Jason Getz-USA TODAY Sports

For Immediate Release - September 13, 2019


BATON ROUGE – Those fans with DirecTV and AT&T as their cable/satellite provider may not be able to see the LSU-Northwestern State game tomorrow night unless a deal is reached between the Disney Family of networks, which includes ESPN, the SEC Network and ABC, and AT&T.

LSU fans impacted by the removal of these channels from their AT&T and DirecTV lineup, are encouraged to contact AT&T at 888.602.4388 or reach out to them through social media at @ATT on Twitter or on Facebook at to voice your concern.

For updates on negotiations between Disney and AT&T and DirecTV, visit

A limited number of tickets remain – starting as low as $20 - for Saturday’s LSU vs. Northwestern State game in Tiger Stadium. Kickoff is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on the SEC Network.

Currently Disney and AT&T have been unable to reach an agreement that will keep ESPN, SEC Network, ABC and many other Disney-owned and operated channels on AT&T and DirecTV. If an agreement is not reached by 4 p.m. CT today, those channels will be taken off the air and fans who have DirecTV and AT&T as their cable provider will not be able to watch the LSU-Northwestern State game, along with many other college football contests, over the weekend.

LSU is fully supporting the Southeastern Conference and its effort to keep ESPN and SEC Network on the air with AT&T and DirecTV.

If you are impacted by the removal of these channels from the DirecTV or AT&T lineup, you can listen to the LSU game for free on the internet at or on the LSU Sports Radio Network, on Eagle 98.1 FM in the Baton Rouge area or across the south on WWL Radio 870 AM in New Orleans. The broadcast is also available through SiriusXM and TuneIn.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
user avatar
Russianblue65 months
any updates on this? I am watching ESPN on u-verse as we speak at 4.48pm. I guess I will know in about 12 minutes!
user avatar
OU81265 months
For once living in Virginia is an advantage. I have Verizon FIOS.
user avatar
Tommy Patel65 months
Modern day Monopoly, loopholes in every Industry to get more $ and give the people less.....Sigh!!!!
user avatar
dmart421565 months
Has never gone off here in Louisiana since they started posting this crap
user avatar
MasonTiger65 months
Still on the air in southwest Ohio.
user avatar
BigDropper65 months
Hulu Live bitches
user avatar
El Campo Tiger65 months
It’s a good thing I watch via Reddit.
user avatar
NASA_ISS_Tiger65 months
Back up plan of PS Vue in trial at the ready. Checked and Verified.
user avatar
Cosmo65 months
Just steal a watchespn pass from your baw
user avatar
gizmothepug65 months
Good way to loose a customer that hasn’t been under contract for years, I’ve been with DirecTV since October 2005 but this back and forth BS between billionaires will be the last straw for me. I’ll watch the game, legally or not.
user avatar
BoxmanTiger65 months
Or lose. That will show them
user avatar
bcox5065 months
Rouka TV
user avatar
sml7165 months
Just sign up for a free trial of YouTube TV or sling. You can ditch it after the game at no cost. You won’t want to ditch it, mind you. You’ll be wanting to ditch ATT. But you could do that at no cost.
user avatar
geaux8865 months
Hulu live TV. Both Direct and Dish go through this far too often with different channels. Phuck em both.
user avatar
Rebel65 months
It’s 1730 and I have all the ESPN’s, SECN, and ABC. I’m in TN. Hopefully everything is settled.
user avatar
It's 2019 here.
user avatar
TheCaterpillar65 months
Is this just Louisiana? ATT cut off AbC for us this summer burly we got it back already. We’re in Nashville
user avatar
Bamasuks65 months
ABC (as well as CBS, NBC, Fox, PBS, and others) is FREE and has been since TV was invented. Just get rabbit ears.
user avatar
brewdrees65 months
I been ditched Directv and Dishnetwork. I tried Youtubetv and it's worth every penny.
user avatar
24nights65 months
I spend 6000 grand a year for direct tv and att wireless, they don't care if I quit them.
user avatar
ssgtiger65 months
Damn 6000 grand !!!!
user avatar
El Campo Tiger65 months
That’s $500 a month! I better have Spice TV 24/7/365 for $500 a month.
user avatar
CanebreakCajun65 months
Why are you spending so much?!
user avatar
LSU Delts65 months Watch for free. All sports.
user avatar
diesel65 months
I have the Dish SEC package with all of the alternate channels and still missed the first scoring drive of the UT game, then recorded the replay the next day on SEC network to watch the full game FINALLY. Just a bought chromecast
user avatar
diesel65 months
...and still trying to figure it out
user avatar
LSUJay1365 months
Why be mad at Direct TV? It's Disney that is holding you hostage... If AT&T has to pay more for the programming who do you think will pay for that? It will trickle down and be paid by the consumer. I'm not saying AT&T is without fault, but they are not the ones that are totally at fault. Disney knows they are over a barrel and is taking advantage of the situation. Soon, we will have to piece meal all of our services.
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