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An hour long video with Thomas Massie

Posted on 5/3/24 at 8:53 am
Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
15053 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 8:53 am
5 minutes of reading or an hour long video. You're welcome.
SUMMARY - The situation with Johnson is worse than we thought. He's in a coalition with Dems.

On youtube channel, Free The People. First time I've seen this channel. Seems to be kind of a libertarian type of channel. Host is a 'recovering Republican' as he describes himself.

I know this is very difficult for people, but I'm detailing what was said in the video - I will make it clear when it's my own voice. Otherwise I'm conveying things from Massie and the host.

- Opens recounting the story of the Emporer Has No Clothes and Massie says Johnson has no situational awareness and gets away with it because people around him pretend that it's not so. He doesn't have a staff that can or will tell him he has a bad idea. Massie said McCarthy had a staff that was better, could tell him when an idea was not good, and McCarthy had people to consult with. Says Johnson has nothing like that.

- Massie says that he, MTG, and Paul Gosar are the only ones standing up and saying these things and pointing out the errors of Johnson, but the blowback is not anywhere close to what you might imagine. Many of the other Republicans are getting crushed in their districts because they won't stand up and admit that Johnson has sold them out, repeatedly.

- Massie says that Jeffries and Johnson should be "mortal enemies" but that's not the case and Jeffries goes to bat for Johnson.

- Massie says Johnson lacks leadership skills, that he won't make decisions and stick to them.

- Massie said that some spending bills were done when McCarthy was ousted and Johnson took over, and Johnson just went with an Omnibus with various gimmicks and spent more than Pelosi in her biggest budget years. He says Johnson tossed out an amendment from Massie on banning transgenic food (like putting mRNA in your lettuce) despite very popular and widely supported, while then including stuff like funding the new FBI building.

- Then Johnson helped get FISA renewed. Johnson let the intell committee's approach to FISA come to the front, which was much weaker in terms of reform or upholding the Constitution, rather than the approach from the judiciary committee. Massie explains how the intell committee pitched a fit when their stuff was exposed because there were primaries going on and they would be exposed as taking a side opposite to the Constitution, so the FISA stuff coming from the intell committee got suppressed for while. Eventually this FISA stuff comes forward and there's an amendment put forward to require warrants, it's a one vote lead, and Johnson gets up and casts the vote to put it into a tie and poof warrants not required. He refrained from voting on other amendments that day but made a special effort to vote on this issue. In the past Johnson was for warrants and was in step with Massie, Jim Jordan, etc. Then changed his tune and said going to the scif changed his mind. Problem is that Massie was in the scif as well. He said there were hypotheticals but when pressed, the intell people could not provide a single example where requiring a warrant would have somehow damaged an investigation etc.

- Massie talks about the exemptions that were put into FISA for members of Congress. Massie asked if it applied only to incumbents or would it apply to challengers as well. It only applied to incumbents. This was about the provision on the IC wanting to search a name in an effort to protect a member of Congress - for example, "Hey congressman X, we believe the Chinese are trying to influence you, can we get your permission to search your name to see what they're doing and how they reference you?" Then there was an exception for when they might need to target a member of Congress, so not protecting that member, but suspecting that member. Permission for that would have to come from the Chair of the Intell Committee. (my comment: this has the potential to behave like a star chamber)

- Massie says betrayal #1 by Johnson was Omnibus, betrayal #2 was FISA. He then addresses the 'muh margin' arguments and that such arguments don't fly when you simply look at him casting the decisive vote on warrant requirements.

- Next Massie looks at the recent foreign aid bill. This was betrayal #3. The foreign aid bill started out as a bill, HR 815, to help veterans get certain care reimbursed (emergency care). That bill had all the foreign aid then put into it. Massie says the Senate then deleted all the veterans stuff. (my comment: I have not pulled HR 815 to see if that's true, but damn)

- Doing this with HR 815 prevented some people like a Rand Paul from being able to slow down HR 815, the foreign aid package.

