Goodbye forever XFL. This stinks, I feel like they were finally figuring it out...
© Brad Penner-USA TODAY Sports
Goodbye forever XFL. This stinks, I feel like they were finally figuring it out...
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Filed Under: General Sports
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bigman33453 months
Good. shite wasnt gonna stick anyway. maybe now they'll stop fricking trying
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WithaRebelYell53 months
Why do you care if someone trys?
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jcaz53 months
Ridiculous. We will never get spring football to stick. I was enjoying XFL. Seemed like a quality product.
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Dogwalk53 months
Class action lawsuit by XFL against China?
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GaDawg997753 months
Another Covid-19 death.
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3down1053 months
This is what happens when people buy into the myth that the players are what generates the money, rather than the brands they are playing for.
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Hamma112253 months
Watched for 5 min horrible product
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Ebbandflow53 months
That's a strange way to look at it when you consider the fact that all of those players we're 2nd rate in comparison to NFL players. One could argue that the product wasn't as good or the brand wasn't as good because everyone knows they're still professional players that are better in a different League. Players are still what matters in sports
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Ebbandflow53 months
*there are
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skullopener53 months
was going to happen regardless....shitty product.
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bfniii53 months
i watched the xfl. haven't watched the nfl in 15 years. i really liked it and for the most part, it was good football. the rules changes were great
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Outdoorreb53 months
Frick China. They are more trouble then they are worth.
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Bige1153 months
The Chinese government is the greatest evil the world has ever known. Killed 50 million when the commies came into power. Currently enslave at least 3 million.
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arcalades53 months
it was such a stupid business idea
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OceanMan53 months
Yeah who would have thought a pro football league could ever be successful
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arcalades53 months
it was such a stupid business idea
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kingfish22553 months
it was awful the hopefully they stop trying this
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GusAU53 months
I've never understood this mentality. Why do you hope they stop trying? How were you negatively impacted by the XFL? I can't stand watching the NBA, but would never want it to disappear. Too many people DO ENJOY it and I'm not selfish enough to want to take that away from them just because I don't.
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GasMan53 months
That's too bad. It was kind of fun.
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tketaco53 months
Houston National Champs!!
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Drizzt53 months
Damn. That was good football.
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GnashRebel53 months
They were actually putting together a good product.
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deltaland53 months
I think it would have stuck had the CV not hit. But a startup league can’t weather a financial hit like this
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ncinthenext353 months
That sucks completely.
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imjustafatkid53 months
I now think the coronavirus was an NFL plot to keep the XFL from succeeding.
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3down1053 months
Careful you don't fall up any stairs.
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GatorReb53 months
welll shite
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