Stephen Lew-USA TODAY Sports
LSU head coach Ed Orgeron was on 104.5 ESPN's "Off The Bench" Tuesday morning and commented on starting left tackle Dare Rosenthal who has entered the NCAA Transfer Portal.

Orgeron said that Rosenthal had “some personal situations that he has to take care of," and mentioned offensive tackle Cameron Wire has a possible replacement.

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Bone0643 months
A world full of mother******s who think personal responsibility is a joke. Yes, weed should be legal and it is no worse than alcohol. Even so there is a rule at LSU as well as every other college in the country. He knew the rules going into LSU and he chose weed over playing for LSU. It's called f***ing adulting. What do you want more, get high or play football. If you don't have the self discipline to avoid the weed during the season, you were never going to be top tier anyway.
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whoyodaddy43 months
Interesting SCOTUS opinion from yesterday regarding marijuana, with summary by constitutional lawyer, Jonathan Turley. As we wait for the final cases from the Supreme Court this week, Monday was confined to orders of the Court, including the granting and denial of review of cases. One of the cases that was declined was Standing Akimbo, LLC v. United States. That is hardly news on a Court that rejects most petitions for a writ of certiorari. However, this denial was accompanied by an opinion from Justice Clarence Thomas who slammed the current federal policy on marijuana as "a half-in, half-out regime that simultaneously tolerates and forbids local use of marijuana.” He is, of course, correct. The current position of marijuana criminalization is incomprehensible and conflicted. However, the criticism from one of the Court's most conservative members was particularly notable.
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AtlantaLSUfan43 months
Weed should be legal. I’ve never touched it, but don’t understand why it’s a crime.
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MakeMoney43 months
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Robber DeNiro43 months
I never understood choosing weed over money unless you're already rich.
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ezride2543 months
I tried to tell Barbara that Dare wouldn’t work.
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OU81243 months
A 80s reference!
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Pooswa43 months
Thought that was Nancy
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Hangit43 months
Nancy started "Just say no". This sent consumption to all-time highs.
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voodooidotwo43 months
Well he is from Ferriday so we were lucky it was just weed. Good riddens
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olgoi khorkhoi43 months
Someone remind me, did LSU have players constantly getting suspended or kicked off the team for marijuana under previous coaches? It feels like in the last 3-4 this has been happening at an unprecedented rate, but it may be recency bias.
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Tigers4Lyfe43 months
It seems it happened but red swept under the rug prior but not so with O.
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Tigers4Lyfe43 months
*was swept
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olgoi khorkhoi43 months
If it was being swept under the rug, then it wasn't this, because there is no rug here, just suspensions and transfers
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LSUvet7243 months
He's got "some personal situations to take care of"....? What like purchasing a Kilo of weed for his addiction problem ?
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public_enemy43 months
A kilo of weed? A kilo? C’mon man
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BowDownToLSU43 months
So he risked a chance to play in the NFL one day( big maybe) because he couldn’t put a joint down. This kid has a tough times ahead if he can’t make better decisions
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Tigers4Lyfe43 months
They say it's an illness.
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public_enemy43 months
He’s still gonna have that chance when he transfers to another program and starts at LT
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CaptainYaYa43 months
The negative side of the transfer portal
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CanebreakCajun43 months
He did not enter the transer portal by choice. He got kicked off the team for like his 19th positive weed test.
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Load Toad43 months
Bad situation, it's hard find SEC caliber left tackle.
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FLObserver43 months
we been saying this at LSU for well over a decade now.
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OilMan2543 months
Played like shite last year. Don’t really care if he smokes but he doesn’t seem to care much about winning. frick him
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CajunBullet43 months
He has "Me" ahead of the team and really doesn't care about anyone or anything else.
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NASA_ISS_Tiger43 months
Does anyone have a stat on how many times he got beat by a DE or OLB to get pressure or sack on the QB? Seems like every time I looked up he was getting beat.
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SuckFickNaban43 months
Kick a guy off campus for weed but Ausberry keeps his job...
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NOLA_BRED_LSU43 months
Kick a guy off campus for weed but “O” keeps his job. Kick a guy off campus for weed but “O” keeps his job.
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HTF4U43 months
Tell me something I didnt already know O
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