Favorite team:Detroit Mercy
Location:Tom Brady = GoAT
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Registered on:12/7/2007
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Do they include people that left early? Or went to other colleges and graduated elsewhere?...
[quote]I have driven almost 1,000,000 miles in 30 years and have hit two deer. I hit both of those deer within an eighth of a mile of each other. Years apart.[/quote] Doctors still have no idea how my lung got infected, and I was told the chances of non-cancer related lung removal over 3 and unde...
[quote]Honestly, I take it as mostly sarcasm. Dark humor.[/quote] I wish I could, but the average dude is soft when it comes to relationships. I know I was for a good portion of my life, and maybe that is part of the reason I get so worked up over it....
[quote]Alright OT detectives. Get to work. We need some more pictures and information about this woman so we can properly judge her.[/quote] Assuming the kids are minors, she's a fricking rapist. I just don't get it, everyone here bitches that kids are growing up too early, gets mad at the Alph...
How is this even enforceable? It's not like juniors in high school are party to this, and there's no collective bargaining...
Are you arguing that because Trump has a website that explains his platform, it's exactly Project 2025 because there's some overlap? I took a quick read of both and 2025 has far, far more religious items and tone....
[quote]What else am I suppose to call it?[/quote] Providing instructions, giving tasks, ect ect. Take the easy verbiage wins. If my boss was like "Well I ordered you to do this" I'm probably not going to take it well....
Calling them orders doesn't help :lol:...

re: High housing prices...

Posted by Jcorye1 on 7/26/24 at 10:36 am
Reasonably correct, and we are also paying an extra 1.2k a month to knock it down quicker which also hurts a bit....

re: Is Rescue Me worth a binge?

Posted by Jcorye1 on 7/26/24 at 10:32 am
I liked everything but the ghosts....

re: High housing prices...

Posted by Jcorye1 on 7/26/24 at 7:29 am
Fiance makes around 135, and I make around 135, and a 380k loan still hurts, I couldn't imagine trying to do that on a combined 120k....

re: French have f'ed up food service

Posted by Jcorye1 on 7/26/24 at 7:27 am
[quote]That not true. A lot of athletes eat a plant based diet. Tom Brady and LeBron James are 2 off the top of the head. Also powerlifter Nick Squires and Brandie Crandall[/quote] They have private chefs and access to the best food possible. Also Lebron is probably on performance enhancers t...
Garlic chipotle is nice....
[quote]Honestly, she ain't left enough to save this country. Bernie was our only hope. Now it's just dog eat dog out here. There's no "rising tide lifts all boats". It's just "I've got mine, frick you. Actually, I want more"[/quote] Why do you deserve my labor?...
[quote]BUT - these companies are pretty pushy when asking customers to donate. She admits in her article that they use it to boost their reputations. Does it affect their ESG scores, which lead to them gaining more investors?[/quote] Probably, I mean they are organizing the donations and sending ...

re: Any Red Sox fans in here?

Posted by Jcorye1 on 7/25/24 at 10:04 am
[quote]How does it feel to get a 20 piece dropped on you??? [/quote] In a regular season game? I lived through the chicken and beer fiasco, one game ain't shite. Hell, I'm living through Chris Sale having a renaissance because we gave up on him, an owner that cares more about soccer than baseba...
[quote]Not to mention they get a tax break for the company for your donation.[/quote] No they don't, cmon at least do your research. [link=(https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/who-gets-tax-benefit-those-checkout-donations-0)]LINK[/link]...
Bitching about tipping is the new asking to be tipped. Man the frick up, press a dollar or nothing, and get on with your life....