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re: GoT S03E05 - "Kissed by Fire" **NON BOOK READERS ONLY PLEASE**

Posted on 4/29/13 at 7:22 am to
Posted by FalseProphet
Member since Dec 2011
11708 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 7:22 am to
Tons of early morning whack age in this thread. Cocomo will be so proud that readers posted spoilers overnight.
Posted by wish i was tebow
The Golf Board
Member since Feb 2009
46122 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 7:24 am to
there are spoilers up in here?? I havent read anything from this thread besides my post and the one below it.

RA it if theres a spoiler
Posted by LSUSilverfox
Member since Jun 2007
2695 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 7:29 am to
From JB Bama


Book reader here

1 or more posts have been RAed. Stay out of this thread for a while.

So yeah, I guess there were.
Posted by FalseProphet
Member since Dec 2011
11708 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 7:29 am to
They've been taken down. I honestly don't know what is or isn't a spoiler unless someone points it out. Apparently some of the readers are lurking and RA'ing if they think a post contains a spoiler (and the poster is either a known or suspected book reader). Looks like about 7-10 posts got whacked this morning.
This post was edited on 4/29/13 at 7:32 am
Posted by LSUSilverfox
Member since Jun 2007
2695 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 7:32 am to

RA it if theres a spoiler

Kind of difficult to know what is a spoiler and what isn't. But book readers have certainly come in a made comments. Whether they are spoilers or they are just "helping" us, who knows.
Posted by wish i was tebow
The Golf Board
Member since Feb 2009
46122 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 7:32 am to
oh. well I was so hammered from the Zurich I dont even really remember watching the episode
Posted by LSUSilverfox
Member since Jun 2007
2695 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 7:34 am to

Apparently some of the readers are lurking and RA'ing if they think a post contains a spoiler

Thanks to the readers who did this.

To the ones who can't help themselves.
Posted by etm512
Mandeville, LA
Member since Aug 2005
20770 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 7:38 am to
I thought that was a fantastic episode last night. The sword fight with the Hound was awesome. I am in love with Ygrette. Jaime is quickly becoming my new favorite character. His scenes have been stealing the show as of late. Apparently Stannis is married to The Governor from the Walking Dead. Tywin's double boom at the end was fantastic. frick Cersei.
Posted by FalseProphet
Member since Dec 2011
11708 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 7:39 am to
I can't tell if I like Ygritte or not, but I can say I'm glad to finally see Jon Snow get his.

Kissing fire >>>>>>>>>>>>taking the black
This post was edited on 4/29/13 at 7:40 am
Posted by Tiger in NY
Neptune Beach, FL
Member since Sep 2003
30425 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 7:40 am to

Tons of early morning whack age in this thread. Cocomo will be so proud that readers posted spoilers overnight.

I didn't see any outright spoilers, but yes a lot of hinting and information that was coming from the books. Mostly by new people though, not the "traditional" book readers.
Posted by wish i was tebow
The Golf Board
Member since Feb 2009
46122 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 7:40 am to
he got all up in that
Posted by Napoleon
Member since Dec 2007
69350 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 8:15 am to

From JB Bama

Book reader here

1 or more posts have been RAed. Stay out of this thread for a while.

So yeah, I guess there were.

No there were not. We have been self policing our group. JBbama should never have made that post. We have ra'd anything suspect without posting. I called JB out to delete that message but he didn't. A reader calling out a "theory" is just as bad as a spoiler.

I am sorry that that idiot JBbama posted that. Please disregard. The 'spoilers' were from non-bookreaders, and were not at all spoilers.

What happens is, you guys guess things and some of our people feel the need to comment, not realizing that it ruins the discussion of this thread. I called out JB in the readers thread, I knew had he not deleted that comment there would be issue. Just please ignore JBbama.

There was whackage, but it wasn't spoilers, you people are going to sometimes guess right. When book readers see this, they need to not get up in arms. A suspected reader brought attention to the post, and then JB came in... I think it was just a watcher guessing correctly. I agree that we should stay out.

Not the non-reader thread has been mostly clear of readers, any one who posts gets called out.

