Bruce Thorson-USA TODAY Sports
Per BATON ROUGE—The No. 19 LSU baseball team trailed Tennessee 7-3 entering the top of the ninth inning, but the Tigers rallied to score six runs, highlighted by a three-run walk off moonshot by designated hitter Daniel Cabrera, to secure the series sweep, 9-7, Sunday evening in Alex Box Stadium, Skip Bertman Field.

The win marked head coach Paul Mainieri’s 1,400th career win. He is one of only four active Division I baseball coaches who have reached the career milestone and is the 13th coach in the all-time history of Division I baseball to have accumulated 1,400 wins.

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Filed Under: LSU Baseball
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olgoi khorkhoi82 months
What’s with the sparse crowd?
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GoneFishing2182 months
Too often people leave when they assume the game is over. I always watch until the end because of games like this.
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The Cool No 982 months
Time to rally.. #Rallyfillintheblank
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PsychTiger82 months
I believe it is Rally Bees after the bee swarm the other day in practice.
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BayouBengal9982 months
Frickn sweet stroke!! Boy everyone knew it! Nice win Tigers!
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PillageUrVillage82 months
Moments like that are why I love this sport.
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hill durham82 months
A great win for a great coach
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LurkerTooLong82 months
Gotta love the subtle middle finger behind the helmet rounding third.
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TigerOnThe Hill82 months
I wasn't able to watch the game. Is there a story there?
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eddieray82 months
That was well hit.
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