Former LSU players and current NY Giants teammates Brad Wing and Odell Beckham Jr. both appeared in Nikki Minaj and Ariana Grande's new 'Bed' music video.

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Both Wing and Beckham Jr. appear shortly after the 3:00 mark:

This is not the first time that Wing has interacted with Minaj as she gave him a shout-out in her 2017 song with Calvin Harris, "Skrt On Me."

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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PetroBabich79 months
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Hangover Haven79 months
That was pretty kringeworthy...
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pellietigersaint79 months
3min mark
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Sid in Lakeshore79 months
LOL, Wing and Odell look happy......... I would be too.
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wallowinit79 months
WANNA TALK BEACHED WHALES? there's your beached whale.
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ByUselves79 months
Video is great, audio, not so much.
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Lsu10120579 months
LSmusicvideoU? I don't know... Geaux Tigers
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Gumbo179 months
LSU music vidieaux =) GEAUX TIGERS!!!
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Dr. Morgus79 months
Pete’s not gonna like that, Brad....
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OweO79 months
I like the song.. And like seeing two Tigers reppin in it.
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Hawgnsincebirth5579 months
Wing giving nikki the BWC
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Jizzy0879 months
You ever throw a toothpick, into a volcano??
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LesnarF579 months
IMO the song sucks but would love to bust that arse and big titties.
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