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Registered on:4/4/2008
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re: Ron Paul vs. J.D. Vance

Posted by BornKjun on 7/25/24 at 7:46 am
[quote]Is "populism" just a form of messaging?[/quote] [quote]I mean, yeah, basically. What do you think it is?[/quote] I guess I was asking what the difference between a "libertarian populist" and "libertarian" was. ...

re: Ron Paul vs. J.D. Vance

Posted by BornKjun on 7/25/24 at 7:38 am
[quote]meddling in the Middle East [/quote] Foreign policy is a different issue. That part of Ron Paul might have the most staying power. The world has a Hitler problem. One, it's because of Hitler/Japan that the U.S. was basically forced to protect the world after WWII. Two, mos...

re: Ron Paul vs. J.D. Vance

Posted by BornKjun on 7/25/24 at 7:27 am
[quote]Javier Milei is a libertarian and a populist in Argentina[/quote] Is "populism" just a form of messaging? ...

re: Ron Paul vs. J.D. Vance

Posted by BornKjun on 7/25/24 at 6:37 am
Don’t totally disagree, but the point is you are potentially messing with people’s lives. You can be 100% right, but you’ll get no where if not enough people are on board. Some will jump on board but leave when the going gets tough. Argentina has Milei because the situation was extreme and ...

Ron Paul vs. J.D. Vance

Posted by BornKjun on 7/25/24 at 4:08 am
I was reading an article I saw on Realclear politics. If you read it, it makes it clear that the libertarian wing of the GOP is losing. Yet, I personally know a few libertarian-leaning folk who have basically been MAGA for awhile. Go figure .. I was never a Ron Paul supporter. When I was ...
When is the football final?...
[link=(https://www.milb.com/player/francisco-vicioso-811591)]Stats are real .. 10 appearances but only 3 innings[/link]...

What’s Barack’s next move?

Posted by BornKjun on 6/27/24 at 11:54 pm
Who is Biden’s puppeteer? Barack Obama. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Biden is the only candidate that would allow Barack to run the ship behind the scenes. Therefore, the Obama camp goes to bat for Biden. Any other Dem would want to make their own mark and relegate Obama to a seconda...

re: Share your movie plot ideas

Posted by BornKjun on 2/7/24 at 11:33 am
The neighbor: Steve Buscemi...

Share your movie plot ideas

Posted by BornKjun on 2/7/24 at 11:25 am
Just got one. Heard about "Uber Teen" Some wacko plans on kidnapping a teen girl so he signs up with the intention of getting enough rides and strong reviews to qualify to be a "Uber Teen" driver. This dude's plan doesn't go the way he plans and starts getting bad reviews because he's a nutjo...
What happened to iron sharpens iron? Bringing in competition is as much about strengthening the backups to motivate the starters which helps the development process. This guy is just wrong. Should always bring in players to push the ones you already have. Of course, there is a point that ...
Seems like a competent DC but nothing overly impressive. One question: how much did he delegate to his DC while HC? 3rd in that conference isn’t bad by any means but doesn’t suggest he’s Tier 1. Whether or not this is will work out probably depends on recruiting, player development, etc. ...
I made a prediction after one of the debates:: GOP Chairman...

re: Vivek drops out, endorses Trump

Posted by BornKjun on 1/15/24 at 10:33 pm
He said he'll be campaigning with Trump in NH this week...

re: Come on Bama get yourself together

Posted by BornKjun on 1/15/24 at 9:43 pm
“Can’t do anything in response” is a loser’s mentality Just give your own players a reason to stay, perhaps??? ...

re: This Bama tweet made my night!

Posted by BornKjun on 1/15/24 at 9:38 pm
BS BS BS They can recruit their own guys to stay. Just treat them as potential transfer to Bama and get them to come back. Edit: Exactly, shovelhead! ...
Add it up. Christie will do what he can to defeat Trump. Christie thinks Haley will get smoked. Christie is going to raise money for Biden. ...
Florida State might benefit from Saban's retirement more than anyone else. They may be a popular choice for a lot of the players Bama had been signing. Bama hiring Norvell would at the very least make this possibly less likely and keep Bama head & shoulders above FSU. Norvell might actuall...
I'm starting to strongly hold that most "progressive", "woke" people are women. Elon, Rogan, Maher, etc. are examples of Democrat-leaning people who are strongly pro-free-speech/anti-woke. Very few people along the same line as that group just named are women. Some men who are woke, etc. ar...