- My comment: I tracked down HR 815, it became public law 118-50. I got the pdf and it does appear all of the Veterans stuff was deleted. I did a search for veteran and got no hits. Here is an excerpt to show the contents:
(a) DIVISIONS.—This Act is organized into the following divi-
(1) DIVISION A.—Israel Security Supplemental Appropria-
tions Act, 2024.
(2) DIVISION B.—Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropria-
tions Act, 2024.
(3) DIVISION C.—Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appro-
priations Act, 2024.
(4) DIVISION D.—21st Century Peace through Strength Act.
(5) DIVISION E.—FEND off Fentanyl Act.
(6) DIVISION F.—Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and
Opportunity for Ukrainians Act.
(7) DIVISION G.—Other Matters.
(8) DIVISION H.—Protecting Americans from Foreign
Adversary Controlled Applications Act.
(9) DIVISION I.—Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign
Adversaries Act of 2024.
(11) DIVISION K.—Fight CRIME Act.
(13) DIVISION M.—Hamas and Other Palestinian Terrorist
Groups International Financing Prevention Act.
(14) DIVISION N.—No Technology for Terror Act.
(15) DIVISION O.—Strengthening Tools to Counter the Use
of Human Shields Act.
(16) DIVISION P.—Illicit Captagon Trafficking Suppression
(17) DIVISION Q.—End Financing for Hamas and State
Sponsors of Terrorism Act.
(18) DIVISION R.—Holding Iranian Leaders Accountable Act.
(19) DIVISION S.—Iran-China Energy Sanctions Act of 2023.
(20) DIVISION T.—Budgetary Effect

When you look at the log of votes in the Senate for example and see how HR 815 is described, you see this:
On the Motion: Motion to Concur in the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 815; A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to make certain improvements relating to the eligibility of veterans to receive reimbursement for emergency treatment furnished through the Veterans Community Care program, and for other purposes.
This post was edited on 5/3/24 at 8:58 am
Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
15053 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 8:54 am to
Part 2 of 2
- Massie mentions the Tik Tok ban, which was sponsored by Gallagher from WI, that left Congress and hurt his own party. Gallagher got a job with Palantir who depends on DHS for tens of millions in contracts and Gallagher was one of just a few Republicans that did not vote to impeach Mayorkas, the Secretary of DHS.

- The TikTok ban was thrown into the foreign aid bill and Johnson said it was done to make people like Massie and MTG happy but they weren't supporters of the idea. It was all a ruse. The TikTok ban was / is a trojan horse because it allows the President to shut down websites if he just asserts they are in some way affiliated with a foreign adversarial power.

Again, all the veterans stuff stripped out of the bill, foreign aid, tik tok ban etc put in, and then passed. Because it bounced around, the ability for individuals to slow it or throttle it disappeared. Betrayal #3.

- Massie said that the Rules Committee is how the Speaker and the majority party keep mob rule from taking over every day. The majority has strong numbers on the rules committee (something like a 9-4 advantage) and it's always been that way and that's how the Speaker is able to exert a lot of control. If any 3 people object to a rule then it can't get through the committee (my comment I assume he means any 3 in the majority). Massie, Chip Roy, Ralph Norman go to Johnson and object to the rules being structured so that the foreign aid bill (formerly a veterans bill and now with no veterans stuff within) can get through.

- Johnson then teams up with Democrats to override these objections in the rules committee and then teams up with them again on the floor vote. The result is that a Republican Speaker is now teamed up with Democrats to determine which bills come to the floor, which amendments will be considered, how much time for debate, and so forth. So, no matter who writes the bill, the control rests with the people that control the rules and the procedure.

- Massie says we are now in a 'shared power structure' in the House.

- Massie addresses Jeffries saying that Democrats will vote to table the motion to vacate. Why? Because Democrats got everything they wanted.

- Massie says a moment seared in his brain was Johnson stopping warrants for FISA, then the moment that Democrats broke out with Ukraine flags and chants and cheers after the foreign aid bill passed.

