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Trump (rumor?) - If Mother Receives Child Support, She Can't Claim Dependent on Taxes
Posted on 1/20/25 at 4:39 pm
Posted on 1/20/25 at 4:39 pm
“Strong independent women” finna be mad
99% sure this is total BS, but something that should be true.
I keep hearing this and seeing videos, but can't find the original tweet.
Tons of videos from very happy black fathers, but can't find the original Tweet.
Trump. Just tweeted if you put your baby father on child support, right? Right. You can't claim income tax.
Cuz this a new law gets paid. That going to stop your baby mama from taking your income tax cash.
he's trying to say women can no longer recieve the child tax credit if they are getting child support payments, which makes sense.
This post was edited on 1/20/25 at 4:42 pm
Posted on 1/20/25 at 4:46 pm to Shexter
If Mother Receives Child Support, She Can't Claim Dependent on Taxes
That would be a huge improvement on the system or at least get into a % split somehow.
I am down to paying for 3 but it is still almost $60k per year on a POST-tax basis. I have to pay income taxes on money I never get to touch and get no benefit from a taxation standpoint.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 4:55 pm to billjamin
As long as we keep incentivizing women to divorce, then nothing will change in marriage statistics
Posted on 1/20/25 at 5:24 pm to Shexter
The black ladies are freaking out and the black dudes are happy as hell on tik tok, but I’m pretty sure it’s all fake.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 5:29 pm to Shexter
Divorce agreements are a state issue. No one should want the federal government to insert itself into this.
Who claims this kids on taxes is something that can be included in divorce agreements.
Who claims this kids on taxes is something that can be included in divorce agreements.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 5:34 pm to Shexter
You’d think the president that’s been divorced 6 times would do the right thing and finally make child support illegal
Men have been persecuted for far too long
Men have been persecuted for far too long
Posted on 1/20/25 at 5:34 pm to Shexter
Catch up, income taxes are going away completely.

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This post was edited on 1/20/25 at 5:36 pm
Posted on 1/20/25 at 5:35 pm to SelaTiger
quote:get a life loser
on tik tok,
Posted on 1/20/25 at 5:35 pm to Shexter
Cuz this a new law gets paid. That going to stop your baby mama from taking your income tax cash.
WTF language is this?
Also where is this income cash tax being handed out to people instead of income taxes being taken from them???
Posted on 1/20/25 at 5:36 pm to Mid Iowa Tiger
I am down to paying for 3 but it is still almost $60k per year on a POST-tax basis.
You know they have other countries besides America right?
Posted on 1/20/25 at 6:00 pm to imjustafatkid
Divorce agreements are a state issue. No one should want the federal government to insert itself into this.
Correct but this is regarding federal tax credits.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 6:03 pm to Shexter
I doubt that is true. The TCJA actually changed how child support is taxed. Person paying used to be able to deduct and the person receiving had to recognize. Trump’s tax plan did away with that.
Lots of orders out there that were settlements where the tax credit is assigned to a certain parent.
I would love it…but it doesn’t seem likely to me.
Lots of orders out there that were settlements where the tax credit is assigned to a certain parent.
I would love it…but it doesn’t seem likely to me.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 6:04 pm to dallastigers
Also where is this income cash tax being handed out to people instead of income taxes being taken from them???
The child tax credit is a refundable credit.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 6:05 pm to billjamin
Correct but this is regarding federal tax credits.
This is more related to specific divorce agreements than to overall tax code.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 6:06 pm to imjustafatkid
Who claims this kids on taxes is something that can be included in divorce agreements.
Yes but if the court doesn’t address it, who claims the kid defaults to the tax code. Right now it’s whoever has more parenting time claims the kids
Posted on 1/20/25 at 6:11 pm to lsufball19
Yes but if the court doesn’t address it, who claims the kid defaults to the tax code. Right now it’s whoever has more parenting time claims the kids
I would bet the vast majority of decrees have a provision for the credits. It is often part of the negotiations.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 6:50 pm to BBONDS25
I would bet the vast majority of decrees have a provision for the credits. It is often part of the negotiations.
In TN, It’s addressed on our parenting plan but our child support guidelines also default to the tax code if the case goes to trial. It basically becomes an inarguable position if parties don’t settle
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