Favorite team:Ole Miss 
Number of Posts:8224
Registered on:5/1/2015
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So if libs were not going full lawfare these days I would actually feel bad about this. I like winning but not via shenanigans ...
Houthis have been asking for it...
[quote]Mate why can't you just apologise to me so we can be friends again[/quote] Are you a woman?...
I think he knows the republicans happily hung him out to dry and doesn’t appreciate it ...
Kristol rejects anyone in the Republican Party who doesn’t do exactly what he says....
If it was below and two the left the shots would be heading into the air...
[quote]I have seen no one "worship" him on here. As far as "support" goes I would say that is a misleading. Understanding his situation would be a better description.[/quote] I consider this news suspect but your statement here is nonsense. ...

Huma Abedin and Alex Soros engaged

Posted by GnashRebel on 7/11/24 at 7:48 am
[link=(https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/huma-abedin-alex-soros-engaged-231742928.html)]Yahoo article[/link] Can’t make this stuff up...
Do you cry when you think about Hitler offing himself in his bunker?...
Constantinople was a shadow of its glory when it fell. The Eastern Roman Empire had very few holdings left. Ultimately there was little support from Christendom and some Christian states actively worked against them....
If it goes past the point of no return I will go down swinging ...

re: "We'll stop it"

Posted by GnashRebel on 7/3/24 at 2:39 pm
Are you a fed?...
Even though I despise her he is correct. I would rather an elected figure in charge than a group of shadow bureaucrats....