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re: Robert E. Lee has been misrepresented by regressive "historians"

Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:03 pm to
Posted by WhiskeyPapa
Member since Aug 2016
9277 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:03 pm to

Southern resistance to the national authority was impotent. We lost more Americans in the Civil War than in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf Wars combined. Union losses significantly outstripped Confederate losses. Your concept of impotency is bizarre.

Of the 600K deaths or whatever they claim now, 400K at least were camp deaths. Measles, Mumps, - communicable diseases. Only one in three were battle deaths.

With rifled muskets and on the defense, the Rebels should have simply been unbeatable.

110K to 94K - that is about equal really. To the point where is shows rebel incompetence. Of course a lot of that is on Lee.
This post was edited on 5/22/17 at 4:04 pm
Posted by Crowknowsbest
Member since May 2012
26046 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:04 pm to

When you have tactical outcomes like Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Cold Harbor and on and on, it should have been impossible to defeat the insurgency. But it soon collapsed.

If anything, that shows that the rebellion had no chance of ultimate success. The resistance itself was seriously fierce considering the circumstances on both sides.
Posted by Crowknowsbest
Member since May 2012
26046 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:06 pm to

With rifled muskets and on the defense, the Rebels should have simply been unbeatable.

They weren't completely on the defense. They had to expel a bigger force from the south to keep supply lines open. They couldn't just dig in at Richmond. They would have eventually starved.
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:06 pm to

It's not speculation. The South's major fear was that the election of a Republican administration would prevent the expansion of slavery into the western territories. Once that happened, the South feared, the representatives of these newly minted free states would go to Congress, get together with their northern counterparts, and eventually legislate slavery out of existence.

That wasn't just a fear. Everyone knew that the western states/territories would end up under union control, just as they knew this would happen after they seceded from the union. It was inevitable.


Many expansionist minded Democrats, including President James K. Polk, had long-term plans to expand the borders of the United States into Mexico and Cuba to continue the growth and life expectancy of slavery.

Again, what the united states wanted to do with the west is separate from what southerners could hope to do after secession. BOTH parties wanted to advance in south America, not just slave owning confederates. Once the south left, that dream died. The only thing left was to stave off the north long enough to make the tap out. The north still had all the means in the world to take the west and south America, and the resource thin agricultural government of the south had zero hope in hell of creating a slave economy paradise out of south America or the west BOTH places where the industrialist north and the abolitionists had interest in preventing that from happening.

Not only is this a stupid plan, it's a stretch you made only after I pointed out that the south could have kept slaves and remained in the union. We have dozens of very simple to understand issues that existed between the north and the south that can explain the reason for secession. We don't have to invent a science fiction-like narrative involving a long-term slave colony in south America to explain why southerners largely supported secession. These issues, I might add, still exist between different groups today.


hey were thinking long term, as I have already stated

You are making it seem like the long-term plans of JD and other southern leaders were the reason for the secession when it is very likely that those plans were the result of having economically closed off the rest of the US west and north. There was only a few viable location left for the confederacy, and that was south and some slivers of Mexico. Would JD have the confederacy seize areas of interest and under the control of the union for a long term hold? Of course not.

You are creating a complex narrative to avoid admitting a simple truth, that the south seceded for many political and economic reasons and lincoln was the personification of those issues.


We know that all of the states had supplementary reasons for wanting to leave the union that preserving slavery WOULD NOT HAVE CHANGED. But we know slavery was their primary reason.

Talking in circles now. they left to preserve slavery, then they left to expand slavery west, then they left to expand it south. Can we get all of these explanation out of the way in one reply so we can address them all?

The south left because the deck was slowly being stacked against them, politically and economically. Slavery was part of that, but not all of it. They could have kept slavery under Lincoln, but left the union in a fricking hurry (even starting a shooting war) despite that fact. They did so without having any solid plan or capability to expand in any of the cardinal directions you mentioned in your replies. That's right, they literally attacked lincoln's army before they made any serious attempts to expand anywhere else. That's how serious they were about expansion.

Posted by WhiskeyPapa
Member since Aug 2016
9277 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:06 pm to
It wasn't until World War One with its poison gas, rapid fire artillery., machine guns, tanks and all the rest that camp deaths and battle deaths were about 50%/50%.
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
125440 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:08 pm to

Slavery was owning people.

Gosh, was it? 'Dude'

Here a little clue. Everybody here understands that.

This thread is about the rationale in one man's contemporary decision to defend his people against invasion. You aren't able to distill that. I get it.

This post was edited on 5/22/17 at 4:09 pm
Posted by WhiskeyPapa
Member since Aug 2016
9277 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:09 pm to

With rifled muskets and on the defense, the Rebels should have simply been unbeatable.

They weren't completely on the defense. They had to expel a bigger force from the south to keep supply lines open. They couldn't just dig in at Richmond. They would have eventually starved.

