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What kind of life do you want to live? Opinion piece from quantum computing technologist

Posted on 7/4/19 at 11:10 am
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11100 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 11:10 am
Happy Idependence Day

Stay strong
Let’s build a better future :

to our liberation


Deep Prasad, the CEO of ReactiveQ, a multimillion dollar quantum computing tech start-up based out of Toronto, shares Lampkin’s sentiments.

“As technologists we seek to master science and engineering in such a way that all of humanity benefits from it," he told Motherboard. “In front of our eyes are technologies underlying these UFOs that are far beyond our understanding and capabilities of recreating ... if we pay close attention and reverse these technologies to bring to the masses, we will see a world with interstellar travel at our fingertips."

Deep published a very interesting opinion piece (interesting name and company name...)
I feel (and have felt this way for some time) the same way as the author (one day I clarify)


What kind of life do you want to live?
Deep Prasad Deep Prasad Follow
Jun 29 · 14 min read


Growing up no one ever tells you everything there is to know about the world. Why would they? It would be an impossible task to take on for both the teacher and the student. Yet as we grow up we are constantly given information that is at best 2nd-hand, and it is subtly implied as indisputable fact. Sometimes if you argue enough with the teacher, they might make it explicit how indisputable the fact is by shutting you up through various methods. Even if you successfully prove them wrong you will have at best enlightened a small crowd of minds around you. Yet Humanity’s collective pool of (incorrect) knowledge would remain largely unchanged regarding the fact being debated at hand. The purpose of this article is not to convince anyone of anything. If it is meant to be, it will play its small part in igniting the public subconsciousness to go out and ask the hard questions that need to be asked about the current world around them. If we want to have any dignity left as a society that prides itself with the status of an “intelligent, thinking species” then we should be jumping onto the pursuit for truth whenever new, potentially game-changing information comes our way. In my definition, game-changing information means information that could lead to the next definitive steps in Human evolution. Examples from history include the Golden Ages of Greece, Iran and the Renaissance in Europe over 400 years ago.


Over years of speaking to some of the world’s experts and leading companies on these topics as well as running a “deep tech” company, I’d like to think I’ve built an intuition for walking the fine line between the art of the possible and the art of the impossible. I’m constantly checking my numbers, claims, facts and their sources before making my company’s next move. My sci-fi ambition drives the direction but the *Real World* and its limitations firmly ground our goals in Reality. We have to. We have no other choice. It would be insanity for us to make our Engineering decisions based on speculating what technology might be built or discovered someday. Imagine for a second I worked at Tesla as an engineer and refused to work on the current model, a model constrained by Earth’s resources and the imagination of Tesla’s brightest talent. Imagine that I insisted instead on waiting for the magic metal Vibranium to be discovered and given to me and I refused to even acknowledge that the current model was our best one. That is no strategy and such an engineer would soon find themselves working elsewhere, probably at a sci-fi publication rather than in a hard Engineering environment. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but such a mentality is inexcusable for someone who actually does need to build something useful for the world at some point. Following? Good. Now you’re where I am, sort of. I see a world full of Engineers waiting for Vibranium to be dropped into their hands. Oddly enough, I see that there really does exist a very advanced technology that behaves like Vibranium but whoever owns it isn’t willing to share or reveal themselves. To make matters worse, the owner of said technology not only has Vibranium, they also seem to have some sort of impossible fuel source unknown to mankind and abilities to move through Reality in ways that were again, previously thought impossible. I am not describing science fiction here, this is real life. We are really living this scenario whether you like it or not. There is really someone out there who has attained the epitome of Science and Engineering in ways that break some of our most precious, well preserved laws of Physics. They have somehow overcome Engineering challenges that are hilariously out of scope for any Engineer, Technology Company, Government Organization or Private Organization in the public domain. I don’t care if you’re Google, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, SpaceX or Apple. You cannot and will not be able to replicate the observed technologies that the US Navy is constantly encountering around the world, as reported in virtually every mainstream media outlet these past few weeks. The very same flying objects invading their airspace is able to run circles around their best jets and pilots and leave without a chance of getting caught or identifying themselves. At a glance, a rational human might wonder, “Well who has the gonads to pull that off in US Military Air Space repeatedly without worrying about starting a war if they’re not American, or risk killing their own people if they are American? Most importantly, who can pull this level of technology off and stay hidden for all of Human History?” To me, the technology we are seeing is potentially hundreds of years ahead of us. I do not say this lightly. In fact, thanks to a fantastic journalist named Tyler Rogoway I came to realize how hilariously far behind even the greatest superpowers like the US is in catching up to the level of technology the Navy is running into. I say hilarious but it’s really not, in fact what I came to learn through a series of investigations done on the subject of what these objects are capable of and how no one knows what they are, has disturbed me to no end.


