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re: Anyone here ever play Dungeons and Dragons? (DnD)

Posted on 1/9/17 at 5:00 pm to
Posted by CBandits82
Lurker since May 2008
Member since May 2012
54310 posts
Posted on 1/9/17 at 5:00 pm to
What class would the experienced people in here recomend for a beginner?

Something that is not too complicated.

I picked up the Players Handbook and this thing is insane to read
Posted by AshLSU
Member since Nov 2015
12868 posts
Posted on 1/9/17 at 6:07 pm to

What class would the experienced people in here recomend for a beginner?

Fighter or barbarian.

Best character I ever rolled was a battle Mage that had two weapon fighting and ambidexterity. His weapons were two single shot pistol however I had a hired cohort who did nothing but reload my single shot pistols for me. I'd start all battles with magic missiles then the next round would be two shots from the pistols, 3rd round was more magic missiles while my cohort reloaded the pistols for the 4th round.. total devastation.
This post was edited on 1/9/17 at 6:13 pm
Posted by AustinDawg
Austin, Tx
Member since Aug 2015
1436 posts
Posted on 1/9/17 at 6:45 pm to

I've played DnD off and on for years (since college), and have recently picked up 5th edition as well -- and will be starting a group soon.

As for a starting class, a basic fighter, barbarian, or rogue would probably be easiest -- but really, the point of these style of games, is to play something you want.

What type of character do you picture yourself as?

As others have mentioned, the key thing is the overall group. Try not to be jerks to each other and have fun. Also, don't get too emotionally attached to your characters as some may die along the way.

Have you read any fantasy book or watched any fantasy movies? (ie lord of the rings, or something like that?)

These games are very open ended, so you and your group have a lot of freedom in what you can do.

Posted by ZacAttack
The Land Mass
Member since Oct 2012
6416 posts
Posted on 1/10/17 at 2:25 pm to
Some type of basic Fighter class is probably the easiest classes to start with, lots of armor and a big arse weapon and you can hack and slash your way to victory. However, like others have said this may not fit your playing type. Think about what you would normally like playing as; stealth, scout, healer, fighter, wizard, close range or long range attacks, do you like to jump into the fray or stay towards the back ranks and help,etc
Posted by Woodreaux
OC California
Member since Jan 2008
2790 posts
Posted on 1/10/17 at 4:49 pm to
Hey Bandits, here geaux my 2 bits on D&D: if no one has explicitly stated this I think it's helpful to view D&D as a theatrical social activity. Calling D&D a "game" versus a social activity *might* create inaccurate expectations about the experience.

I think of D&D as interactive, story telling by committee; where the published rules (Players Handbook, Monster Manuals, etc.. ) are the etiquette, protocol and narrative flow.

As for who does what; there are 2 kinds of positions in D&D games: the players and the DM. The DM has to prepare the adventure, curate the experience for the players and narrate the story as it unfolds. During the run of the adventure, the DM acts as the referee: arbitrating when dice rolls must occur and what modifiers are applied. The players each control the fate of a character in the story.

The level of seriousness is mostly determined by the DM (most things in a D&D game are, because 99% of the work and responsibilities falls on the DM's shoulders). So, to play D&D you must first find someone willing to serve as DM or become a DM yourself.
Posted by Boo Krewe
Member since Apr 2015
9810 posts
Posted on 1/10/17 at 6:54 pm to
i was a dragonslayer
Posted by CBandits82
Lurker since May 2008
Member since May 2012
54310 posts
Posted on 1/11/17 at 9:21 am to
How are Paladins?

Has anyone played one?

What personality traits did you give him?

I'm curious about this class considering it is a fighter, cleric hybrid.
Posted by CorporateTiger
Member since Aug 2014
10700 posts
Posted on 1/11/17 at 10:56 am to
5 Paladins are pretty cool. Much more flexible than previous versions.

The fact that you can be a chaotic good Paladin is nice. I'm not sure what you mean by character traits.
Posted by Meursault
Member since Sep 2003
25172 posts
Posted on 1/11/17 at 10:58 am to
I have always been of the opinion that Paladins are extremely boring. Though I have not played 5e, so things may have changed.

