Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports
Multiple sources are reporting that longtime New Orleans Saints special team coordinator Greg McMahon has joined LSU's as a special team analyst.

McMahon has served as Saints special teams coordinator from 2008–2017.

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deuce98596 months
This guy was probably 10 years of being the worst ST coach in the NFL. Not a good hire. He should've been fired years ago by the Saints.
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Azkiger96 months
Maybe they're hiring him to tell them what not to do?
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Old96 months
Good job!
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1996 months
Joe Rob Joe Rob Joe Rob...Les dropped the ball losing him, O needs to make that phone call.
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Lexman196 months
Sorry. I'm not making the connection. Who is Joe Rob?
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Whynotme96 months
Is this a joke? This guy was fired by the saints in January for bad coaching. The saints had the worst special teams in the NFL last year.
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TheCurmudgeon96 months
The saints had to hire a special teams analyst this season to help McMahon before they fired him for being a bad coach. This is a bad move
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Lexman196 months
Okay, #1, I haven't heard anything about a ST coordinator being hired. Last I checked, LSU is waiting to see if the NCAA will allow 10 assistant coaches, which I think we already have 9. If approved, I would assume that Bobby April would be named coordinator. But what do I know? Lol However, McMahon was recently fired by the Saints along with 4 other coaches. Bad coach or scapegoat? The last time I commented on a Special Teams coach (April), I got blasted by this panel and reminded that April had really been very good throughout his career. I think I'll leave this up to Coach O! I'm sure he's been waiting for my approval! Lol
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LouisianaLonghorn96 months
Coach O's first bad hire.
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eugene1928LSU96 months
Yep, this is pitiful, Saints were horrible in special teams. No upgrade from Peveto at all
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johnnydrama96 months
Two of the Saints's losses this past season were directly attributable to blocked kicks. I am not pleased by this hire.
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Mouche33796 months
He's a volunteer analysts. Not on the payroll. But I do agree with you. The Saints special teams has been abysmal for a few years now. The Saints wised up and gave him the pink slip. I don't want him stepping foot on campus. Any suggestions he makes won't improve our special teams. Weakening it, however, is a strong possibility.
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UptownnMike96 months
Jesus no.
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BayouBengal9996 months
He's only here to help, the real direction is coming from Bobby April and I'm sure this guy is good with situational ST not the entirety of the position. Y'all just stfu and watch the damn show. Man y'all are quick to negative comments before even seeing any results what so ever, maybe he's good recruiting these guys or player positioning. Getting the best ST guys playing ST. My god you people are awful.
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Mouche33796 months
Have you not watched the Saints special teams for the past few years!? We've seen the results of his coaching ability. He's an analyst, for special teams no less, so he brings nothing to the table regarding recruiting. Whats his sell!? "Come to LSU and I'll make the you the special teamer in the country" I'm sure recruits wanna hear that. GTFOH!!!!
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eugene1928LSU96 months
What makes you an expert? On the surface this is pitiful moron
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SaintLSU96 months
Please God no! This guy is an abomination. What the hell is O doing
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theBru96 months
And da Saints led the league in ST Snafus...that's encouraging...
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SaintLSUnAtl96 months
There's a reason he was fired
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jpcajun96 months
There was a reason Saban was fired at Ohio State years ago too
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DVinBR96 months
Remember the superbowl onside kick?
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Spelt it rong96 months
The one that Chris Reis fought for? No, tell me more about SP's massive testicle call at halftime of the biggest game in Saints history.
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TigerSpray96 months
Saints' hate for LSU continues.
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lsu_4life96 months
He's only a volunteer analyst ! Y not
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MaHittaMaHitta96 months
Only until they allow the extra paid coach. I'm sure he's being helped out somewhere..
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Ponchy Tiger96 months
I disagree with all of the comments below. I am not saying this is the guy to hire but he is working a volunteer, what can it hurt? Special teams have generally been good under the SP era. This guy suddenly didn't become a terrible coach. Having him and April in the building talking to players making them understand that for most special teams is their ticket into the league can only be a good thing. Hearing from the staff is one thing but hearing from long time NFL coaches carry a lot more weight with these young guys.
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keakar96 months
WTH he was a horrible ST coach and only kept his job through friendship, not coaching. if this is who they hire he is no better then the last ST idiot LSU just got rid of, maybe even a step backwards.
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Big Sway96 months
Jump off monkey hill!
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Spelt it rong96 months
We're screwed.
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Random LSU Hero96 months
I'm driving to a cliff right now!!!!!1!!!!1!1
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Spelt it rong96 months
Now don't do thaat.
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cadett96 months
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