This post was edited on 4/29/13 at 8:22 am
Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151017 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 8:17 am to

They've been taken down. I honestly don't know what is or isn't a spoiler unless someone points it out. Apparently some of the readers are lurking and RA'ing if they think a post contains a spoiler (and the poster is either a known or suspected book reader). Looks like about 7-10 posts got whacked this morning.

I believe admins (including Chicken and Circus) are monitoring the thread and dropping warnings (and suspensions I believe) where necessary. Hopefully that will work to deter readers from posting.

And to the readers who stay out, but scan the thread and police it (by RA'ing), many thanks.

Pretty solid episode last night IMO. Seems like we got some good advancement on each of the stories that were shown.

As much as I liked Jamie's story about how he killed Aerys, I'm not a huge fan of them continuing to make Jamie less hardassed and cold. Hopefully once he regains his strength and gets back to "normal," he'll start being a dick again.

Hound cutting through Beric's sword was pretty awesome.

Tywin gonna Tywin. fricking beast. I love that dude and he's my favorite character by far now. Also, I had forgotten what he did to Tyrion's old wife (letting his soldiers unendingly rape her in front of Tyrion and then sending her packing).

Plots that advanced:
- We got Hound winning and being released, and Arya being a badass trying to attack him with a knife. Also have them saying they're taking her to her brother in Riverrun. So hopefully soon she'll be reunited with at least some of her family. We also see some Lord of the Light magic and what that shite is capable of with Beric being resurrected...for now the sixth time apparently. That was pretty awesome.
- At Riverrun, Robb pisses off his frans by killing old Karstark dude (for killing the Lannister kids) and then he loses all the Karstark soldiers (half his army apparently). Now he's headed to the Twins to get men from Frey...interested to see what's up with that since Robb is married now and can't marry Frey's daughter (Have we seen what she looks like before? Can't remember..).
- We got some Jamie/Kingslayer backstory and got to see Brienne kinda naked (yay??). So now we understand the whole situation with how Jamie became the Kingslayer, as well as more insight into how mad Aerys really was. I thought it was interesting how he told that story and then a couple of scenes later we see Barristan talking to Jorah about when you take an oath to a king, you uphold that oath and serve him "whether he's a drunk or a lunatic." Interesting considering Jamie seemingly made the right moral choice and is forever labeled a coward for breaking his oath.
- We see Daenerys still heading to King's Landing with her troops. Pretty cool scene with her and that Grey Worm dude, and it's kinda weird to see the Unsullied speak...I figured them as basically robots. I didn't quite understand that conversation between Jorah and Barristan though..does Jorah think Barristan is being shady?
- Stannis comes clean to his wife about the Red Chick, and Selyse is....happy about it? Was she all "Lord of the Light" prior to now, or is that something relatively new since she's talked to Melisandre (sp?)..? Can't imagine too many chicks would be pumped about their husbands sleeping with psycho women, Also, Stannis's daughter Shireen is pretty cute. I like how she's sweet on Davos and they have a friendship. Cool, sweet scene IMO.
- Jon not only secures himself a spot in the wildlings officially (by slaying Ygritte, who has a pretty fantastic body), but he also is giving them information on how to attack the Wall. So we are moving toward them doing that I assume. Though I didn't understand how there are 19 (or 17?) castles guarding the does that work? I thought the Wall was just the giant arse wall.
- In King's Landing, the royal wedding is on the way and Tyrion gets the Tyrells to pay for half of it (and old lady Tyrell is still a massive bitch). So now Maergery is wanting Sansa and Loras to get married, but Tywin knows what's up and wants Tyrion to marry Sansa (for the North) and sire children, and Cersei to marry Loras (for Highgarden) and sire children. But at the same time, Baelish has his gay spy bang Loras and then report back to him, and he continues his weird stalking of Sansa (and I still can't tell if he wants her for sure or not) but knows that Loras is the gaiz. So Sansa is becoming quite the chess piece with the Lannisters, Baelish, and the Tyrells all gunning for her betrothal. Should get interesting.