I am partial to Clerics, myself. My very first time playing back in middle school I rolled a cleric. I'm sure they have some sweet kits in 5e.
Posted by CorporateTiger
Member since Aug 2014
10700 posts
Posted on 1/11/17 at 10:59 am to
Yeah, there were ways to make me Lee character good, but that was just to keep up with what Clerics and Druids could do.

Druids having a shapeshift that could shite on most fighters was so stupid. Plus an animal companion as good (better?) than rangers.
Posted by CorporateTiger
Member since Aug 2014
10700 posts
Posted on 1/11/17 at 11:29 am to
5e dropped the LG requirement which significantly broadens the RP options for Paladins. It also gave some more definition around how a paladin "falls" which took out some of the fricked by DM risk.
Posted by CBandits82
Lurker since May 2008
Member since May 2012
54310 posts
Posted on 1/11/17 at 12:37 pm to

I'm not sure what you mean by character traits.

Basically how did you play him in the game personality wise?

Posted by TheTideMustRoll
Birmingham, AL
Member since Dec 2009
8906 posts
Posted on 1/11/17 at 12:55 pm to
I have found that the best way to create a character who will actually have some character, and who will be fun to play, is to start with personality and worry about class later. Any time I've decided on class first and then tried to build a character around that, they've always ended up kind of cookie-cutter and boring. My favorite character that I ever played, I knew how I wanted his personality to be right from the beginning: a boastful, bragging, sauntering, look-at-me showoff who loved nothing more than talking about himself, but was also a pretty good guy when you got past all of that. Once all of those pieces fell into place, I could ask myself, "Ok, now, if I were this character, what class would I choose to be? What profession would suit my personality and skillset?" The answer surprised me because it was the one class I would never in a million years have chosen to play otherwise: this guy was born to be a bard. And let me tell you, that bard was an absolute blast to play. Everything about him just seemed to fit right. He was a true character, not just a PC.

So that's my advice. Start by coming up with a personality, and the game stuff will fall into place on its own.
Posted by Vastmind
B Ara
Member since Sep 2013
4992 posts
Posted on 1/12/17 at 8:04 am to
I've been listening to the podcast, Dungeon Masters Block and they keep talking about how OP the ranger class is. Maybe it won't be easy but you could increase your chance for survivial.
Posted by HailToTheChiz
Back in Auburn
Member since Aug 2010
49198 posts
Posted on 1/12/17 at 10:51 am to
1st - If this is a troll thread, then wow.

2nd - If this is real, you need to record yourselves playing it and upload to Youtube so we can watch
Posted by ZappBrannigan
Member since Jun 2015
7692 posts
Posted on 1/12/17 at 6:34 pm to
From my understanding 5e (I haven't played) is a big step into getting back the goodwill of the community after the 4e debacle.

Go in with an open mindset be creative.

Since it's a house group don't be afraid to go against RAW (rules as written)

For example in my Pathfinder (dnd 3.75) group, I decreed potions as a move action by default. All money is gp (gold pieces). Certain feats like mobility and dodge are rolled into one package.

Wizards of the Coast has a good stranglehold on 5e right now so it's going to be hard to get third party sites having all the info for you right there. But you can probably still glean some info and fun ideas from 3.5e sites.

As a GM I like to reward creative thinking. If a player puts some good role or something creative into his action then the roll to confirm it might get a little bonus. Nothing sucks more than constantly sitting there and doing the same attack.

Talking is a Free Action.

Rule of Fun and Rule of Cool should be the bywords.

And this is a tip for a new GM, start small in scope. No need to have a campaign from the get go or just go with a level 3-5 module.

I can sit down at my friend's house chug a few beers and hammer out a few hours worth of content for us in 30 mins. And that's an important thing to remember the game is made of Us, the GM and the players. Honestly the player to your right has more villain capacity than the GM.

Fun things I've done in recent games for my players.

A Bounty Guild that used magical coins to track their members' kills. They had one left as the city was under attack and the local Duke ordered the coffers open to hire as many hunters as they could. So my players ended up with the last coin. Which they then had to play catch with (they each rolled a d20 for catching and throwing with the DC being based on distance. If they missed I rolled to determine direction and location of the misthrow) as they went hog wild on vampiric mists, skeletons, vampires, and flame drakes. (They called it a night before arriving at their favorite tavern, found it destroyed by a group of skulks the next day)

I gave them potions to disguise their scent from Flesh Golems, they didn't read the labels, now the fighter has a scorpion claw for a hand, multifaceted eyes that attract him to bright light and the bottom of his spine is starting to tingle. He knocked out the NPC that provided these potions and that could explain the mad scientist had a way to corral the golems. So now they are w/o that tidbit to help them progress.