The patent application was initially rejected by the patent examiner under the grounds that one of the requirements was generating a magnetic field on the order of 10? Teslas, which as Tyler Rogoway correctly states is roughly the same strength as Magnetars. Such a magnetic field that this patent design calls for is hundreds of millions of times stronger than any man-made magnet, and quadrillions of times more powerful than the field surrounding Earth. Another fun fact about magnetars, they are 3 times heavier than the Sun while being only 10km in radius on average, which means a teaspoon of the stuff would weigh 100 million tons. Good luck recreating that in a tiny 50 foot long vehicle in our atmosphere without falling and tearing a hole through Planet Earth!

This post was edited on 7/4/19 at 11:15 am
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11100 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 11:10 am to


Speaking of superconductors, here’s another curious patent that the same Scientist filed for on the behalf of the US Secretary of the Navy. This time it’s on patenting a design for a room temperature superconductor which is considered a “Holy Grail” of materials science and engineering. It would be analogous to me patenting an AI algorithm capable of replacing every human on the planet, except my design was fundamentally flawed from the get go and the magic algorithm was nowhere to be found. Experts believe human level AI is still decades away, if it’s even achievable which is yet to be proven. So it would be strange if my patent got accepted on such grounds, right? I wouldn’t and indeed don’t stand a chance in predicting what the final Human level AI algorithms in the 2050s onwards will look like. If I did, I would have built a private army of sentient droids serving all my purposes already! Notably the inventor, Salvatore Pais, incorrectly conflates virtual phonons with physical phonons generated by shaking the wire in order to create cooper pairs in the room temperature superconducting patent application. The latter does not and will not ever create superconducting effects. This shows a fundamental flaw in the party’s understanding of Superconducting physics, it is akin to me confusing an apple with an orange just because they are both round! So why then was this patent taken seriously if it couldn’t possibly be right, right from the get go? Is this part of a suite of radical, impossible technologies they foresee coming for some reason? Is it to trick the enemy? Or is it something else, something a bit more sinister and a combination of all of the above and more? I believe it is the last option and my stance on this issue will be clear by the end of this article.


That’s what it takes to create a Gravity wave of any detectable frequency. To claim that we can generate them at will, to a point that we can bend spacetime to our liking and traverse at 30 times the speed of sound or more is ludicrous. We are never producing more energy than what is contained in the collision of 2 blackholes. Apparently, the US Navy believes someone already is doing that or will be able to in the near future.


Every single patent while interesting sounding in nature, would unlock an entirely new world for us if it existed. If we could actually produce a fraction of the energy implied in these design patents, if we could produce a fraction of the capabilities of manipulating spacetime the way this craft supposedly can when it’s working, we would never have to work another day in our lives. We would literally have the rest of the Galaxy in our finger tips. There are asteroids out there made of diamond, gold and titanium (maybe not all at once, but it doesn’t matter when you have Star Wars level craft) that we could mine. We already know there are thousands of exoplanets within reach, they would instantly get unlocked if we had the technology purported to power this new era of craft the Navy is trying to build. Seriously, I mean it when I say we wouldn’t need to work again. What would be the point exactly when all of mankind would suddenly have access to an infinite amount of resources rather than being stuck to what’s offered on Earth? We could all become explorers. Hell, we could all have our own planets. There’s enough of them out there.