They should have been able to maintain a strategic and operational defense. Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. But Lee had to attack anything he saw - even Fort Stedman at the very end of his personal misadventure.
Posted by KiwiHead
Auckland, NZ
Member since Jul 2014
29706 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:10 pm to

But it wasn't the end.

The defeat wasn't the beginning of the end for Lee.

Grant coming east was. Lee may have been able to rebound if Grant is not put in charge.

I look at it from a strategic point of view. The Union controlled the Ohio River from the beginning of the war and they also controlled Kentucky. The Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers both empty into the Ohio in Western Kentucky. Both rivers were navigable for more than half way upstream. For the Cumberland that was Nashville. For the Tennessee it was Florence/Muscle Shoals. When you can drop 40,000 men into Nashville close to the geographical center of the Confederacy with relative ease that should have alarmed Davis and Lee. When you could then float down the Tennessee o the Alabama/Tennessee/ Mississippi border and en move another 60,000 men into that area. It's a huge problem....add to it that Farragut is taking New Orleans at he same time, the South has a major problem and the battles in Virginia just become a needless but bloody exercise in futility.

Grant knew he had a great advantage in men and material and he was not adverse to using that advantage. Lee should have recognized that about Grant after he laid seige to Vicksburg and if hat was not enough the battles at Chattanooga in November should have truly been decisive...actually they were. Bragg was kicked off a mountain and he lost 40 cannon in the process.

That opens up the Deep South to Grant and the Union.Once the South saw that, Davis should have brought out the white flag....coupled with Gettysburg and Antietam in the Eastern theater....Davis should have just quit. Lee now had an army coming up his rear and he had the Army of the Potomac bogging him down in Northern Virginia....all hope was really was.
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:13 pm to

They should have been able to maintain a strategic and operational defense. Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. But Lee had to attack anything he saw - even Fort Stedman at the very end of his personal misadventure.

The south should have disbanded its armies and fought as an unconventional insurgency, but then again, they should have also freed the slaves and tried the slave owners for enslaving other humans.

Lee isn't my hero by any means, but I don't think he was a tactical slouch either. The guy basically knew the north would outlast given an modest battle tempo, and I think he and others believed they could win a few decisive victories and then the Union would come to the table.

That was of course, wrong.
This post was edited on 5/22/17 at 4:14 pm
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
125440 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:17 pm to

Of the 600K deaths or whatever they claim now, 400K at least were camp deaths.
T'is the nature of the beast. THAT IS THE POINT! It is a beast which could have been reduced or avoided with different actions on Lincoln's part. Both Lincoln and his Southern counterparts massively underestimated what Civil War would bring. Lincoln et al had some expectation the war would be over shortly after the First Battle of Bull Run. Everyone was stupid in the lead up.
Posted by RollTide1987
Augusta, GA
Member since Nov 2009
66026 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:24 pm to

It was inevitable.

Hence why they seceded.


BOTH parties wanted to advance in south America, not just slave owning confederates.

Incorrect. It wasn't until the late-19th century that the Republican Party began to adopt this idea.

I do appreciate your ad hoc Wikipedia research though. Most impressive.


Not only is this a stupid plan, it's a stretch you made only after I pointed out that the south could have kept slaves and remained in the union

And yet you agree with me that the North would have eventually legislated slavery out of existence with the admittance of the western territories as free states into the Union...


You are creating a complex narrative to avoid admitting a simple truth, that the south seceded for many political and economic reasons and lincoln was the personification of those issues.

Where have I ever avoided this truth? I merely stated that slavery was the primary cause of secession. Which it was.


Talking in circles now.

There's a difference between talking in circles and you misunderstanding my original argument.

Obviously the South can't expand westward once they have seceded. Hence why they had the Latin America plan in their back pocket. Once war was enjoined the dynamic changed. If they had come out on top there was a good possibility they could have held onto the Arizona territory as well as gained control of the New Mexico territories from the Union.

Posted by mizzoubuckeyeiowa
Member since Nov 2015
36311 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:24 pm to
Lee was always going to fight for Virginia. That's where allegiances lay back then.

But lets not use Lee as an example of regressive historians.

You had real history written - then after Reconstruction you had historians rewritting the war in myth and romance - from which a lot have probably been raised on - and now you have original history being written again - cutting through all the lost cause muck and guck.

This speech was given shortly after the Confederate government was formed and just a few weeks before Lincoln tricked the Confederacy into firing on Ft. Sumter. Vice President of the Confederacy Stephens tells us:

But not to be tedious in enumerating the numerous changes for the better, allow me to allude to one other though last, not least. The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the “rock upon which the old Union would split.” He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted.

The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically.

It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with, but the general opinion of the men of that day was that, somehow or other in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. This idea, though not incorporated in the constitution, was the prevailing idea at that time.

The constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last, and hence no argument can be justly urged against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the “storm came and the wind blew.”

