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re: Report: Autopsy analysis shows Michael Brown may have gone for Wilson’s gun

Posted on 10/22/14 at 10:57 am to
Posted by bamarep
Member since Nov 2013
51859 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 10:57 am to
Obama and his ilk have set racial relations in this country back 60 years, if not more.

It's shameful to have watched and can't end soon enough. People have become polarized they can't even look at forensic evidence and not think there is some evil pro-whitey force at work trying be "the man" and keep brown people down.

If ya'll haven't noticed, how in the hell can "the man" keep people of color down when people of color ARE THE MAN!!!

A bully thug robbed a store and was shortly thereafter confronted by a cop. The bully thug thought he was above authority and tried to assert himself a little too much to an armed police officer and got his thug arse capped.

End of story. The rest of just people either pushing a political agenda or using it for selfish gain.

This post was edited on 10/22/14 at 11:00 am
Posted by Ace Midnight
Between sanity and madness
Member since Dec 2006
90869 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:10 am to

Ran...stopped...turned...head shot. That's what it sounds like.

Maybe. Sadly, as I said, we'll likely never know.

This is compounded further by the facial injuries to Wilson - what if he really couldn't see well? Perhaps he shouldn't have fired in that case, but if he had blood in his eyes or whatever, that could have caused him to misinterpret Brown's actions outside of the car.


Dude had his hands up per multiple witnesses.

Meh. I'll go with what forensics shows - these "witnesses" don't have much credibility with me, at least over the objective evidence.


I truly feel that the kid started an altercation with the cop

This can't seriously be in question now, can it?


it appears that he had pot in his system.

Relevant, perhaps. However, I don't believe MJ had anything to do with this crime - other than perhaps he preferred to smoke it mixed with in a cigar - and perhaps it affected his judgment in a fairly insignificant way.


that kid was NO saint

Which would not justify his execution, if that's what happened here. But, it does bolster the police's story, does it not?


but after a vicious altercation (his fault)

Appears to have been, yes.


he exited the car

I don't think Brown was ever "in" the car, other than reaching through the window.


started to run

Possibly. Heck, probably.





put his hands up

Maybe - or doubled back to rush the cop getting out of the car.

Maybe he stood with his hands up and surveyed the cop, seeing if he would really shoot him while unarmed. "You're not really going to shoot me, are you?" Then rushed him. Or was not still and compliant enough to keep the cop with facial injuries and, perhaps, suspect vision from misinterpreting his surrender.


got whacked.

Sadly, yes. And it was completely within his power to have avoided it - at several points during the encounter.

But much of this is irrelevant. The only real question that remains is:

Was Wilson reasonable in firing every shot that hit Michael Brown?

I still don't think we have enough facts to conclusively say either way. Brown was unarmed. That fact isn't going away. Ditto for the fact there was at least some amount of distance between them. However, based on what we know transpired before, no jury will convict Wilson, and no grand jury is likely to even indict him.

Unless additional evidence is developed to fill in some of these gaps.
Posted by StrongSafety
Member since Sep 2004
17547 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:13 am to
I mean, if you wanna go there...

I'm a rational person and I can tell you that looting and pillaging your own community doesn't help out anyone in your neighborhood.

But I'm also rational enough to separate idiots and side shows from the real issue at hand--the investigation into Mike Browns death.

The looting shouldn't have anything to do with the facts of the case, because it's not involved in the case. If you're a smart and reasonable person, you should be able to separate that too, and not let that cloud your judgment of MB...It was some
Croonies (whether wrong or right) outward and emotional response to the current events

But call me crazy, but when I saw the looting, besides noticing the destruction of a neighborhood and crooks taking advantage of a kids death, I noticed community frustration and anguish...sadness and hopelessness. I think we highly undervalue the psychological framework of black people in American and the lenses through which they see the world. far too many times we tell them "I get it, but stop victimizing's what you need to do [insert work hard, go to school, etc.].." instead of sitting down with them to hear why they feel the way they do.

