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Registered on:8/27/2016
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The new variant, which is feared to be driving a surge of infections among young people,

Oh boy, Karen ain’t going to like this.

re: Selection Sunday

Posted by GaDawg9977 on 12/19/20 at 7:10 pm
Kirby took his foot off the gas.
Hardest those two have worked all year.

f you die or gave a problem, you are on your own; no one to sue. I’m probably not taking that chance

This is the problem. You fricks thing everything bad is someone else’s fault and want to sue. Being in a human on planet earth has its risks. If you want to sue someone sue your

Oh snap. Guess the Big Ten changed their rules for nothing then.

They will send it to the Supreme Court for the punt. It will all be ok then.
Schedule coastal Carolina so we can beat those frauds.
Hang Gathers was an incredible player.

re: Deer rifle for my son ?

Posted by GaDawg9977 on 12/6/20 at 9:33 pm
.243 w/muzzle break. Loud but zero kick.

re: WTH is wrong with the VT QB

Posted by GaDawg9977 on 12/5/20 at 9:03 pm
Wondering the same thing.
Two points

Good thing he had that mask on so he doesn’t die of Covid

Wonder what Insurance company gets to pay for that little gem. Likely us tax payers.
SC has always killed Us with TE.
Wish LSU would do something with A&M.

re: ESPN embarrassing as always

Posted by GaDawg9977 on 11/28/20 at 8:23 pm
Vandy considered P5 is fraudulent as well.

re: Vandy kick. Was that a full kick?

Posted by GaDawg9977 on 11/28/20 at 8:20 pm
Considering vandy P5 is marginal.
Frickin being outplayed by undermanned team agin.
Frickin terrible call. We ain’t playin Bama here ref.