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Registered on:12/18/2009
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Any and all tax deductions should be applauded. However, I’m against using the federal tax system to engineer behaviors. The income tax should be eliminated along with the IRS. ...
First time I've ever noticed that Louie from Casablanca is in this movie. Not sure how I missed that....
[quote]1. A carefully planned publicity stunt by the Deep State camp complete with faking an ear injury live.[/quote] FIFY....
Is it really that bad out there bros? This is not what my divorced buddies tell me....
Every American should take a tour of Brown's Town, Jamaica. One of the most eye opening experiences in my life....
[quote]1913[/quote] This is the correct answer. The year of the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax....
[quote]"I'm real proud of him. He's a good boy," Cox said.[/quote] Little dusty in here........
Rogan is hit or miss for me. Tucker is on target 90% of the time....

re: Best and worst ethnic food

Posted by Aubie Spr96 on 7/25/24 at 11:41 am
Best: 1. Thai 2. Mediterranean 3. French Worst: 1. Scandinavian 2. German 3. African (excluding Morocco and Ethiopia)...
[img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LNhJJWWBTdo/TATWjqepJKI/AAAAAAAAH_k/rezOR2AFL50/s400/firemarshallbill.jpg[/img] He always reminds me of this whenever I watch him speak....

re: Best and worst ethnic food

Posted by Aubie Spr96 on 7/25/24 at 7:13 am
[quote]North African is dogshit.[/quote] Moroccan food is fabulous. Not in a top 3, but it is very good. ...
[quote]one of the biggest standups in the world right now[/quote] Don't watch much standup. [quote]hosted SNL last year[/quote] Haven't watch SNL in a decade probably. It's not funny. [quote]Kill Tony[/quote] Never heard of this either. Get off my lawn....
[quote]Cops aren't your friends. They're simply foot soldiers of the state.[/quote] Just as losing your life should be considered part of the equation anytime you perform an illegal act, so should it be part of the equation anytime you call the cops. A scared dude with a gun getting paid a min...

re: If Kamala wins, will you leave?

Posted by Aubie Spr96 on 7/24/24 at 11:42 am
[quote]It's time to start working on being self sufficient.[/quote] This can't be stated enough. Hate sounding like some weird prepper, but that's basically where I'm at....
[quote]Wow. A lot of Jew hate in here.[/quote] No there is not. [quote]Why is it that Israel is not allowed to prosecute a war against terrorist state(s) that seek their eradication?[/quote] They can knock themselves out over it, but that doesn't mean I have to fund it or support it. ...
Also Massie: [link=(https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/04/23/rep_thomas_massie_i_will_be_500_for_posting_video_of_members_of_congress_celebrating_ukraine_funding_bill.html)]LINK[/link] [quote]Rep. Thomas Massie: I Will Be Fined $500 For Posting Video Of Members Of Congress Celebratin...
[quote]Was he at the Z address to Congress?[/quote] Nope. For the exact same reason. [link=(https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2607181/rep-thomas-massie-explains-why-he-skipped-zelensky-speech/)]LINK[/link] [quote]“I’m in DC but I will not be attending the speech of the Ukrainian lobb...
[quote]especially with so much at stake[/quote] Articulate for me exactly 'what is at stake' please....
Why are yall watching that show? Seriously? I can't stand 10 secs of it. [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/76df254f242cd28f4eff92503b86a9a5/tenor.gif?itemid=8624482[/img]...
My wife's cousin was one of the aliens in the end scene. They were all little kids dressed up as aliens. She reminds me of this every time we see any reference to the movie...........