Favorite team:Kansas 
Location:Les Miles’ Old House
Occupation:Coach O’s Translator
Number of Posts:31
Registered on:10/12/2015
Online Status:Not Online

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Sorry, I was on another CFB message board where it was being discussed. They referred to GN sarcasticly as “The Great White Knight”, said other people complaining about JD because he was Black, etc. I meant to post it there. ...
The Offense is struggling, largely because we have a piecemeal O-line that is young, inexperienced, and lacking any depth. This will continue to be a problem the remainder of the season. On top of that, two starters from that unit were out against UT! Yes, Jayden Daniels could definitely play b...

re: Almost 3 years ago to the minute

Posted by TheMadHat on 9/8/22 at 10:05 am
So right! UT’s season and ours would’ve been a lot different. It goes to prove that football is a “game of inches”. One play can change the course for an entire season, especially in big games that are season openers! Big games to start the season are exciting for fans, but are so risky for a tea...

re: Brian Kelly Criticisms Debunked

Posted by TheMadHat on 12/1/21 at 1:10 am
How many coaches you know that could do as WELL as Kelly with these admission requirements? Admissions Overview [b]Notre Dame admissions is very selective with an acceptance rate of 16%. Students that get into Notre Dame have an average SAT score between 1400-1550 or an average ACT score of 32...

re: Folks, the plane has landed

Posted by TheMadHat on 11/30/21 at 2:24 pm
Yes, Kelly seems Really “Excited” to be a Tiger! ...
I know we are prepared to pay a lot for the next coach, but do you realize that Lincoln Riley’s current contract has a $25 mil BUYOUT Clause?...
I find this HARD to believe. IF he didn’t fly back with his team, I would imagine we would have (at a minimum) heard a lot more “noise” than this by now! I’m not accusing you of lying, but where are all the other rumors and speculation regarding this?...
quote: You’re not bothered at all by 4-5 last year at Penn State or his alleged baggage from Vandy “I am absolutely bothered by it, this is not a great time to be looking for a HC” - Supatigah I believe Franklin would be a Solid Choice for our next HC. He took Vandy to 3 straight Bowl games,...

re: List of potential candidates

Posted by TheMadHat on 10/20/21 at 8:40 pm
Even if Fickell wanted the job, I just don’t see how the timeline would work out. Unless they have a historic collapse, his Cincy team will either be in the CFB Playoff or at least playing in a Big Bowl. He wouldn’t announce he was leaving until after all that was done. That puts us waiting until so...

re: Fickell will come.

Posted by TheMadHat on 10/8/21 at 10:26 am
Just think....... If we had landed Marcus Freeman, we would have a nice solution to our problem. Fickell could have reunited with Freeman, and we would be Set for a while. However, I do believe Woodward will Nail this upcoming hire. Just my .02 , but I’m a firm believer in 2nd chances. If Hugh F...
[quote]Just curious. Are you a Trump supporter? Does it piss you off that liberals want him to fail? If so, don't be a hypocrite. Trump and O were terrible decisions, and while I have no faith in either, I am hoping to be surprised when they turn out ok.[/quote] Dang, man! Did someone take your ...
[quote]Why do this when no one will be watching? A press conference or a football game of 2 vs 3? weird timing[/quote] They are doing it during the BIG Game, BC its not BIG NEWS!!! We All now KNOW, it is indeed Coach O ! I am disappointed, but will pull for him 100% They may make a mov...
[quote]More like we'd bitten Aranda, in a "bite the hand that feeds you" sort of way. We brought the guy in, eviscerated the staff, yet we are now surprised he'd head elsewhere? You frame that "Aranda could bite us"?[/quote] Just like NCTigah said. It concerns me somewhat, because I feel like we ...
[quote]Jeff Bowden? WUT[/quote] If that's the case, maybe he can get Tommy AND Terry to join him! Now, wouldn't that be a story!...

re: LSU is doing the right thing

Posted by TheMadHat on 11/26/16 at 1:39 am
[quote]It still f'n amazes how easy these folks think it to hire a top OC. Like there's a shop you can go to pick one up or some shite[/quote] Right On! Or that we can do whatever we want, and our Awesome DC will stay with us "No matter what!"...
Hope Alleva knows what he is doing THIS Time. (Have my doubts). Out of the 3 Known Candidates, I prefer Herman. However, I do feel Jimbo would be good for us. Coach O, I am pulling for a little bit, b/c I like the "Underdog/Down Home Boy redeems himself angle. " If Alleva legitimately had an oppor...