* as always, no readers respond to my questions or statements please.
This post was edited on 4/29/13 at 8:20 am
Posted by etm512
Mandeville, LA
Member since Aug 2005
20770 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 8:29 am to
The Sansa story is very intriguing. I think Baelish either wants her in a weird I never got your mother so I'll get you way or he wants to use her as leverage to get Kat. The most intriguing part to me is what will Tyrion do with all this. I cant see him having children with her as he would probably feel like he were raping her, and he is madly in love with the foreign hooker.
Posted by FalseProphet
Member since Dec 2011
11708 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 8:36 am to
I agree. Sansa herself is insanely boring, but the story around her is one of the most interesting. All sides want control over her because they think she is the only way to the gain the north if Robb dies.

BTW, I think we saw the first real mistake that Robb has made in this war (ignoring the stupid wedding that no one knows about). He knew better than to kill that Lord, and he, like Joffrey, let his head get the better of him. Pun intended.

ETA: What the hell kind of King of the North are you when you let half of your army walk away? Either they are your subjects, or they aren't. Those cats shouldn't be going anywhere.
This post was edited on 4/29/13 at 8:41 am
Posted by wish i was tebow
The Golf Board
Member since Feb 2009
46122 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 8:45 am to
Im wondering whats gonna happen to bran and Rickon when they get to the wall and Jon is trying to take down the wall etc

hadnt thought much of it until now
Posted by FalseProphet
Member since Dec 2011
11708 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 8:48 am to
I have a feeling Bran and Rickon won't really mean much for a while. As in, we might follow their story, but they won't do anything noteworthy until next season or so.
Posted by 225rumpshaker
Member since Sep 2006
8907 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 8:48 am to

I didn't quite understand that conversation between Jorah and Barristan though..does Jorah think Barristan is being shady?
To me Barristan was telling him that Jorah's rep is terrible and would Hurt Dany when they return. Jorah essentially said frick you I follow the queen and you just got here so why should I trust you.

Looks like a power struggle brewing between these two to be Dany's right hand guy should be interesting and I imagine back stabbing to come in the future.

Great episode though really enjoyed it.

Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151017 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 8:49 am to

The Sansa story is very intriguing. I think Baelish either wants her in a weird I never got your mother so I'll get you way or he wants to use her as leverage to get Kat. The most intriguing part to me is what will Tyrion do with all this. I cant see him having children with her as he would probably feel like he were raping her, and he is madly in love with the foreign hooker.

Yeah I'm not sure what to make of that. As much of an a-hole as Tywin is, he's always been in charge of the family, and they've always respected that (even begrudgingly at times). But now in their minds he's going overboard with his demands and I'm itnerested to see how they respond to his orders. Like you said, no way Tyrion is gonna want to do anything with Sansa, let alone bang her. And in Tywin's mind, he simply wants Tyrion and Cersei to have kids with Sansa and Loras to uphold the Lannister future.

Sansa herself is insanely boring, but the story around her is one of the most interesting. All sides want control over her because they think she is the only way to the gain the north if Robb dies.

I agree that she sucks, but I did like it when she was betrothed to Joffrey. It made for some awesome (and uncomfortable) scenes where she had to swallow her pride and go with whatever he said.

[quote]BTW, I think we saw the first real mistake that Robb has made in this war (ignoring the stupid wedding that no one knows about). He knew better than to kill that Lord, and he, like Joffrey, let his head get the better of him. Pun intended.

ETA: What the hell kind of King of the North are you when you let half of your army walk away? Either they are your subjects, or they aren't. Those cats shouldn't be going anywhere.

True, but he also had to show them that he wouldn't be trampled over. Look at what Rickard karstark kept saying last night, all that shite about how Robb will just let him go and be mad at him (as opposed to actually doing something about it). So Robb did let his head get the best of him, but at least there was some purpose to it...and he did it knowing that he'd likely lose the Karstarks (or even if he thought they'd stay, he was at least warned about it beforehand). So it seemed like a calculated decision, even if wrong.
Posted by Billy Mays
Member since Jan 2009
25305 posts
Posted on 4/29/13 at 8:50 am to
Cersei is about to do something to get some of her swagg back, she's been getting absolutely pwned by everyone lately.

I'm guessing Lord Tywin won't be around forever at this rate- he's turning into a complete troll.

Robb has taken his eye off the prize, but I don't think the Karstark beheading will hurt him much - it seems like it was a device to get the unfinished business storyline with the Fyre's back into the mix.

What happened to Tyrion's lady friend? Did I miss her departure, or is she still around?
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