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[quote]Why exactly has marijauna not been legalized in all 50 states & at the federal level?[/quote] because big pharma would go bankrupt [img]https://media.tenor.co/ng0mwYEEpNMAAAAC/hasbulla-money.gif?t=AAYZrcDDLoYFCAsjoAg4kA&c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2s[/img]...
[quote]Dershowitz is grifting for Trump? If that’s the case, up truly is down. What would he even have to gain from this?[/quote] Dershowitz is consistent in keeping his politics out of his legal reasoning, he regularly says he hates trump and doesnt support him in any way, but he calls out the l...
[quote]It seems that if trees are growing on it it would have to be somewhat solid. Am I wrong?[/quote] its solid enough to form a mass and the tree roots hold things together, but at the end of the day, its still just a moss bed and there is nothing solid, other then the trees and their roots th...
[quote]And she will be released again.[/quote] and again and again and again and again and again...
[quote]Sierra Skye looks like she’s fat as hell and ugly[/quote] fixed she would be 400 lbs without her monthly liposuction to have that skinny waste...
[quote]Getting artillery fungus off your car[/quote] i have no idea what artillery fungus is, but the ceramic coating stuff works pretty good keeping everything from sticking to your car [quote]Anybody have any advice on how to prevent this little bastards from getting on the paint?[/quote] ...
[quote]Fastforward to January 2024, and she's/we are now pregnant. It's been an overflow of hormones and emotions for her, and now all of a sudden, she wants to be closer to home because "we have no one here to help us and our child won't get to know it's grandparents". [/quote] enjoy the ride o...
i have a 6500 watt and it runs a freezer and fridge as well as a few fans but to run the microwave i have to unplug everything but the fans, a microwaves use more power than you think it does...
[quote]They could anchor it somewhere.[/quote] its a floating moss bed, it has no solid land to anchor anything too. anchor it and the ropes or whatever just slice right on through it in minutes to an hour and then you have separated chucks floating around. other than dragging it on land, o...
its a good thing she has that sign, otherwise no one would know she is black [img]https://i.imgur.com/Ob0D16z.png[/img] also, camera man bottom left is seen taking pictures of the shite that is oozing out of bidens pants onto his shoes...
[quote]Trump defense appears to have learned something that made them smile[/quote] means nothing, they expect guilty, so even if they were told they are deciding between 135 or 157 counts of guilty, the lawyers would still laugh because its meaningless tonight trumps lawyers are finalizing th...
[quote]They will get information on the jurors leaning for not guilty and have them removed for some BS reason and put in a Biden alternate juror.[/quote] i wouldnt put it pass them to do that, use the old family emergency or health related issues to excuse anyone not on board with following the ...
[quote]Why did the left get to take over all the cities[/quote] at its simplest, libs took all the small political jobs no one else wanted like school boards and alderman or clerk of court and such, there they could make little changes to things one step at a time until you get to here today. ...
[quote]French President Macron says he is "completely ready" to recognize Palestine[/quote] israel should call their bluff and announce all Palestinians should now migrate to france where the french welcome them....
[quote] It hard for me to believe they are confident in their case when they are just trying to just run out the clock.[/quote] its because they are dealing with,mindless drones on the jury its smart because if the defense has anyone still not sure he is guilty, they repeat the lies for a few...
[quote]The NY jury gets the case tomorrow. Predict the verdict[/quote] what should happen is far from what will happen i say 3 jurers will find him guilty of murder, 4 jurers will find him guilty of being OMB, and the rest will say he is guilty of whatever you want him to be guilty of...
so what keeps it from floating right back against the bridge again? seems like they should have pushed it completely out of the way, rather then left it there...
[quote]Percent who could give a coherent general summation of Trump's NY charges?[/quote] does it count to just say OMB, or are you looking for legal words to explain his invented crimes?...
[quote]It will all come down to if can prove in court that any reasonable person would feel their life is in danger[/quote] fixed...
[quote]Now women are finally fed up with Biden? Reading similar articles everywhere lately about women who voted for Biden and are just now seeing the error of their ways. Unbelievably, it only took lawlessness, massive illegal immigration, crushing inflation, etc. etc. for them to finally wake u...