LSU defensive lineman Arden Key spoke to the media on Monday and said that junior running back Leonard Fournette should be honored on Senior Day this Saturday at Tiger Stadium.

LSU will honor 18 seniors during Senior Day ceremonies.

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Mouche33794 months
I think they should. The only reason it's called Senior day is because back in the day everyone played 4 years before going to the draft (you also couldn't play as a true freshman). That's the only reason it's called senor day. You were certain that this was going to be the last year with these guys, so you honor them. Is there anyone not certain that LF7 is going to declare for the draft at the end of the season? Yeah, I would like to have another year with him, but it's not going to happen. But considering all the good times he has giving us, how he has been such a great representative of not only LSU, but the entire state of Louisiana. I think he's earned the right to be honored.
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BILLFISHER2294 months
Take it easy on LF. This is coming from Key, not Fournette. However, I agree senior day is for seniors. If you do it'll have to do it for all declaring youngsters. I appreciate the respect they have for him, but.....
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RBWilliams894 months
I'm not knocking Fournette but what exactly has he done to be the exemption to the rule? It's senior night. Not senior and a good junior night.
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Mulerider94 months
I thought for sure he was coming back. With all of the injuries he has fallen from top 3 pick to top 5 pick...
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BILLFISHER2294 months
All the more reason to declare. IMO If you're not
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BPTiger94 months
I agree. He should stay and be honored next year on senior day.
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LSUcajun7794 months
No. he wants to be honored then stay and be a senior. There is a reason they are honored.
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monsterballads94 months
ok time to give the mic back arden. thanks for your opinion.
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tigeramongpigs94 months
As much respect as I have for LF and his accomplishments, he shouldn't be honored in the Senior Day ceremony for obvious reasons.
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ppplsu94 months
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Gulf Coast Tiger94 months
I love LF7, but this is senior day, not juniors leaving early day. Good luck to LF7 and I hope he has a great career.
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AtlantaLSUfan94 months
We can honor him in every way. Honor him in every game. Just don't call him a senior because it's weird.
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AlabamasSalaryCap94 months
No. Don't cheapen senior day.
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rob6294 months
Jey BugatGoat. Screw you. LSU fans have not done anything that LF has "had to deal with" as you put it. You are a troll more than likely but either way go fukc yourself. POS.
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rodnreel94 months
To qualify for being honored at senior day you simply need to be a senior on the team. Sorry but he doesn't qualify. Should we allow the rest of the juniors who might be leaving early to be honored.
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TigerSpray94 months
Only underclassmen would think this up.
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RightWingTiger94 months
Why is this even a conversation? Seems apparent that you have to be a SENIOR to be honored on SENIOR DAY!!!
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BUGAtGOAT94 months
He has delt with enough shite from our terrible fan base he should be honored. He has had more great moments than any other Tiger. There will never be another Leonard Fournette. Honor this man! He had to deal with getting his shite pushed in by Alabama THREE TIMES. HONOR HIM! Why cant we honor the juniors we are certain are leaving before honoring the seniors? Adams and LF should both be honored but it shouldnt take away from the Seniors like Beckwith and White who could have left last year too.
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Mike da Tigah94 months
Absolutely NONE of that addresses why a junior should be celebrated as a Senior when he isn't a Senior. This isn't an appreciation for what you accomplished in football. This is a recognition of being a Senior, and finishing what you started academically. It's still an academic institution. If you want a separate recognition for appreciating players who leave early, then fine. Have one, but it still doesn't make a junior a senior.
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AtlantaLSUfan94 months
We honor him daily. We can walk him out onto the field every game that's fine. Bringing out a junior and saying "happy senior day, thanks for being here 4 years" is just weird.
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LSUTigah4Life94 months
Nope...senior day for seniors. A reward and honor for those who stuck with the program to the end.
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eugene1928LSU94 months
Absolutely, nothing else needs to be said, Its called SENIOR day
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warlock197494 months
Yes, if he also gets invited to play in the Senior Bowl.
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Mike da Tigah94 months
If LSU honors Leonard Fournette on Senior day when he isn't a Senior, what kind of message does that send to other juniors who will not be leaving early but gave everything they had to open holes so that LF could bust runs? What's it say to other juniors who will leave early but won't get recognized as a senior when they aren't a senior either, but I suppose not worthy as LF is? NO... Senior Day is to honor Seniors, not Juniors who leave early. This isn't a very difficult concept here. Not everyone gets a trophy
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