Favorite team:LSU 
Location:New Orleans
Biography:LSU alumni 2000-2004, LSU Medical School
Number of Posts:107
Registered on:2/16/2016
Online Status:Not Online

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Great game. Managed to get the end zone pylon from that game and have it displayed on my shelf!
My lead up to races involves abstaining from alcohol for 7-14 prior to the race, short runs 6&7 days prior to the race, upper body weight training the last few days before the race and no exercise the day before. Go to bed around 9 pm the night before the race. Wake up at 5 - 530 race day for coffee
At the gym get you squats and deadlifts done. Use their machines for leg isolation exercises. At home have some free weights, 20-30-40 lbs, and do what you can. For example, do hundreds of lunges while also getting family stuff done. Point being, use the gym for big things such as using their squat

re: 1st rd went as good as possible

Posted by Anemone on 4/26/24 at 8:00 am
It went as well as possible.
To clarify, this is an association not a causation.

re: Protein - Whey vs. Casein

Posted by Anemone on 6/20/23 at 11:49 pm
Baby formula is all about whey protein being best for the tiny human's growth. Whey is way betta.
COVID-19 has become the eighth most common cause of death among children in the United States, according to a study” published in JAMA Network Open. This “analysis of data from the” CDC “found that there were 821 COVID-19 deaths” among “children and young adults ages 0 to 19” during “a 12-month peri

re: Running injury

Posted by Anemone on 12/17/22 at 3:02 pm
Muscle strain in the anterior tibialis muscle

re: ADHD Bros - Adderall Alternatives

Posted by Anemone on 8/23/22 at 5:45 pm
Clonidine and Atomoxetine are non stimulant alternatives. You could also consider a methylphenidate if you specifically want to avoid amphetamines.
Great question. Glad lots of people with medics degrees have offered advice. I imagine they also support ivermectin or azithromycin for covid19 symptoms….

Places such as Ochsner have drive through PCR testing. Turn around time is between 1-3 hours for your results.
You are generalizing state and city ordinances for masks and distancing to the federal government.
You need a login for the website and it is only provided to healthcare workers
Your vaccination is entered into the Louisiana state wide vaccine database. I checked mine the other day and it was there.