone in their car and think that Trump faked his own assassination attempt...
[quote]Do we think that by the time everyday people wake up from their comfortable lives it’ll be too late? Or can it happen before?[/quote] This is the issue - democrats have been brainwashed to depend on other people for survival. So, they give them just enough hand outs to survive, but not eno...
[img]https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/07/720/405/Gretchen-Whitmer-Harris-supporters-Durham-NH-July-25-2024-scaled.jpg?ve=1&tl=1[/img] Literally reminds me to the T of a certain big company that I used to work for's typical new hire orientation. Has this ...
[quote]Here we go. Scorned man believes every white woman lives off of alimony.[/quote] Alimony, DEI position, or sleeping their way to top and wrecking families along the way. Pick your poison. wait... there's also those that realized that the only people that spend their money are women a...
[quote]Suburban white women will have to cut back on their wine lunches to pay for healthcare for the gardener's 12 children.[/quote] Marriage law needs to be reevaluated in this country. I can't tell you how many doctors just live separate lives while their wives do all this crap because it's c...
[quote]LuckyTiger[/quote] You're acting like a typical liberal. Posting thread after thread of nothing but emotions.. ...
Section 8 needs to be heavily reduced and isolated. Whoever approved section 8 housing in BR to be near LSU needs to be banished from LA...

re: Which one of you is this? Boomers

Posted by Ebridg3 on 7/23/24 at 6:45 pm
This describes 80 percent of Cali...
[quote]Polls are now fake news again.[/quote] Dems are getting ready to steal another election....
I hope she wins. Then I won't have to worry about seeing this bs again for the rest of my life. Four more years, a definite serious recession would end the bs identity politics we deal with as we know it....
Black pop culture has become increasingly focused on racial issues, reminiscent of the 1960s. Even GenZ streamers engage in content that involves tricking non-black individuals into using racial slurs and subsequently mocking them. Additionally, they frequently criticize Caitlyn Clark and disregard ...

Did Joe Biden really throw in the towel?

Posted by Ebridg3 on 7/22/24 at 9:52 pm
It is important to consider whether this situation should be contested. The individual was medically in a critical condition and under the influence of heavy medication, which may have impaired his decision-making capacity. Additionally, his last public statement while legally competent indicated hi...
As humans, our primary limitation is that we often comprehend the world through narratives rather than objective facts. Even when presented with factual information, we tend to interpret it within the context of familiar stories to make sense of it. In the realm of politics, I anticipate immediat...
I have noticed a concerning trend of misinformation being spread, particularly regarding the recent claims about veterans benefits being reduced. It is crucial to clarify that President Trump has already publicly stated that this is not part of his platform. It is concerning when false informatio...

re: DHS: DEI is going nowhere

Posted by Ebridg3 on 7/20/24 at 3:15 pm
They can pump their chest all they want. In 6 months, this bs social experiment is coming to an end....
[quote]And she will still get 45% of the vote because she checks a few boxes.[/quote] This is the biggest issue there is for Conservatives moving forward. It's going to get worse and worse....
I was massively into Obama in 2008 and in 2012 i started realizing that things were only getting worse, not better. By 2014 i felt like a complete fool and realized the hypocrisy of protected groups and my own ego and ignorance to think I was "woke." In 2016 I was tickled to death and have deligh...
Someone protect this man. ...