Then Stephens gives us the cornerstone of his new nation:

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.
Posted by geauxbrown
Member since Oct 2006
20487 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:55 pm to

Owning slaves was a legal practice.

still didn't make it moral

There you go again, passing judgement on folks who lived and died over 150 years ago.
Posted by geauxbrown
Member since Oct 2006
20487 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 4:57 pm to

Robert E. Lee has been misrepresented by regressive "historians"
However, the Civil War never happens if the South doesn't secede. Secession was driven primarily by the desire to preserve the institution of slavery. It's an interesting and incomplete premise.

Tariffs were legal but unfair.

No one made the southern aristocracy be averse to factories and free labor.

Kinda like folks who aren't averse to illegals coming to our country....because who else will pick vegetables, mow yards and wash cars on the cheap.
Posted by geauxbrown
Member since Oct 2006
20487 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 5:00 pm to

Perhaps you should read the Republican Party's original platform and Lincoln's views on the expansion of slavery into the western territories first.

Know it well, however I'm not speaking of expansion, rather the legal act of slavery as it stood prior to the start of the war. We all know that Lincoln would have gladly continued the practice of slavery if it would have kept the country from going to war. He also knew it was destined to play out on its own in a matter of decades if not years.
Posted by JonTigerFan11
Member since May 2016
874 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 5:11 pm to
It is absurd to me that people have been taught that the Civil War was fought because of slavery. Abraham Lincoln consistently said that the reason for the war was to preserve the Union. Whether slaves were free or not. He was voted in as a neutral candidate because he wasn't an opponent or proponent of slavery. The South seceded because they believed the people in Washington did not have their best interests in mind. It just so happened that the South was agricultural, so keeping slaves was important for them to sustain their economy. The slaves were freed in order to give the war a purpose as it grew more violent than those in charge predicted. Lincoln ingeniously also recognized that England and France could not justify helping a country that was "fighting for slavery" which effectively damned the South economically. To the soldiers who fought in the war, their State was effectively their country. Lee was not going to turn against his state and his family to preserve a fragile union. So he fought for his state and named his army The Army of Northern Virginia.
Posted by basiletiger
lafayette, la.
Member since Aug 2007
2154 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 5:19 pm to
Some of ya'll need a little history lesson so I'm going to help you out.

1. Robert E. Lee did IN FACT, own slaves. Yes, he eventually emancipated his father in laws slaves, but only after he used them, for years, to his financial advantage.
2. According to Lee himself ""The painful discipline they are undergoing is necessary for their instruction as a race... How long their subjugation may be necessary is known and ordered by a wise Merciful Providence," He was talking about slavery being necessary for african american's so that they could become they were animals...
3. He killed more americans than any opposing general in U. S. History.
4. He 100% supported the succession of the southern states from the country you now live in.
5. He fought as a confederate general to wholeheartedly defend the right to own slaves.
6. The Liberty Place obelisk that was removed was the rallying ground for David Duke. Yes, that David Duke (ya know, with the KKK)
7. If I see one more post asking for the removal of a Martin Luther king Jr. statue because New Orleans chose to remove statues that represent HATE to many people (even white people....) I am going to scream. silently. But still.
8. For those of you who don't know, MLK Jr. believed in the equality of ALL people regardless of their race or gender. He was probably one of the least hateful, least prejudice people to walk the planet. His message was love. And some of ya'll need some love apparently.
Please stop believing everything you read on Facebook and read some nonfiction.
Posted by RollTide1987
Augusta, GA
Member since Nov 2009
66026 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 5:23 pm to

It is absurd to me that people have been taught that the Civil War was fought because of slavery.

The southern states, most especially those in the Deep South, seceded primarily over the question of slavery.


Abraham Lincoln consistently said that the reason for the war was to preserve the Union.

And then his tune started changing in 1862. But apparently we only want to take into account words he said while trying to woo the South back into the Union. By 1863-64, the war had taken on a whole new meaning.


He was voted in as a neutral candidate because he wasn't an opponent or proponent of slavery.

Not true. He was very much opposed to the expansion of slavery into the territories and wouldn't have been sad to see the institution disappear from America entirely.


The South seceded because they believed the people in Washington did not have their best interests in mind.

I.E. slavery.


It just so happened that the South was agricultural, so keeping slaves was important for them to sustain their economy.

Yeah...and it just so happens had the South never had slaves, they never secede from the Union in the first place.

This post was edited on 5/22/17 at 5:24 pm
Posted by RandySavage
Member since May 2012
31307 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 5:25 pm to

That ranges from plastering the confederate flag on stuff (often while criticizing immigrants for using their old country's flag)

Certainly you understand the difference between the two?
Posted by magildachunks
Member since Oct 2006
33082 posts
Posted on 5/22/17 at 5:30 pm to

Certainly you understand the difference between the two?

Please explain
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