Zero sports are safe from fights breaking out. Zero. Per CBS News...

A kickball game that was part of a Sacramento sport and social league ended in a violent brawl that left one person knocked unconscious.

The video of the brawl has been shared on social media, shocking league participants like Jovi and Laniah.

Jovi and Laniah were not at that game but have participated in the kickball league for more than five years. They say they have never seen anyone become violent on the field Kickball is one of ten sports put on by Xoso Sport and Social League. The league aims to bring people 21 and up together to make friends through sports and social events.

"It really is just a fun, friendly league. It's just about adults having fun and doing recreational sports and nothing more than that," Jovi said.

The Sacramento Police Department said they responded around 9:15 to reports of a fight between several people. It's unclear what exactly started the fight. A player who was there told CBS13 that it involved a spectator, but that has not been confirmed.

A police report was filed, but the man knocked unconscious refused to press charges.
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: General Sports
user avatar
buckfammer12 months
Is it them again yogi?
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Warfarer12 months
ok....who invited their black friends to play kickball with them? frick. This is why we can't have nice things.

The part I really don't understand is the head stomping shite. I vote that anyone who headstomps someone down is automatically charged with attempted murder.
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ALhunter12 months
The thumbnail doesn't match the video...
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Beats2Geaux12 months
POS thugs
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cajunmud12 months
WTH is making folks so much more violent these days? Is it chem-trails...poison vax...brain scrambling photon waves...poison in our water & food? It's something, and don't think Power ain't loving it.
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TigerEyeGuy12 months
Environmental toxins for sure. But the psychological stress of a .gov that lies and gaslights paired with a CIA controlled media that forces fear and sorrow from every angle does a number too.

Overall, we just need more Jesus.
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tigersaint2412 months
wait till tomorrow with the "pulse"....itll be worse
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Heinrich H12 months
Only in Cali
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TigerEyeGuy12 months
You haven't seen baltimore, Philly, chicago, or Nawlins anytime recently?
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kywildcatfanone12 months
No arrests I'm assuming
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BobABooey12 months
The guy who got his head stomped on while he was on the ground refused to press charges. Guarantee he brings a pistol to the next game. Maybe bear spray if he’s lucky.
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jscrims12 months
The guy who got stomped on was the one leading the charge. Didn’t deserve to get kicked in the head multiple times while knocked out but certainly wasn’t an innocent bystander.
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gamecockman1212 months
Stomping and hitting an unconscious person. There's a common theme between those two individuals and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.
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AtlantaLSUfan12 months
Who the F stomps on someone face during a kickball fight when the other guy clearly has everything under control. Would have otherwise been an entraining fight.
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idlewatcher12 months
Would’ve never guessed the clown in the hoodie would stomp on someone.
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Rex Feral12 months
@Y Start OP didn't' say anything about race. That's on you.
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rattlebucket12 months
Besides gray shirt head thump all i hear are geese getting murdered
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