- Massie filmed the Ukraine flag demonstration by Democrats. Then the Sergeant at Arms called and told him that if he didn't take that down they would fine him $500. In response Massie re-posted the video. He has not taken it down. Then Johnson said they had decided not to fine Massie.

- On the Motion to Vacate, MTG is looking to accumulate sponsors for it, similar to what was done when John Boehner was Speaker and a Motion to Vacate was put into the hopper then as well. This is like serving notice to the Speaker and asking him to resign. Massie said Johnson is now agreeing to form a coalition with Democrats and Jeffries in order to cling to power. When Beohner saw the increasing co-sponsors, he agreed to resign after a given time. Johnson is forming a coalition with Dems. (my comment: this situation with Johnson is worse than we thought, he has effectively gone to the other side)

- Massie does not believe that Democrats will rally for Johnson in totality, as it would be pretty bad for them, in front of their voters, to say they backed a Republican.

- Massie asks: will Trump throw a lifeline to Johnson, now that Johnson is in a coalition with Jeffries?

- Host points out that in a tight election the House becomes very important. (referring to electoral tie breaker, my comment - the House may also get involved if a 3rd candidate arises and gets votes and no one gets to 270, iirc). If there's a tie, the Congress is seated first, so the new Congress with a new Speaker may decide who the President will be.

- Massie says people come after him about the Motion to Vacate and say it will create chaos and turn things over to Democrats, but Massie counters with "that's what we already have".

- To close the host asks Massie if he'll commit to reading the 6 lessons (lectures) from Mises. Massie says if he can get it on tape. Says he is currently listening to The Bitcoin Standard and the host says that all the 'bitcoiners' get their history/origin of money from founder of the Austrian school, Carl Menger.


This post was edited on 5/3/24 at 9:03 am
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
125490 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 9:09 am to




5 vote majority

in the House.


What is it about that FACT that Massie doesn't get?


Does he think removing Johnson this session will improve things?

The solution is adding 20-30 conservative seats next session.
THEN make a change if necessary.

They removed McCarthy, then had a near clusterf*ck trying to install a new speaker. Twice in a session implies a total incapacity to govern.

The latter guarantees a Democrat House next term.
Is that Massie's goal, because it surely appears to be.
Posted by Aubie Spr96
Member since Dec 2009
41957 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 9:29 am to

“You can’t give s*** leftards an inch. All collectivists, all kinds of collectivists. […] They are s**t!” he reportedly said in an interview. “If you think differently from them they will kill you. This is the point. You can’t give s**t leftists an inch, if you give them an inch they will use it to destroy you.”

Compromise gets us closer and closer towards socialism. It never goes the other way. Ever. I'm not sure why this is so hard to understand?
Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
15053 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 9:39 am to


He's in a coalition with Democrats.

'muh margin' is a dead argument.
Posted by frogtown
Member since Aug 2017
5115 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 9:42 am to

He's in a coalition with Democrats.

Maybe. We need to to revisit this in 2025 after the election.

The news cycle is hurting Democrats right now IMO. We need that to continue.
Posted by Bass Tiger
Member since Oct 2014
48353 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 9:45 am to
War Room has MTG on right now, she says Johnson and Jeffries have a "shared power" agreement......I think Johnson's behavior gives serious credence to MTG's claim.
Posted by Bjorn Cyborg
Member since Sep 2016
28528 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 9:51 am to

Massie says betrayal #1 by Johnson was Omnibus, betrayal #2 was FISA. He then addresses the 'muh margin' arguments and that such arguments don't fly when you simply look at him casting the decisive vote on warrant requirements.

Since when does having a small majority require you to cast DECIDING votes?

Johnson's entire persona has changed since he became speaker. He supports what he was against. He votes for what he previously voted against. He CHAMPIONS what he previously despised. "Muh Margins" cannot explain these things.
Posted by Bunk Moreland
Member since Dec 2010
56554 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 9:54 am to
I'm not that upset about the Ukraine funding. Johnson was never really against it - his only backpedal was that he initially demanded border security with it and then caved.

