A Neymar impostor is having his way in Qatar during the World Cup...
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: Soccer
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ghost2most27 months
who the frick is neymar? They could fool me. Never heard of him
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CanebreakCajun27 months
Played the Redsox back in the day.
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PureBlood27 months
This Neymar discovered Modelo
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Mahootney27 months
All Brazilians look alike to the qatar people.
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RoyalAir27 months
Being a hyper-recognizable athlete like Neymar or Messi sounds utterly exhausting in real life.

You wouldn't be able to go anywhere without being mogged. Yeah, you're wealthier than the Queen, but at what price?
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YMCA27 months
How often do you see athletes walking around in uniform or something that resembles a uniform or celebs in costume? These people deserve to get fooled. Oh look, that guy looks like Robert Downey Jr. and he has on the Iron Man costume so that’s got to be him.
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LSU_Legz27 months
lol, this!
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