Favorite team:Georgia 
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Registered on:8/30/2017
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[quote]Both politics and government are a worlds different between Argentina and the US.[/quote] Doesn't matter. Eventually we will be forced to make cuts. The status quo can't continue....
[quote]Spending will not change no matter who wins. Ever.[/quote] I am sure the people of Argentina thought the same before Milei....
[quote] I bet he talked a lot, then nothing was done.[/quote] He only has one vote, but he votes the right way nearly 100% of the time. We need more Chip Roy types and less of the squish moderates. The squish moderates get us nowhere....
[quote]Interesting turn.[/quote] No turn. Milei has supported Ukraine since day one....
[quote]we have plenty of people here already.[/quote] Not in North Dakota Joe....

re: Did not know Burgum sucked so badly

Posted by frogtown on 7/5/24 at 10:53 am
[quote]He was the top pick for a lot of our resident "true conservatives" [/quote] I am sure he favors "legal immigration" as does Trump. Places like North Dakota and South Dakota are hurting for people. No one wants to live there....

re: Delete

Posted by frogtown on 7/4/24 at 11:38 am
He couldn't run a lemonade stand. Elected only based on how he spoke....
[quote]He’s an extreme leftist. Don’t be foiled[/quote] You are about as clueless as svdtiger....
[quote]Anyone claiming to be a conservative these days are losers[/quote] How is Milei working out in Argentina?...
[quote]Tariffs were how the US government was originally funded, long before an income tax.[/quote] That was before the era of Big Government. You could slap a 10% tariff on all imports and only raise $380 billion. That might fund the Federal Govt for a month or two....
[quote]He's kicking the door open for the left and you don't seem to care or understand.[/quote] bingo....
What the frick happened to Trump going "scorched earth" in his second term? ...
[quote] Sure, but he not dwelling on it. He sees the bigger picture.[/quote] JFC. This is because Bannon knows who his audience is....
[quote]Good chose poorly. Politics is a blood sport. Besides, I have yet to see anything substantive shitting in McGuire.[/quote] No. You idiots have chosen poorly. You don't vow to take out conservatives with 100% liberty scores. You clowns have done this, repeatedly....

re: Trump is only out for himself!

Posted by frogtown on 6/19/24 at 9:44 am
[quote]Of course it does, your TDS is terminal.[/quote] Nothing to do with TDS moron. Either your MAGA crew wants to elect conservatives, or you don't. Looks like you don't....
[quote]In 2023, the USA imported approximately $3.3 Trillion of goods. In that same year, the income tax generated approximately $2.2 Trillion in revenue to the US Treasury. [/quote] This is the simple math that Bcreed doesn't get. He is pretty much clueless....
[quote]So please, allow me to be the first, to congratulate Joe Biden on building the greatest economy the developed world has ever seen.[/quote] Accomplished with two trillion in deficit spending. Congrats on buying into the clown show....
[quote]Why does Trump need RP?[/quote] Because it will get him more votes....
[quote]Both libertarians and Dims believe in open borders and unrestricted free trade[/quote] :rotflmao: Democrats don't believe in free trade....

re: Trump LIVE in Bronx NY

Posted by frogtown on 5/24/24 at 9:33 am
[quote]SDVTiger[/quote] Waiting for your link moron. Where is it?...