The 180 on spying/FISA is really f'ed up, given his prior statements/interviews. I think he was threatened.
This post was edited on 5/3/24 at 9:54 am
Posted by loogaroo
Member since Dec 2005
33193 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 10:02 am to

The news cycle is hurting Democrats right now IMO. We need that to continue.

And Johnson tried to jump in the middle of it with his silly news conference.

Then...THEN the motherfricker brings a bill to the floor making it illegal to criticize Israel.

I'm all for supporting Israel, but that whole bill is Unamerican.

He has to go. Lets expose another one.
Posted by loogaroo
Member since Dec 2005
33193 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 10:07 am to

War Room has MTG on right now, she says Johnson and Jeffries have a "shared power" agreement......I think Johnson's behavior gives serious credence to MTG's claim.

I heard her. She is looking pretty slick now the way this is unfolding and the more we learn about Johnson's deal with the Dems.
Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
15053 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 10:12 am to

She is looking pretty slick now the way this is unfolding and the more we learn about Johnson's deal with the Dems.

Yes, she is turning out to be on the right side of this issue, for sure.
Posted by Lg
Hayden, Alabama
Member since Jul 2011
7201 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 10:13 am to

The solution is adding 20-30 conservative seats next session.

How do you do that, when cucks like Johnson, continue to say one thing and do another? I'm sure Louisiana voters were pretty confident that Mike was a good Republican. He said all of the right things when he assumed the speakership, but his actions are more for the democratic party than the conservative Republicans.
Posted by bluestem75
Dallas, TX
Member since Oct 2007
3783 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 10:19 am to
I agree Johnson has been a disappointment, but also agree that they need to look at the optics. The damage for this session has been done. They need to bide their time and help Republicans flip seats to increase their majority. Then, they can remove Johnson.

Honestly, we need to vote them all out. Congress has ceded their power to the agencies of the Executive Branch who actually write the laws they pass. Until that issue is corrected, expect more of this.
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
125490 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 10:24 am to

Compromise gets us closer and closer towards socialism
This is not about "compromise." This is about Sun Tzu and winning strategy. Battles are won (or lost) before they are fought. This is an example. If Massie and/or MTG carry through, the Dems win. It is a known-in-advance. Living to fight another day is in no way a compromise.
Posted by cajunangelle
Member since Oct 2012
150605 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 10:26 am to
Posted by Bjorn Cyborg
Member since Sep 2016
28528 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 10:27 am to

They need to bide their time and help Republicans flip seats to increase their majority. Then, they can remove Johnson.

Do you think your average republican supports Ukraine funding? I don't. Do you think your average republican supports FISA? I don't.

So how does supporting these two things help increase the majority?
Posted by cajunangelle
Member since Oct 2012
150605 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 10:29 am to
Agreed. The democrats announced they would protect Johnson. IOW's they are itching for a vote because they will get the RINO's to join with democrats and get Speaker Hakeem.

So we are stuck with Johnson and from what Massie says Johnson is a democrat. Guess what, so is the establishment caucus that hid under the guise of moderacy for 30 years.
Posted by Lg
Hayden, Alabama
Member since Jul 2011
7201 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 10:31 am to

Living to fight another day is in no way a compromise.

Remember when Republicans had the last majority in the House and Senate? Had the opportunity to REPEAL Obamacare. Do you recall what happened? Nothing has changed.
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
125490 posts
Posted on 5/3/24 at 10:37 am to

How do you do that, when cucks like Johnson, continue to say one thing and do another?
Regardless how bad you think Johnson is:
(A) There is someone worse to take his place.... guaranteed!
(B) Ousting a Speaker (for the first time in history) with a subsequent lengthy, rancorous selection process to select a new Speaker was a dicey undertaking last October.
(C) Ousting a second Speaker in under a year is political party suicide.
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