These same characters didn't torch a troll they "killed". So now I plan to have it regenerate and harass them.

Other characters of theirs have trained owlbear cubs to pull a chariot made from their mom. After buying a token that turns into a giant tree when you say the magic word, put that token into a boss character's mouth and said the magic word. Customized a pistol to also be a hand crossbow. By retarded luck 3 of them took over a Goblin Kingdom. One of them immediately swam around in the gold like Scrooge McDuck.

Edit: My favorite as a player moment recently, we encountered a witch that could kill by your name. Two of the players, a ranger and a bard, gave their character's name. The rogue and I, the barbarian, both gave the bard's name. The paladin said nothing and the ranger by GM coin-flip was chosen as the name.

This post was edited on 1/12/17 at 6:40 pm
Posted by Meursault
Member since Sep 2003
25172 posts
Posted on 1/12/17 at 11:25 pm to

How long have you been GMing?
Posted by ZappBrannigan
Member since Jun 2015
7692 posts
Posted on 1/13/17 at 7:18 am to
Used to Play/GM in college, got tired because the last group I played with was 75% That Guys. A few years back a neighbor wanted to try, so we wrangled up a group of friends that were mostly new players, and I've been GMing/coaching him on GMing since.

A lot of this is trial and error. You may come up with something that sounds good on paper but in the end is a chore to play or is so based on one mechanic that's all it can do. Get feedback.

And especially when starting out don't get too attached to a character(edit: this doesn't mean don't get into your character, just know that the culling happens, and it will come for one or maybe all of you.). Death at low levels is a critical strike away. Death at high levels is not keeping a potion at your belt for defending against an element, healing, etc.

Keep an extra character as backup.

Character Generator

Again I haven't played 5e, but finding stuff like the above is a good way to go.

I'm looking forward to having my house back after rebuilding. I've been having a pompous dandy of an orc who speaks in an Indian (dot) accent just waiting to make them go wtf.

This post was edited on 1/13/17 at 7:22 am
Posted by ZappBrannigan
Member since Jun 2015
7692 posts
Posted on 1/13/17 at 2:11 pm to
Dice roll etiquette: Y'all aren't thinking this. You need to know this. USE A COASTER! It's not for drinks, it's a good solid flat surface to roll on. A lot of these dice have hard corners, they will dig into your table. It can be a flat bottomed bowl, a dog dish, an unused platter or tray, cutting board. If you have a play board that is thick and sturdy enough feel free to roll (don't throw) on that in the empty space. If you're using a fold out board, then, no, it is not sturdy enough.

Anyone touched on props yet?

Common ones are the figurines. You don't need them but they help visualize the battle space. I've seen everything from beer bottle caps to a mlp keychain representing a dwarf.

You don't need a grid, a marker representing 5ft helps, make a couple more for 20, 30, and 60 too. But grids are helpful. We use a board that can be dry-erased and one of the players cut out 1'' grid on. It was fantastic but cursed the result if your rolled one it. So many 1's. So many...

Others like the coin I mentioned earlier, was a token passed player to player and moved to the board when they missed.

Burnt letters, a real guild charter, marbles for orbs or spells cast.

All can add to your experience.

For Book-keeping, never hurts to jot down something that you character noticed, I also try keep a few tokens around for keeping track of how long a spell or condition will last.

I also like to use index cards for important spells, items, or abilities.

It helps reinforce what your character can do and is a handy reminder if you brain fart on how your mechanics work.

Posted by CBandits82
Lurker since May 2008
Member since May 2012
54310 posts
Posted on 1/13/17 at 2:30 pm to
Awesome explanations and tips in general Brannigan.

is the modifier more important than the overall score?

Lets say I have a Paladin with 17 STR and +3 modifier. The modifier is what matters with rolls. What is the significance of the 17?
This post was edited on 1/13/17 at 2:31 pm
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