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Registered on:12/20/2020
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re: Saints Offensive Coordinator Search

Posted by Sonnyboy on 1/19/24 at 6:40 pm
Why the hell isn't Klint Kubiak on the list also? Either way, I want in on the Shanahan tree.


Why did Saban do so much better at Alabama than at LSU?

Les set a standard in terms of reprehensible behavior towards women, that DeBoer will thankfully fall far short of.

Because he was there longer?? Is it not obvious? It's hard to play the what-if game but there's

re: Emery will be needed

Posted by Sonnyboy on 11/26/22 at 7:58 am
Emery needs to be fed swing routes and screens. Get that man in the open field. Tell him to stop fighting for extra yardage and go down.
I've been on that win high all week brother. I hadn't watched a full, from start to finish LSU game since we were robbed in that A&M OT game years ago. Between that and the Saints NFCCG Ref Rob Job, it turned me off of football for the first time in my 42 years of existence. This game brought me bac

Tell me you are a racist Democrat without telling me you are a racist Democrat. Insurrection.... without being armed??? Oh what a usefel idiot you are. Lmao.

I guarantee you've never held an original thought of your own

re: If Daniels can’t run?

Posted by Sonnyboy on 10/2/22 at 9:06 am

That Nussmeier QB impressed me lol, I really was impressed when Kelly ripped his arse coming back to sideline after a stupid read.

We can meet up at the sonic on Kingston Pike if you wanna talk shite
Anyplace that has alleys and restaurants will smell like that with the number of people that place sees. There's an alleyway near Market Square in Knoxville when I first came upon it said "smells like home."


Sage Steele a sell out. Plain and Simple. Salute to Ryan Clark
Brother you are an idiot.

Just because you don't agree with him doesn't make it not true.

She's angling for a Fox News job where she belongs.
[quote]Keep on tilling the fields for your, Liberal masters. Its funny how if a black person calls out another by disagreeing and not abiding by the status quo, we are label sell outs, or Uncle Toms. Sage has the right to not agree and follow along because that what your liberal masters tell you we

re: Fort Lauderdale Recommendations?

Posted by Sonnyboy on 5/1/22 at 9:35 pm
Dutch Pot (Jamaican)

Get the brown stew chicken. Even tho it's Jamaican it's like southern comfort food hands down. So good.

Shalama's Roti Shop (Trinidadian)

My recommend

re: NIL coming to high schools

Posted by Sonnyboy on 4/7/22 at 9:07 pm
We're in a new era of collegiate and high school sports. If this gets more quality players into Louisiana high schools, and in turn into LSU, you gotta do it.

re: Per Rothstein - Matt McMahon to LSU

Posted by Sonnyboy on 3/21/22 at 3:46 pm
I love driving past there when the college students are out rowing them boats ;)

I'm okay with rebuilding and not spending the assets to chase someone like Wilson or Rodgers.

What about this team other than QB makes you think we're in for a rebuild?

re: Saints Head Coaching options

Posted by Sonnyboy on 1/25/22 at 1:58 pm
What's wrong with you? What in your head makes you think Eric B. would leave the Chiefs to make a lateral move to the Saints?

re: Houston Texans fire David Culley

Posted by Sonnyboy on 1/13/22 at 4:19 pm
They're probably going after Flores. NFL should force them to get a new owner tho.
Hope the Bengals get more LSU players cause they're my second favorite team now. WHO DAT/DEY

re: Brennan Back (CONFIRMED WITH LINK)

Posted by Sonnyboy on 12/16/21 at 11:13 am
Hell ya. Real happy we get to hopefully see a full year of Brennan. Kid deserves to leave LSU after a great season.

re: UNO cancels Saturday's game vs WBB

Posted by Sonnyboy on 12/15/21 at 7:29 am

Clown AD and university. Covid is over.

Michigan averaging 5000 new cases a day for the past week would say otherwise, lol.