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re: The Greyskull Methods- A Primer

Posted on 5/31/23 at 7:54 am to
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 5/31/23 at 7:54 am to

+1 for this thread. I just finished running a few months of it and busted through a bunch of platues / PRd on everything (at least in this millennium).

I ended up peaking at working sets (3x5), of 240 bench, 350 squat, 135 press and 415 DL.

Towards the end my barspeed was suboptimal (although form held up). The last rep or two started turning into real grinders. I came from 531 world and those aren’t supposed to count. After a couple of 10% resets I decided to move on.

I calculated my 1 rm max, took 90% of it for my TM and moved onto ppsa.

thats what you are supposed to do. after 2-3 deadlift resets you either have to switch the lifts all up to variants or you move on.

moving on you can choose from variety of programs but i suggest one of the following

more bodybuilding-
Greyskull- powerbuilding
Dc Training
Mountain Dog Training
fortitude training
power athlete jackd street
yoke squad from paul carter
forever strong- defranco
ryan fischer- full body aesthetics

more strength based-
531- wendler
westside 4 skinny bastards- defranco
strong bastard- defranco
any brian alshure program
matt wenning programming
westside barbell
texas method
andy baker programming
barbell medicine

crossfit style-
johnnie wod- power athlete
gladiator strong- zach evan-esh
jason brown- conjugate + conditioning
ryan fischer programming
power athlete grind stone

performance based-
531 krypteia
power athelete- field strong
ppsa programs
bill miller programs
defranco programs
zach evan esh programs
bigger faster stronger
explosive mechanics programming

this is a short list
Posted by Earnest_P
Member since Aug 2021
3639 posts
Posted on 6/9/23 at 2:54 pm to
This morning, as a semi-trained person who did SSLP in 2017 and had worked out sporadically since, I did my first GSLP workout.

Ended with 9 reps of 127.5 on strict press and 10 reps of 270 on squat. The extra reps feel like a game changer.

Really wanting to do the linebacker variant of the program, scared of the burpees but want to lose some fat % while I slowly gain weight, and those burpees I guess are the way to do it.

Question for LSU777. I am bought into all of the chin up and push-up volume, but for someone in their 40’s, how much do you worry about that activity slowing down progress on the big lifts? I did a bunch of chin ups and push-ups yesterday on an off-day and definitely felt fatigued when pressing today.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 6/9/23 at 3:04 pm to

Question for LSU777. I am bought into all of the chin up and push-up volume, but for someone in their 40’s, how much do you worry about that activity slowing down progress on the big lifts? I did a bunch of chin ups and push-ups yesterday on an off-day and definitely felt fatigued when pressing today.

start low on the volume and slowly work up on it. dont rush it or yes it will effect the program. all sets should be super easy on the homework. like 30% easy


Really wanting to do the linebacker variant of the program, scared of the burpees but want to lose some fat % while I slowly gain weight, and those burpees I guess are the way to do it.

would much rather see you walk or add in conditioning at the end of the session at your age. For those over 35, hell even 30 for some, i do not recommend the burpees. they are really hard on the body. i end up with issues every time and know plenty of others who do to.

hit the weights hard and hit the 10-12 min of hard conditioning from the books 3x per week and get diet right.


The extra reps feel like a game changer.

thye are, especially during resets where you have rep PR goals to shoot for.
Posted by Earnest_P
Member since Aug 2021
3639 posts
Posted on 6/9/23 at 3:16 pm to

would much rather see you walk or add in conditioning at the end of the session at your age. For those over 35, hell even 30 for some, i do not recommend the burpees. they are really hard on the body. i end up with issues every time and know plenty of others who do to.

Damn, glad I asked. I just did ten burpees in my office before I read this.


hit the 10-12 min of hard conditioning

Man I hate conditioning, but thanks.


get diet right

Been counting macros lately. Taking some changes to get the fat to 30% instead of 40, where it naturally seems to land for me.

Does the book address how the program could/should be adapted for females?

Thanks for help as always.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 6/10/23 at 3:46 pm to

Does the book address how the program could/should be adapted for females?

