Reinhold Matay-USA TODAY Sports
The injuries for the LSU Football team continue to add up...

Head coach Ed Orgeron announced Thursday that safety Ed Paris suffered an injury during practice this week and will definitely miss Saturday's game vs. Syracuse, if not longer. Per

"Doesn't look good for Ed," Orgeron told reporters on Thursday evening. "Haven't got the doctor's report from yesterday. Just a freak accident on field goal block. I'll have the doctors report probably tomorrow but it doesn't look good for him. He's definitely not going to play this week."

A source told | The Times-Picayune Paris injured his knee but further tests still need to be done in order to determine the severity of the injury.
If Paris misses the rest of the season he can request a medical redshirt since he has played in less than 30-percent of LSU 2017 season.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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75503Tiger84 months
Hate to hear this happened to our guy, especially since he loves LSU so much and wants to be out there. Get back soon, Ed
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Barbellthor84 months
We got the injury bug like they do down in New Orleans. Mph. Wishing you the best, Ed!
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Pepe Lepew84 months
The injury bug is hard to beat, get well soon Ed.....
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chadr0784 months
Looks like ole Mr. Injury bug decided to pack it's shite and head down to Baton Rouge for the fall.
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Lexman184 months
If Ed can't return this season, Jacoby Stevens could always slide back over to safety. Not a bad luxury to have a 5 star safety in a pinch!
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wesman2184 months
Well frick, come back strong Ed, you've been playing well this season and have always been 100% LSU! If only other could recruit fellow players like you do.
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Lexman184 months
A tough break. Ed was having a good start to the season. I wish him a full and speedy recovery. Hang tough, Ed!
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Gumbo184 months
E. Paris, hang in there buddy. Hope you can heal up and while you are out, watch and learn from watching the games. My best wishes to you.
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saint tiger22584 months
Damn, hate it for Paris. He has worked hard, waited for his time, stuck with it and finally got his chance to play and now this bullshite. I remember when he committed to LSU. He did something rarely seen/done now days. He committed fairly early on during the process, and stayed committed throughout that entire process. Also, during that time, he was recruiting for LSU at camps. Hoping for the best for Paris, praying for a speedy recovery.
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KingMo84 months
This is not our year.
user avatar
chRxis84 months
an injury to our 2nd string CB, and THAT'S what makes it say "this is not our year"? it wasn't the skullfricking that we just endured at the hands of Miss. St, or the mass exodus of transfers, or the decommits happening on a daily basis, etc... no, our "5 star" 2nd string, passed on the depth chart by true freshman DB is the straw that broke the camel's back for some of y'all, huh? el ohhhhhh el
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lsusportsman284 months
chRxis you're a mother fricking retard.
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GeauxGriz84 months
Is anybody going to tell Chrxis that Ed was the starting safety this year? or that... ah screw it -- lsusportsman2's reply probably covers it all.
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deathvalleyfreak4384 months
Hate that for him. Prayers to Paris
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PillageUrVillage84 months
I have really liked Ed even since before he showed up on campus. Dude bleeds P&G. This really sucks for him and the team. Hoping for a speedy recovery!
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KennabraTiger84 months
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TigerAxeOK84 months
Prayers for Paris. Definitely sounds like the really bad "knee". I hope not, for his sake.
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Shooter84 months
Wrap these MFs in bubble wrap!!!
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33inNC84 months
We just cannot catch a break!
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Cracker84 months
The hits just keep coming
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NorthshoreTiger7684 months
We are LSU! Next man up!
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lsusportsman284 months
And LSU has been mediocre for a few years now. Stop saying this stupid fricking phrase. We are NOT what we used to be.
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jfran2384 months
Swinney said the same thing about his kicker. Freak accident on a field goal.
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safetyman84 months
And the injuries just keep coming. Wow
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