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Registered on:2/5/2009
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Just the beginning. I would be absolutely shocked if a major terrorist event doesn’t happen in Paris throughout these games. ...
[quote]Bail is rarely denied. Like the mother in LC who killed her kid recently, and left the 1-year old on i10...even she got bail set (it was $9M, but it was set).[/quote] Just because it happens doesnt make it right. Jesus fricking christ man Bail rarely being denied is the fricking point, ...
Your thread correlates with the “more and more women not interested in having babies” thread. I wonder why that is? ...
How do we find the entire criminal history of this piece of shite? ...
[quote]Man if you ask that board to just consider the possibility that the assassination attempt wasn't a Secret Service/Deep State conspiracy, they lose their collective shite. [/quote] Do you automatically assume that it’s not? The alternative is much worse, to assume that this was all just ine...
[quote]It used to not be this way until the multiple 24 hour news (opinion) channels and the conspiracy theories.[/quote] That’s because corruption has always been going on, we were just all aloof to it, or our parents just didnt give a frick. The rise of podcasting and independent media has expos...
Is there anybody that posts here that doesn’t believe this wasn’t a full blown set up with the USSS and very likely the FBI and CIA acting in unison to some extent to assassinate Trump? I mean at this point, this is far beyond negligence and incompetence, it was very obviously done with intent. ...
[quote]the lies and smears?by AUTigerkingElon buying Twitter was HUGE. I don’t think we realize how big just yet but hopefully that will play a major role. It’s a massive platform that lies aren’t able to be spread on as easily anymore. [/quote] It is profound. Every single one of the videos po...
I make a pot of coffee in the morning and enjoy multiple cups. It’s by far the most economical choice, and guess what, you don’t have to worry about a blue-haired barista not filling your cup all the way. You spend unnecessary money daily on vastly overpriced and shitty coffee yet want to draw the l...

re: Biden Resigning Presidency Tonight?

Posted by dnm3305 on 7/24/24 at 6:55 pm
Biden died on July 17...

re: Olympic schedule by sport and by day

Posted by dnm3305 on 7/24/24 at 3:19 pm
These fricking idiots seriously have breakdancing as an Olympic Sport? What in the frick is wrong with people?...
[quote]Could always call your local dealer and ask if they would like to buy your bike as you can no longer support a brand that pushes the grooming of children[/quote] And those cocksuckers will lowball the ever living frick out of you. They offered me 8k lower than an equal bike to mine on their...

re: Is Biden the worst president ever?

Posted by dnm3305 on 7/24/24 at 2:43 pm
Yes, without a doubt the worst president of the modern era. ...

re: Hauk Tau Harris

Posted by dnm3305 on 7/24/24 at 2:43 pm
Hoke Toe Harris? Doesn't really have much of a ring to it....
[quote]Seems like they would've at least bought him a scope[/quote] Unbelievable how many do not understand plausible deniability. Jesus fricking christ. Yea, “they” should have bought him a better scope and left a paper trail back to them, that’s what they should have done. Or, they found...
It’s not possible to walk it back, but a good start would be… Extremely high qualifications and make every single agent pass these qualifications. All of this DEI bullshite needs to be snuffed out and put to rest. Prosecute all members that allowed that assassination attempt to happen. App...
You want him to be portrayed as more of a villain than he already is? ...
Why isnt she just fired? When you allow someone to resign it is merely allowing them to vacate the position with dignity. Why, with all things considered, should she not be fired? ...
Nope. That was sub 500 yards. The competency level of any sniper guarding any POTUS should easily be within that as I guarantee you there are 300+ members serving in our military right now that can make that shot 10/10. ...