Has some templates for it, but for women suggest just doing ppsa let’s get peachy or house of the rising buns
Posted by DrDenim
By the airport
Member since Sep 2022
607 posts
Posted on 6/11/23 at 5:17 pm to
I've started doing a GSLP style program this week. The amrap final work set seems like a stroke of genius. Now, every workout feels like I'm getting maximum return from it.

Previously, many if not most, of my press and bench press workouts felt too short and easy, even if I was pushing myself hard. Those just aren't stressful enough lifts. Now, amrap on the final set leaves me feeling appropriately challenged. Squats and dead lifts are hard, but now with a smidge(technical term) more. Bench press and press sessions left me feeling more satisfied. I know that "me feeling satisfied" is not a great metric for evaluating whether or not a particular kind of training is worth a shite, but I like it and I think it's important.

I bought and am reading the Greyskull main book and it seems that the author would agree with me that satisfaction, excitement, happiness, etc, are important factors in regards to training. Can't wait to see where this takes me.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 6/12/23 at 7:08 am to

I've started doing a GSLP style program this week. The amrap final work set seems like a stroke of genius. Now, every workout feels like I'm getting maximum return from it.

Previously, many if not most, of my press and bench press workouts felt too short and easy, even if I was pushing myself hard. Those just aren't stressful enough lifts. Now, amrap on the final set leaves me feeling appropriately challenged. Squats and dead lifts are hard, but now with a smidge(technical term) more. Bench press and press sessions left me feeling more satisfied. I know that "me feeling satisfied" is not a great metric for evaluating whether or not a particular kind of training is worth a shite, but I like it and I think it's important.

I bought and am reading the Greyskull main book and it seems that the author would agree with me that satisfaction, excitement, happiness, etc, are important factors in regards to training. Can't wait to see where this takes me.

one of the biggest complaints with starting strength and stronglifts LP is that everytime you do a reset, you are just repeating a workout from 10-12 weeks befroe with not getting close to failure on any and there is not motivation to set a PR. I believe in setting PRs for motivation and overall fun. this is where gslp shines. eventually the PRs every session come to an end but this is a great foundation program.

we know from science, the reps close to failure are what matter adn if you are 5,6 even 8 or more reps from failure, you are not getting enough stimulus to stimulate growth and strength.
Posted by Earnest_P
Member since Aug 2021
3639 posts
Posted on 6/30/23 at 2:38 pm to

Has some templates for it, but for women suggest just doing ppsa let’s get peachy or house of the rising buns

My wife started house of the rising buns this week. I like this news.
Posted by sleepygymcat
Member since Feb 2022
31 posts
Posted on 7/18/23 at 12:28 pm to
Hi lsu777, just wanted to check in and once more to thank you.

After doing some runs more of greyskull and renaissance periodization. I am now settling with a minimum bare bone GS protocol, with medium amount of knee over toes guy stuff for injury prevention and a ton of indoor and outdoor rock climbing.

Just this weekend climbed my first intermediate sport route on rock; made me think of all the effort put in and all the people that i am grateful towards, you are one of the names that immediately came to mind.

Cheers and again a ton of gratitude towards you.
Posted by Earnest_P
Member since Aug 2021
3639 posts
Posted on 7/21/23 at 4:07 pm to

with medium amount of knee over toes guy stuff for injury prevention

Can you expound on this?
Posted by DarkSk0ll
Member since Dec 2018
59 posts
Posted on 9/28/23 at 10:49 am to
Any suggestions for FM work to replace chins and pushups for a while? I've got Rotator cuff issues so I've been thinking some rehab stuff:

Pushups - Bear Walk
Chins - Band external rotations
Posted by SkintBack
Member since Nov 2015
1693 posts
Posted on 9/28/23 at 11:22 am to
LSU, this thread has helped me more than you know. I've been off the rails and I'm just now getting back on track. I want to do Greyskull like I'm almost a newbie. I still have my own little 1.25lb plates lol.

