NESN's Kacie McDonnell posted some pics before hitting the town on Friday night. I think her outfit resembles a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. However, she thinks stormtrooper...

Good stormtrooper. Not bad.

Filed Under: General Sports
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TigerFan5555581 months
wearing a bra in the first pic... has no confidence her boobs stay up... lol
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pellietigersaint81 months
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Raider Cheerleader wearing a Chuck Taylor sneaker mini-skirt.
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emanresu81 months
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LSU$$$81 months
title gore?
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diat15081 months
She looks like a June bug
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SpartyGator81 months
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HTDawg81 months
She gets around.
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biglego81 months
Would love to drag my balls over her face
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Redbone81 months
I'd do'er. .... The girls at the quad don't put out.
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Jcorye181 months
The woman banging Varitek in the 00s was way hotter.
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Amazing Moves81 months
Ho hum.
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CapperVin81 months
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JackieTreehorn81 months
I’d frick her, but that ain’t saying much.
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Tiger on the Rag81 months
she looks very whoreish
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BowDownToLSU81 months
That's the kind I like TIGER Rag
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YStar81 months
She looks 45 in the face.
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Walt OReilly81 months
Post a pic of your wife
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YStar81 months
Happily young and not married. Post a pic of the cow which is yours.
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TigerFan5555581 months
@ Y Star hahahahahahahah
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El Campo Tiger81 months
LSU played UMass in baseball in the mid-90s and TCI Cable aired the games on the local access channel. NESN was the channel the games were on, and there was a Puerto Rican-lookin' broad that was hot as frick that was the "sidelines" reporter. She was hotter than Katie McDonnell for what it's worth.
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Hangit81 months
Who is Katie McDonnell?
user avatar
El Campo Tiger81 months
You know, Katie McDonnell. She lives on Greenwell Springs Road.
user avatar
Hangit81 months
Oh yeah. She stays back there by Lil' Ray, Knuck Knuck and Sugar Baby. My bad.
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TigerAxeOK81 months
I've seen better NESN employees in the quad...
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