I liken the mindset to that of a rape victim that has repeatedly been told that her stories of abuse are fallacious and that it is her fault for her abuse. This woman endured years of physical, emotional, sexual, and psychological abuse only to be let physically freed by her abuser.

Now you have a battered woman that can't trust anyone and is hypersenitized to the world around her. She wants to be heard and felt, not reduced and blamed.

Posted by StrongSafety
Member since Sep 2004
17547 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:15 am to

Obama and his ilk have set racial relations in this country back 60 years, if not more.

It's shameful to have watched and can't end soon enough. People have become polarized they can't even look at forensic evidence and not think there is some evil pro-whitey force at work trying be "the man" and keep brown people down.

If ya'll haven't noticed, how in the hell can "the man" keep people of color down when people of color ARE THE MAN!!!

A bully thug robbed a store and was shortly thereafter confronted by a cop. The bully thug thought he was above authority and tried to assert himself a little too much to an armed police officer and got his thug arse capped.

End of story. The rest of just people either pushing a political agenda or using it for selfish gain.


This is just ignorant. By what you said, It's Obama's fault that whites are now segregationist racists again? He forced whites to return to their old ways? Why?
Posted by KCT
Psalm 23:5
Member since Feb 2010
38911 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:18 am to
VB, I don't know why anybody would want to, but anybody here can go back and see that you replied to me first in this thread. What they would see is that, instead of replying to the merits of what I had actually said, you chose to pick out a single term (race-baiting), so that you could further your false narrative that I am race-obsessed.

Now, what did I actually say? I was correctly pointing out that, even though none of the facts which have come out in this case appear to corroborate that there was any wrongdoing by law enforcement, many of the usual suspects have nonethelessused this incident to stir up racial animus.

Certainly many members of the media have done so. Don Lemon has once again shown himself to be not only a complete hack as a so-called journalist, but only a complete fool could not see how hard he has tried, unsuccessfully, to make the facts of this case fit his agenda-driven narrative. Many other members of the media have done the same thing. The obvious race hustlers like Jackson, Sharpton, the New Black Panthers have made complete fools out of themselves.....YET AGAIN, and what's worse, Obama and Holder have been right in the middle of it.

You don't want to hear that, but Holder was a complete arse to go to Ferguson and say, "I'mhere as a black man." Yeah, that's exactly what the country needed from him......NOT.

Also, since we have yet to see a single shred of evidence that would even remotely indict law enforcement, why is Holder using this case as an excuse to open a civil rights investigation into the FPD? How silly will that look when Wilson is cleared.

Since I mentioned Obama, does anybody here think it was warranted for him to go before the United Nations and use this incident as proof of injustice in America? I think the man should've been ashamed of himself.

But anyway, VB, here's where you respond by picking out one phrase or term in order to avoid discussing what I'veactually said. Hey, I think I said "race hustler" earlier. Why not choose that term this time?
Posted by Ace Midnight
Between sanity and madness
Member since Dec 2006
90869 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:18 am to

I think we highly undervalue the psychological framework of black people in American and the lenses through which they see the world. far too many times we tell them "I get it, but stop victimizing's what you need to do [insert work hard, go to school, etc.].." instead of sitting down with them to hear why they feel the way they do.

Brother - I'm not doubting your sincerity, but the time for navel gazing and crying about what happened is over. The reason that problem solvers (black and white) take the tack, "Yeah, but..." - is because that's what you have to do.

Look at the Jews - they could have sat around and cried about the millions lost to Hitler's madness. They're still pretty pissed about it, but you take off the black arm band and move on.

How crazy is it to put microscopic focus on a handful of white on black crimes - again statistically zero in the grand scheme of things - rather than putting forth the effort to avoid the ugly situation (mainly poverty and poor decisionmaking at the heart of the community's problems) in the first place?