I'm 5'11" 215lbs. Want to do it all of course but main things I want is to shrink the midsection and tone. Shoulders are my weak point. I think I'm just going to pick a method and roll. I'm thinking the Mass Gain Strength and Hypertrophy template or Mass Gain with Rotating Lifts. I know you have some advice or input. I'm more motivated than ever. Thanks!
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 9/28/23 at 11:24 am to
yea reverse bear crawls and hangs.

reverse bear crawls done nice and slow with flat back are better for shoulder mobility. regular is good, reverse is better. Do them nice and slow. Could also replace these with farmers carries too if you wanted.

hangs will do a better job than just external rotation will. Try and build accumulation over time. try to start with 1.5 min per day. build to 3 min over a month..10min accumulation over the course of 6 months.

you can google: dr kirsch shoulder hanging protocol
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 9/28/23 at 11:24 am to
yea reverse bear crawls and hangs.

reverse bear crawls done nice and slow with flat back are better for shoulder mobility. regular is good, reverse is better. Do them nice and slow. Could also replace these with farmers carries too if you wanted.

hangs will do a better job than just external rotation will. Try and build accumulation over time. try to start with 1.5 min per day. build to 3 min over a month..10min accumulation over the course of 6 months.

you can google: dr kirsch shoulder hanging protocol
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 9/28/23 at 11:28 am to

LSU, this thread has helped me more than you know. I've been off the rails and I'm just now getting back on track. I want to do Greyskull like I'm almost a newbie. I still have my own little 1.25lb plates lol.

I'm 5'11" 215lbs. Want to do it all of course but main things I want is to shrink the midsection and tone. Shoulders are my weak point. I think I'm just going to pick a method and roll. I'm thinking the Mass Gain Strength and Hypertrophy template or Mass Gain with Rotating Lifts. I know you have some advice or input. I'm more motivated than ever. Thanks!

im partial to the aesthetics template but any will work.

get diet in check, need to be eating about 250-300g protein a day in a slight deficit. get your walks in. i suggest starting at 20-30 min a day 6 days a week. build over time when you stall

if you get to where the talks are all you can handle time wise....add in viking conditioning sessions from the conditioning books starting with 1 a week and adding one up to 3 every time you stall.
Posted by SkintBack
Member since Nov 2015
1693 posts
Posted on 9/28/23 at 12:24 pm to

im partial to the aesthetics template

I would like that one, but I don't believe I'm strong enough right now. Definitely not DL 405 or doing 10-12 chins. Just being 100% honest. Thankfully I get my walks in daily. Thanks man!
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 9/28/23 at 12:31 pm to

I would like that one, but I don't believe I'm strong enough right now. Definitely not DL 405 or doing 10-12 chins. Just being 100% honest. Thankfully I get my walks in daily. Thanks man!

than get strong AF on the other then move to the aesthetics.
Posted by Earnest_P
Member since Aug 2021
3639 posts
Posted on 9/28/23 at 1:12 pm to

i suggest starting at 20-30 min a day 6 days a week.

What is the point of the walking? Not arguing, just want to understand it.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 9/28/23 at 1:21 pm to

What is the point of the walking? Not arguing, just want to understand it.

greyskull uses it to strip fat loss without having to remove more calories.

its just a calorie burner and good for health.

you can modulate it up slowly as you plateau to get back to burning fat. after your reach about 360min a week, most people dont have time to do more so you add a viking conditioning session at next plateau. then a 2nd at the next, then a 3rd

after that you will slowly have to start removing calories.

example, night look something like:

start with 250cal deficit
45-60% of calories from protien(more the better due to thermic effect of food i.e. dietary induced thermogensis)

20min walking every morning. prefer fasted although nothing special about it. 5 days a week

at plateau go to 30 min 6 days per week

next plateau add a 15-20 lbs weight vest and keep times the same

next plateau goto 40 min with weight vest 6 days per week

next add another 10

then another 10

then a VC session after a workout
then a 2nd VC
then a 3rd vc

so now we have made it through a bunch of plateaus without lowering calories.

at the time i suggest taking a 4-6 week diet break eating at maintenance and try to keep weight even without all the walking. or you can reverse diet out.

then repeat.

or you could remove another 250cals and continue if you need to

its just a simple way from slamming calories down really low and being miserable and also a way to not have to spend valuable time on a damn stairmaster etc.

Posted by SkintBack
Member since Nov 2015
1693 posts
Posted on 9/29/23 at 7:33 am to
Day 1 DOWN! Feeling great. Started off light since I'm just jumping back in it. Love the work.
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