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re: French have f'ed up food service

Posted by BPTiger on 7/26/24 at 8:16 am
“plant based” Brady and LeBron both eat meat. ...
I used to. It really isn’t a good hot sauce. There are so many better at every heat level. ...

re: Legit WYHI Twitter thread

Posted by BPTiger on 7/25/24 at 9:36 pm
I was running on “yes or why not” about 2/3 through 12 then there was a hard left turn and I’m out. And there are clearly a few trannies they call women. ...

re: Crazy dream last night

Posted by BPTiger on 7/25/24 at 3:07 pm
God I hate when my wife says these words. I didn’t read your dream I just clicked to tell you that literally no one cares or wants to hear about your dreams. ...
I’ll never tell anyone I was fooled by a passable t-girl. ETA: damnit! ...
Not a cop or lawyer. I would think so they can claim they’ve established probable cause so the immediate breathalyzer doesn’t get tossed as some kind of illegal search. ...
[embed]https://x.com/talkingiants/status/1815927610381115848?s=46&t=OkBC5QluV6xw9nEMTlRnSQ[/embed] Here is some of the Nabers talk - specifically Saban describing Nabers as “a fricking problem.”...

re: Antarctica Facts

Posted by BPTiger on 7/24/24 at 9:42 am
Would it be faster to fly from the south tip of Chile to Perth, Australia over Antarctica? Or would it be faster to fly over the South Pacific? ...

re: When being a pirate goes poorly

Posted by BPTiger on 7/23/24 at 12:36 pm
With that kind of explosion that may have been a kamikaze ...
I’m on team horse. That said, horses can be assholes. When I was a kid I went to a summer camp where each kid would get their “own” horse to take care of while they were there. My horse would intentionally step on my foot when I was brushing it and shite. The camp counselor just told me ...

re: Let’s discuss colonizing Mars. Why?

Posted by BPTiger on 7/21/24 at 10:28 pm
Why explore Antarctica? Why explore the Mariana Trench? Why climb Everest or K2? The human spirit baw. ...
That plane looks way too high to make the landing. Seriously. I’ve never seen a picture of one that high at that point at that airport. ...
Now we’re gonna have to worry about a bunch of maga people diving into the bodies of liberals and making them explain from the inside out. ...
My dad was telling me the same thing until he found the leak. ...

re: My Dog Just Bit Me

Posted by BPTiger on 7/19/24 at 10:41 pm
Mostly unrelated to OP but I don’t understand why anyone would buy a weiner dog or a chihuahua. ...

re: Total prick of a landlord

Posted by BPTiger on 7/19/24 at 9:25 am
Doesn’t seem like a smart business move to potentially destroy the business of your tenant if you want them to have enough money to pay the lease payments. ...
Only to feel adequate ...
This is like a [b]WYHI[/b] thread where the obvious answer is IWHI. The more interesting question of whether or not it would be self defense is if the dead guy did exactly what he did but without a firearm. Even in that case I think there is a 50/50 chance the shooter walks on self defense. ...
He got shot in the throat and the face at point blank. Probably the most clear self defense shooting I’ve ever seen. ...