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Registered on:10/25/2014
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[quote]I firmly believe that X / Elon is more than enough to tip the balance. You had Zuckerberg / George Floyd Riots / Twitter / MSM / Hollywood all gaslighting 100% ON TOP of COVID and a relatively popular Biden running against Trump and they STILL had to cheat their asses off WITH COVID shenan...
[quote]He's still not deporting them. Political grand standing at best. Treason at worst.[/quote] You get the point, take the illegals to the homes of the people who are allowing the invasion and keep delivering these illegals by the hundreds to their front doors....
Every America First/MAGA type understands the power the legacy media has when it comes to influencing gullible and low information type voters aka Dims/Groomers, never Trumpers, Independents and many left leaning Libertarians. If the Gaslight Media can convince tens of millions of Americans thei...
Kinda makes sense. How many times have we heard the Dims/Groomers and US Chamber of Commerce/Wall Street types tell us we need millions of illegals in the country because Americans are not reproducing? We have heard it quite a bit. I would rather incentivize Americans to reproduce than allow a...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GTWp6geXsAA2fEO?format=png&name=small[/img] TDS DeNiro would approve of the shoes of that thing on right. :lol:...
[quote] don’t care if we all agree 100% with Vance’s positions on everything. You cannot forget that a huge percentage of politics, right or wrong, is optics. [/quote] You're probably correct. This ^^^^ also gives credence to what I've been saying for several years. There are tens of million...
[quote]quote: Keep talking about 2020 like it’s gonna change something at all Yeah we got screwed, but nothing will ever change that election At least they changed the laws in Georgia when it comes to mail in ballots Did that happen in PA, AZ, WI and others [b]You don't think continuing to fi...
Nearly a trillion dollars to service the $35 trillion of US debt....this will make you feel a little better. The $5 dollar bill in your wallet has 70% of the purchasing power it had in 2020. :usa:...
The US taxpayer is on the hook for $35 trillion of federal government debt, I think a conservatives guesstimate is 30-40% of that $35 trillion is straight out fraud and waste. :usa:...
[quote]I prefer her being candidate vs becoming president and getting all the power that comes with it leading into elections.[/quote] If Harris is sworn in as president she will be absolutely exposed as the West coast loon she is and politically destroyed before the election. Swearing Harris in ...
I'm not sure if ousting Biden via the 25th amendment could get through the complete process but if Biden is no longer able to fulfill the duties of CIC then he should be removed from office and Harris should be sworn in. I just saw Harris holding a presser commenting on the Israel/Hamas conflict, sh...
[quote]Let your balls drop, good sir. We have a country to win. This isn’t the time to become a pussy.[/quote] :lol:...

re: Mortgage delinquencies

Posted by Bass Tiger on 7/25/24 at 8:50 am
[quote]You're a fool. Every realtor I know is bracing for impact.[/quote] Got to the Sachs Realty YouTube channel and watch the latest episode with Danielle DeMartino Booth, pretty decent discussion on residential and commercial real estate....

re: The Dukes of MAGA

Posted by Bass Tiger on 7/24/24 at 9:48 pm
That's pretty good. :lol:...
[quote]He killed millions with his shots that he still brags about but I’m scum yeah nah don’t think so[/quote] The Dims/Cultural Marxists loved the MRNA Juice and all the associated boosters and masking, one would think Trump would be their hero....
There seems to be an issue, can't connect to the PT forum....

re: Disappointed in Trump team...

Posted by Bass Tiger on 7/24/24 at 9:10 pm
[quote]Give Trump time he wont hold back on attacking Kamala before the election. i dont think he holds back at all[/quote] Harris would be easy to destroy, all her Marxist insanity has been beautifully catalogued on video for the past 20 years, someone simply needs to package it up, pay the mone...

re: Disappointed in Trump team...

Posted by Bass Tiger on 7/24/24 at 9:07 pm
[quote] ...for not being out in front of this. This was seen a mile away. Why not a statement along the lines of: "Never forget that the same people who gaslit you about Joe Biden being fit for office are the same people who are gaslighting you about Kamala Harris's qualifications and about the ...
[quote]Most dims don't care as long as the gubment freebies keep flowing.[/quote] The vast majority of Dim voters are under the influence to some degree of mass formation psychosis, brought on by watching Gaslight Media propaganda ........literally Dim Drones....