Vasha Hunt-USA TODAY Sports
New York District Judge Edgardo Ramos has ruled that LSU head coach Will Wade does not have to testify in next week’s NCAA Corruption trial, according to ESPN College Basketball reporter Jeff Borzello.

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tjohn deaux70 months
They got what they wanted: LSU knocked out of the tourney.
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Pianoman70 months
Wow...from Will Wade to Trump, the media just never can get it right.....
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GeauxsomeMeaux70 months
Judge said today the wire taps sealed forever! It’s over!
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TOSOV70 months
But errrrbody knows what he did, so does it really matter when it comes to reminding lsu fans of yalls hypocrisy when whining about others "cheating"??...I think not.
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elcid70 months
Read Between The Lines” If he ever did testify he would burn the MFer down with him. “They” cannot upset the entire NCAA over this. “They” are also happy they hooked assface Alexander into not letting WW coach LSU into the Final 4
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tjohn deaux70 months
Exactly. Far too many people make million$ on the NCAA.
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TOSOV70 months
So whats the reasoning though? He dindu nuffin??
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TOSOV70 months
So whats the reasoning though? He dindu nuffin??
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The King70 months
No. The reasoning is that neither LSU nor Arizona are at issue in the current trial. The testimony is irrelevant to the claims before him.
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BayouBengal9970 months
Now he should sue everyone of those bastards who decided to drag his name in the mud. Man this gets on my nerves, I can’t imagine how WW feels about all this. LSU will be better off for it, finally getting rid of that spineless dirtbag. Now it’s time for a new president! Spring cleaning!
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mallardhank70 months
Danger Will Robinson The snake in the grass is still waiting to strike - NCAA hasn’t had its say yet.
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alumni9570 months
You mean Woodward’s buddy Mr. Emmert?
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Mike da Tigah70 months
Awaiting Dick’s tweet
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Deplorable Duke70 months
Why should WW want to stay after the way he's been treated? Nothing like pissing away an NCAA tourney bid, eh Jalleva? WW should go tell LSU A&M to go frick themselves.
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AustinKnight70 months
Cause Woody says stay we will make it worth your while
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kncstrand70 months
Now let’s get rid of F King.
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TigerSpray70 months
Lawyer up Sankey, better yet RESIGN!!!
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Rebel70 months
Dick Vitale should be fired.
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Jude70 months
What about the idiots in the media that published all the crap (which we already knew about) at the most crucial time of the season?
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BhamTigah70 months
Football season needs to start today. Hate to waste this good mojo we got going right now.
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LesnarF570 months
King Pussy still has to go!!!
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Spankum70 months
Excellent news! I am not sure exactly how you can go from an FBI wiretap to being completely off the hook, but I’ll take it!
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Froman70 months
He wasn’t the one they wiretapped, so that had something to do with it.
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The King70 months
He is not off the hook, people. The judge decided that the Wade's testimony would be irrelevant to this particular trial. That is all. Dawkins is not on trial for anything that happened at LSU, so the judge decided that it would be irrelevant to this case.
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Dead End70 months
But Yahoo..... Fake news journalist from Yahoo can EAD.
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Sprung70 months
Wade was like if I'm going down we're all going down.
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Spankum70 months
Exactly...time to get past all of this drama and get back to watching sports!
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dagrippa70 months
lets all just lay low and let this blow over now
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Drex2670 months
And now Dick Vitale should issue a public apology to LSU and WW and FKing should be fired and Conpliance Office gutted.
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