Posted by dnm3305
Member since Feb 2009
13862 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:20 am to

Ace Midnight

You are a great poster.
Posted by bamarep
Member since Nov 2013
51859 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:25 am to

How crazy is it to put microscopic focus on a handful of white on black crimes - again statistically zero in the grand scheme of things - rather than putting forth the effort to avoid the ugly situation (mainly poverty and poor decisionmaking at the heart of the community's problems) in the first place?

Because one political party in this country wants to keep them down and dependent to keep getting them votes.
Posted by dnm3305
Member since Feb 2009
13862 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:25 am to

I liken the mindset to that of a rape victim that has repeatedly been told that her stories of abuse are fallacious and that it is her fault for her abuse. This woman endured years of physical, emotional, sexual, and psychological abuse only to be let physically freed by her abuser. Now you have a battered woman that can't trust anyone and is hypersenitized to the world around her. She wants to be heard and felt, not reduced and blamed.

Every single one of those idiots looting knows absolutely nothing of slavery and it's foolish of you to try and connect the dots with some twisted justification, much less compare it to a female rape victim. Keep making excuses though...
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
52880 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:36 am to

Dude had his hands up per multiple witnesses.

Many of those same witnesses initially corroborated the "shot him in the back" story that first caught national attention.
Posted by ChineseBandit58
Pearland, TX
Member since Aug 2005
44052 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:39 am to

should u trust 20 years of more favorable law enforcement or 250 years of tyranny?

The eyes in which many black folks see the world is extremely different than how some others may perceive it. Perspective has a lot to do with reactions.

Slavery is a historical fact. Reconstruction is a historical fact. Jim Crow laws are a historical fact. KKK is a historical fact.

All these facts have played out and are there for evaluation for historians and to provide perspective for how societies change over time.

For the past fifty years - two or more generations - there have has been unprecedented attempts - both legal and societal - to eliminate any vestige of those historical wrongs, and to mitigate the effects that those past wrongs had had on new generations.

By now those efforts could have gone a long way towards establishing an equal footing for all. Instead, the DEMOCRATS took a different tack and saw a political advantage in reopening the wounds of past oppression and denial of opportunity that certainly was historical fact. Starting with LBJ, the DEMs saw that they could maintain a large pool of poverty stricken, poorly educated, motivationally deprived, and generationally irresponsible voters who could be manipulated by false narratives and deceptive campaigning.

With this solid 10% advantage, the DEMs only have to win the remaining vote by 45% to secure political victory. Regardless of how shiity their economic or foreign policy or education or societal policies are, they still win. All by "getting out the black vote."

If I were black this would be a constant aggravation to me. The DEMs can promote abortion or homosexual marriage and they can consign blacks to failing schools and they can attack religion all they want without giving a thought to the actual desires of the black community. They have the blacks bought and paid for with welfare and so-called 'affirmative action' morsels, along with an automatic 'blame whitey' narrative for every bad things that happens.

IMHO blacks sell their children's futures very cheaply.

But my great-great-great grandfather was not a slave, so what do I know?
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
52880 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:50 am to

[quote]I liken the mindset to that of a rape victim that has repeatedly been told that her stories of abuse are fallacious and that it is her fault for her abuse. This woman endured years of physical, emotional, sexual, and psychological abuse only to be let physically freed by her abuser. Now you have a battered woman that can't trust anyone and is hypersenitized to the world around her. She wants to be heard and felt, not reduced and blamed.

There's some problems with your analogy.

1. Not a single one of the rioters has ever been a slave (ie: raped). Neither were their parents nor grandparents, nor great-grandparents. So it's safe to say that have never met a family member that was ever a slave.

2. Along with point one, this would mean your analogy should be that someone (and her entire family) is so burdened by their great-great-grandmother being raped well over 100 years ago that they feel the need to take it out on the rest of the world.

3. Only around 25% of whites owned slaves. So in your analogy the woman is taking her frustrations on the descendants of people that never did her harm.