Here’s the crazy part: These Star Wars level craft do exist. It is not speculation unless you are paranoid and condescending enough to not trust any of the Scientists, trained Military Professionals and Government involved that are coming out and confirming their existence to the world these days. The Navy have been running into these craft more and more over the past few years, and in some areas sometimes the incursions are almost daily. If these patents are among the Navy’s best guesses as to how these invading machines work and if they are at least somewhat close, then we are talking about energy scales that are ginormous and far beyond the abilities of our civilization. For those familiar with the Kardashev Scale, a civilization that can harness as much energy as the Sun or more is considered a Type II civilization, while Earth is considered a Type ~0.73 civilization. We are millenia away from building something that could capture or generate as much power as the Sun does. The alarming thing to note here is that even if we or when we could, that would still not be able to create the amount of power involved in generating the weakest of Gravitational waves. So, who is capable of potentially creating the magnetic field of a magnetar in our atmosphere all while flying around with impunity? I agree it has to do with manipulating Gravity and potentially gravity waves, but that would require more energy than generating the magnetar-level magnetic field I wager! However there is probably a chance that these hypersonic UFOs are using an undiscovered set of emergent properties of matter that occur with specific isotopic ratios and electron configurations, leading to the decoupling of spacetime in a way that allows for them to tolerate 12,000gs (an F-18 would start to break apart at 13.5gs) without compromising their energy requirements. But then such materials would require Engineering that is downright impossible for anyone on the planet to do now, 50 or even 100 years from now.


Either way, I am at a loss of Scientific and Engineering knowledge to speculate on how these things work. I believe speculation is a waste of time. I would rather handle one of these flying objects myself, where studying the materials that they’re composed of alone could advance our knowledge of Material Science by a factor of potentially hundreds of years.


Some relaxing art because what I’m about to say is not relaxing at all.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11100 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 11:11 am to


The reason why the patent ended up getting accepted was because the Naval Aviation Enterprise CTO Dr. James Sheehy personally vouched that the Star Wars Craft design was grounded in Reality. His exact quote includes the following: “China is already investing significantly in this area” and “[I] would prefer we [the U.S.] hold the patent as opposed to paying forever more to use this revolutionary technology” as he asserted “this will become a reality.” Given that I, a random 23-Year-Old on the internet could find glaring Scientific and Engineering flaws in their design, how is it possible that the patent examiner who had already rejected the Star Wars patent once, change his mind just because the CTO basically asked him to? They mention preliminary lab results to justify why the patent examiner should change their mind but those results are on energy scales tens of billions times lower than what is needed to accomplish what we’re talking about here and I am being nice with those numbers. Finally, here is what I see: There are physics defying craft flying around in our air space all over the world, and China and the US and other countries are in a race to figure out how they work.

The craft potentially represent technology from a Type II civilization based on the US Navy’s very own estimates as reflected in the Star Wars Patent debacle. It is my belief that no country or group of humans on this planet can currently circumvent the power consumption or material science issues involved in these designs, even if they figure out the Scientific principles that may allow for such Star Wars craft to exist. Again, they are real, the question people should be asking is how they work and who built them and how.

