Everyone loves a good sports underdog story, including golfer Paige Spiranac, who shared her top five this week...
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Filed Under: Golf
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Nix to Twillie24 months
Well if you're gonna include Toon Squad, then you have to include the 1990 Minnesota District 5 Ducks, the 1993 Cubs with Henry Rowengartner, and Underdog, the dog with super powers.
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TigerCoon24 months
Let's talk sports. Here are my tits.
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KennabraTiger24 months
Was a decent list until she mentioned Space Jam, wtf
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LesnarF524 months
Watch it with the sound off! I like when she shakes her arms to make her tits bounce. Paige should do a commentary on trampolines as she bounces on one, just a suggestion! That would get tons of clicks.
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The jiggle of her big tits is what gets me.
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PeleofAnalytics24 months
8 comments already and nobody says "how about your top 5 underboob pictures?" Disappointing...
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TFH24 months
Getting bored with her
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ncinthenext324 months
Yes, they are real and they're fantastic.
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PureBlood24 months
Welcome to puberty.
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Cajunboy4624 months
Man idk but she is getting a little old and boring!! Show the boobs already geeezus
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KennabraTiger24 months
Reddit brah
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SoFla Tideroller24 months
The first pitch video definitely dimmed her star. She's never going to be held in the same regard on here.
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Koolazzkat24 months
Bring back the panty shot or go home.
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Fanofages24 months
Who cares
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Pooswa24 months
Larry cares.
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