But let's go ahead and get into the meat of your statement, that being that blacks still feel the effects of slavery and oppression. What's the answer? Rushing to judge someone because it "feels" right in spite of every bit of evidence going to the contrary? That doesn't make things better, it only rewards a mob mentality.
Posted by real
Member since Oct 2007
14027 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:57 am to

i wonder how many looters a group of 3-4 good snipers could take out when the riots come. This is the reason news is leaking so to ease it out so it can sink in. This cop will not be indicted, This is just another reason Holder is stepping down. It isn't going to look good on Obama when St.louis burns and he and Holder help lite that fuse.
Posted by 91TIGER
Member since Aug 2006
18057 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 11:59 am to

I still don't think we have enough facts to conclusively say either way. Brown was unarmed. That fact isn't going away. Ditto for the fact there was at least some amount of distance between them. However, based on what we know transpired before, no jury will convict Wilson, and no grand jury is likely to even indict him.

You are missing peace officer protocol. If you are engaged in a deadly force encounter (someone trying to disarm you) you have to use deadly force to stop the threat. If they disengage and retreat, no you CAN NOT USE DEADLY FORCE, however, if the perp returns to confront you YOU MUST USE DEADLY FORCE to stop the threat. If he attempted to disarm you you have to treat any further engagement as another attempt to disarm you. Officer can not wait for the perp to get his hands on the weapon to act. He comes back at you (aggressive and without hesitation/ or even steadily and does not halt) you shoot until the theat stops. Don't read anything into the amount of bullets fired. Semi handguns can pull off 8-10 rounds in a heartbeat.
Posted by the808bass
The Lou
Member since Oct 2012
114042 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 12:04 pm to
Furthermore, under Missouri law, if Michael Brown committed a felony, Officer Wilson could shoot him while he was fleeing.


reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest and also reasonable believes that the person to be arrested has committed or attempted to commit a felony.

Don't see how a grand jury brings back an indictment with that law.
Posted by CptBengal
BR Baby
Member since Dec 2007
71661 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 12:05 pm to
It has gone from...

"Hands up dont shoot"


"Pants up, dont loot"
Posted by real
Member since Oct 2007
14027 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 12:06 pm to
I'm pretty certain that if there was any and I mean any wrong doing by this Officer he would have already been charged. We all know that their are those looking into this that would have hanged the guy already if justified even if it was questionable. IMHO the facts have come clear that this officer has told the truth 100%. Brown just picked the wrong time to bully a cop. You don't get shot in the forehead at close range while running away. Even the Feds can't find a charge to put on him.

So get ready there is gonna be rioting and looting and I'd suggest every white person in and near St.Louis to pack your pistol.
This post was edited on 10/22/14 at 12:07 pm
Posted by bamarep
Member since Nov 2013
51859 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 12:15 pm to
If Wilson had so much as not tied his shoes right that day, Holder would have nailed his nuts to a stump.

There is nothing to see here.
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
52880 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 12:19 pm to

Brother - I'm not doubting your sincerity, but the time for navel gazing and crying about what happened is over. The reason that problem solvers (black and white) take the tack, "Yeah, but..." - is because that's what you have to do.

Look at the Jews - they could have sat around and cried about the millions lost to Hitler's madness. They're still pretty pissed about it, but you take off the black arm band and move on.

How crazy is it to put microscopic focus on a handful of white on black crimes - again statistically zero in the grand scheme of things - rather than putting forth the effort to avoid the ugly situation (mainly poverty and poor decisionmaking at the heart of the community's problems) in the first place?

Posted by S.E.C. Crazy
Member since Feb 2013
7905 posts
Posted on 10/22/14 at 12:22 pm to
Al Sharpton : He was running away with his hands UPPPPPPPP and he was SHOTTTTTT in the back of his arms, little Brown then TURNED AROUND OHH YEA, and he say, if you gonna murder me, OHHHHHH YEAAA DO IT TO MY FACE WHOOAAA YEA, I'M TELLING YOU PEOPLEEEE IT WAS MURDERRRRRRRRR.
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