I personally don’t care if you want to bury your head in the sand and believe that these are the result of black projects hidden away in some bunker in the United States or a different country. If that’s true, then great, we can all quit our jobs starting tomorrow. All we’d need is the right journalists, politicians and influencers of the world to get to the bottom of which group has secretly gotten on the level of a Type II civilization while the rest of us haven’t even hit Type I yet. Then they would have to ask that group to politely share their technology so that the rest of Humanity benefits. Do you believe there exists such a group? If so, they hold the keys to your future and a life you could be living that you can’t even dream of at the moment. I mean this in the most rational, least fanatic but inspiring way possible. We could be camping on an exoplanet right now, without a need to worry about a job or a care in the Universe. If you’ve managed to read everything in this article, congratulations. You are now in a position to answer my question: What kind of life do you want to live? One in which we live on a dying world with depleting resources everyone will fight for, or one where Human immortality and traversing other Galaxies become engrained into the Human identity?

We have speculated in other threads who this faction in civilization is...

Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11100 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 11:12 am to


Meet Silicon Valley's UFO Hunters
A small group of venture capitalists and technologists believe that humans can capture and reverse-engineer UFOs—and that trying to do so might be a good investment.
By MJ Banias | Jun 28 2019, 11:42am


There would be nothing more disruptive than the sudden discovery of aliens. Perhaps that's why a small contingent of Silicon Valley is so interested in UFOs—and wants to know who's piloting them.

With US Navy pilots coming forward to talk about their encounters with anomalous aerial vehicles, UFO hunters are starting to feel vindicated. The cross-section of technologists who are also UFO enthusiasts believe that they not only exist, but that we can make significant scientific breakthroughs by studying them.


Rizwan Virk, runs PlayLabs@MIT. He's also a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, angel investor, author of The Simulation Hypothesis, and finds UFOs compelling as a technologist and scientist.

“I am interested in the phenomenon because I believe mainstream science may have only discovered 5 percent of the truth about reality, and the other 95 percent is still ‘out there,’” he said in an interview. Virk said that studying UFOs, whether they are real or not, have challenged his ideas of what he believes is possible: "This phenomenon seems to be about advanced technology that doesn't always fit into our current model of ‘what is technology’ and what isn't,” he said. “Many technologists use their intuition to find new technology ideas and decide which paths to pursue," he added. "There's overlap between the idea of trusting your intuition and what happens in UFO research.”


it is public knowledge that a wealthy real estate mogul and technopreneur from Utah bought the infamous Skinwalker Ranch from aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow. For many in the tech world who are also into UFOs, their ufology is an engrossing and obsessive side hustle.


Deep Prasad, the CEO of ReactiveQ, a multimillion dollar quantum computing tech start-up based out of Toronto, shares Lampkin’s sentiments.

“As technologists we seek to master science and engineering in such a way that all of humanity benefits from it," he told Motherboard. “In front of our eyes are technologies underlying these UFOs that are far beyond our understanding and capabilities of recreating ... if we pay close attention and reverse these technologies to bring to the masses, we will see a world with interstellar travel at our fingertips."
Posted by MaroonMonsoon
Member since Aug 2014
3875 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 11:13 am to
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11100 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 11:14 am to


A sad microcosm of the current human condition...

I encourage you to reconsider...
Posted by Revelator
Member since Nov 2008
58397 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 11:15 am to

we will see a world with interstellar travel at our fingertips.

I don't know about this, but I wish there were some type of teleporter like on Star Trek that would allow me to beam myself to scenic photo locations at sunrise or sunset.
Posted by MusclesofBrussels
Member since Dec 2015
4572 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 11:18 am to


You are so batshit crazy
Posted by LSURussian
Member since Feb 2005
127247 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 11:24 am to

You are so batshit crazy
He HAS to be a paid internet troll.

Nobody would voluntarily copy and paste and post all of the bullshite he does.
Posted by blueboy
Member since Apr 2006
56682 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 11:51 am to

He HAS to be a paid internet troll.

Nobody would voluntarily copy and paste and post all of the bullshite he does.
Posted by LSURussian
Member since Feb 2005
127247 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 11:58 am to

Ah...that may explain it.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11100 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 12:21 pm to

He HAS to be a paid internet troll. Nobody would voluntarily copy and paste and post all of the bullshite he does.

All personal attacks
No thoughtful rebuttals

Again, we have acknowledged phenomena in the sky that is now part of mainstream discussion with no one having a sound explanation (for phenomena appearing to defy our current understanding of physics).

Anyone care to comment on this? This is open book (you can use the internet)...

Again, the opinions above are from this guy and his company / affiliates:


Quantum computers let us calculate the previously impossible math to predict how a material will behave under different conditions and in combinations with other materials. We will eventually remove the need for humans to wait around for discovery to happen through the slow and blind process of current materials design. As Quantum Computers become more powerful, our simulations will become hyper realistic to the point where our system provides reactive feedback to the designer and guides them to the real world steps in improving the material they’re interested in. ReactiveQ will be at the center of a world where materials such as High Temperature Superconductors, Ultra High Capacity Sustainable Batteries, and Pharmaceuticals are computationally designed, not discovered.

“ ReactiveQ is actively engaged with engineers from TESLA, Lockheed Martin, Volkswagen and NASA in order to validate its solution.

Deep Prasad, CEO ReactiveQ



Developed novel Quantum-Classical algorithms for material design optimization Implemented some of the world’s first Quantum backed Battery Simulations

Assembled a powerful Board of Advisors ranging from Battery researchers to the COO of a large company.

Established partnership with D-Wave, the pioneer of Quantum Computing hardware

Received funding from prominent investors including Bloomberg’s Venture Capital arm, Creative Destruction Labs, DCVC Highlighted in D-Wave’s 2018 Qubits Video

Established connections with leading Executives at Autodesk and Volkswagen

Accepted into world’s first Quantum Machine Learning incubator

If I am trolling, it is to compassionately drag you folks forward

I am not selling anything

I present data. All I ask is that you thoughtfully consider it (as we do indeed live in interesting times)
Posted by Zach
Gizmonic Institute
Member since May 2005
112772 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 12:33 pm to

as we do indeed live in interesting times)

And people in what decade wrote: 'We live in very uninteresting times.'
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11100 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 12:48 pm to

And people in what decade wrote: 'We live in very uninteresting times.'

Those who live with their hands in the sand (reference this thread)

Those who only view the future through the limited scope of linear historical progress (assuming history is not a limited compilation of reality)

Those who are limited by only what they can perceive (reductionist materialist...)

I can go on...
Posted by scrooster
Resident Ethicist
Member since Jul 2012
38010 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 1:07 pm to
I was just thinking about this exact same thing. Trying to talk my daughter into doing a paper, with me, on a very similar premise.

ETA: Multiple upvotes and bookmarked.
This post was edited on 7/4/19 at 1:09 pm
Posted by Zach
Gizmonic Institute
Member since May 2005
112772 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 1:31 pm to

I can go on...

You could. But you still won't answer a simple question. Name the decade. If you can't say: 'I can't.' Thus, making your quote a stupid cliche. You suffer from a severe case of verbosity.

Posted by zatetic
Member since Nov 2015
5677 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 2:26 pm to
Wanderers - a short film by Erik Wernquist [Official Version]


Brush off any naysayers and keep going Thine. We are just a bunch of people that know a random assortment of half truths and try to make the best of it.

The Philosophy of The Fountain – Escaping Our Mental Prisons

Nietzsche and Thus Spoke Zarathustra: The Last Man and The Superman
This post was edited on 7/4/19 at 2:46 pm
Posted by blueboy
Member since Apr 2006
56682 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 3:19 pm to

Again, we have acknowledged phenomena in the sky that is now part of mainstream discussion
UFO sightings.
Ergo, vibranium. Also, Q.

What's there to debate? Seems pretty rock solid there.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11100 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 8:22 pm to
Bumped for PM crew
Posted by CCT
Member since Dec 2006
6268 posts
Posted on 7/4/19 at 8:40 pm to
Keep them coming, Thine!
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