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A Democrat tells the Truth about Dems and GOPe. This is where it all started

Posted on 3/26/24 at 9:47 am
Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 9:47 am
I think most people have never even thought about how we got to this point in terms of when.

Listen to this speech given by a popular Democrat. He tells you as he spoke out about the bills passed that were totally against the constitution and how they tied businesses to Gov.

He tells you how they did it behind the backs of Americans. How they put people out of work with those bills. How the platform that people voted on was pushed aside. That it was Socialism.

This post was edited on 3/26/24 at 9:48 am
Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:01 am to
Transcript for those who can't hear it: This is long but a great read.


I have no axe to grind. There is nothing personal in this whole performance so far as I am concerned. I have no feeling against any man, woman or child in the United States….

I was born in the Democratic Party and I expect to die in it. And I was attracted to it in my youth because I was led to believe that no man owned it. Further than that, that no group of men owned it, but on the other hand, that it belonged to all the plain people in the United States.

Patriotism Above Partisanship

It is not easy for me to stand up here tonight and talk to the American people against tire Democratic Administration. This is not easy. It hurts me.

But I can call upon innumerable witnesses to testify to the fact that during my whole public life I put patriotism above partisanship. And when I see danger, I say danger that is the “Stop, look, and listen” to the fundamental principles upon which this Government of ours was organized; it is difficult for me to refrain from speaking up.

This post was edited on 3/26/24 at 10:46 am
Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:03 am to


What are these dangers that I see? The first is the arraignment of class against class. It has been freely predicted that if we were ever to have civil strife again in this country, it would come from the appeal to passion and prejudices that comes from the demagogues that would incite one class of our people against the other.

In my time I have met some good and bad industrialists. I have met some good and bad financiers, but I have also met some good and bad laborers, and this I know, that permanent prosperity is dependent upon both capital and labor alike.

And I also know that there can be no permanent prosperity in this country until industry is able to employ labor, and there certainly can be no permanent recovery upon any governmental theory of “soak the rich” or “soak the poor.”…

Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:07 am to
A Government By Bureaucrats


The next thing that I view as being dangerous to our national well-being is government by bureaucracy instead of what we have been taught to look for, government by law.

The next danger that is apparent to me is the vast building up of new bureaus of government, draining resources of our people in a common pool of redistributing them, not by any process of law, but by the whim of a bureaucratic autocracy.

Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:08 am to

what am I here for? I am here not to find fault. Anybody can do that. I am hereto make suggestions. What would I have my party do? I would have them reestablish and re-declare the principles that they put forth in that 1932 platform….

No Administration in the history of the country came into power with a more simple, a more clear, or a more inescapable mandate than did the party that was inaugurated on the Fourth of March in 1933.

And listen, no candidate in the history of the country ever pledged himself more unequivocally to his party platform than did the President who was inaugurated on that day.

Well, here we are!
Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:10 am to

Millions and millions of Democrats just like myself, all over the country, still believe in that platform. And what we want to know is wiry it wasn’t carried out….

Now, let us wander for awhile and let’s take a look at that platform, and let’s see what happened to it. Here is how it started out:

“We believe that a party platform is a covenant with the people, to be faithfully kept by the party when entrusted with power, and that the people are entitled to know in plain words the terms of contract to which they are asked to subscribe.

“The Democratic Party solemnly promises by appropriate action to put into effect the principles, policies and reforms herein advocated and to eradicate the political methods and practices herein condemned.”
Posted by cajunangelle
Member since Oct 2012
147709 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:13 am to
they all know. after the OP video Kennedy La. Cruz, Elise, Paul Ryan and so on-all designed to BS us...

like Gowdy, Romney DeSantis, Pence,JJ. it is all a show.
Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:14 am to

At the time that that platform went through the air and over the wire, the people of the United States were in the lowest possible depths of despair, and the Democratic platform looked to them like the star of hope; it looked like the rising sun in the East to the mariner on the bridge of a ship after a terrible night.

But what happened to it?

1st Plank of those promises made:


First plank: “We advocate immediate and drastic reduction of governmental expenditures by abolishing useless commissions and offices, consolidating departments and bureaus, and eliminating extravagance to accomplish a saving of not less than 25 percent in the cost of the Federal Government.

Well, now, what is the fact?

No offices were consolidated, no bureaus were eliminated, but on the other hand, the alphabet was exhausted. The creation of new departments and this is sad news for the taxpayer — the cost, the ordinary cost, what we refer to as housekeeping cost, over and above all emergencies that ordinary housekeeping cost of government is greater today than it has ever been in any time in the history of the republic.

Remember this is a Democrat
Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:15 am to

Another plank: “We favor maintenance of the national credit by a Federal budget annually balanced on the basis of accurate Federal estimate within revenue.”

How can you balance a budget if you insist upon spending more money than you take in? Even the increased revenue won’t go to balance the budget, because it is hocked before you receive it. What is worse than that?

The Middle Class Will Pay the Debt

Now here is something that I want to say to the rank and file. There are three classes of people in this country; there are the poor and the rich, and in between the two is what has often been referred to as the great backbone of America that is the plain fellow.
Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:17 am to

Forget the rich; they can’t pay this debt. If you took everything they have away from them, they couldn’t pay it; they ain’t got enough. There is no use talking about the poor; they will never pay it, because they have nothing.

This debt is going to be paid by that great big middle class that we refer to as the backbone and the rank and file, and the sin of it is they ain’t going to know that they are paying it.It is going to come to them in the form of indirect and hidden taxation. It will come to them in the cost of living, in the cost of clothing, in the cost of every activity that they enter into, and because it is not a direct tax, they won’t think they’re paying, but, take it from me, they are going to pay it!
Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:23 am to
Unconstitutional Measure — Unfulfilled Pledges


And the sin of this whole thing, and the part of it that worries me and gives me concern, is that this haphazard, hurry-up passage of legislation is never going to accomplish the purposes for which it was designed and — bear this in mind, follow the platform-under State laws….

Another one: “We promise the removal of Government from all fields of private enterprise except where necessary to develop public works and national resources in the common interest.”

NRA! A vast octopus set up by government that wound its arms around all the business of the country, paralyzed big business, and choked little business to death.


Here is another one: “We condemn the open and covert resistance of administrative officials to every effort made by congressional committees to curtail the extravagant expenditures of Government and improvident subsidies granted to private interests.”

Now, just between ourselves, do you know any administrative officer that has tried to stop Congress from appropriating money? Do you think there has been any desire on the part of Congress to curtail appropriations?

Why, not at all. The fact is that Congress threw them right and left — didn’t even tell what they were for.

And the truth, further, is that every administrative officer sought to get all that he possibly could in order to expand the activities of his own office and throw the money of the people right and left. And as to subsidies, why, never at any time in the history of this or any other country were there so many subsidies granted to private groups, and on such a huge scale.

Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:24 am to

Here is another one: “We condemn the extravagance of the Farm Board, its disastrous action which made the Government a speculator of farm products, and the unsound policy of restricting agricultural products to the demand of domestic markets.”…

What about the restriction of our agricultural products and the demands of the market? Why, the fact about that is that we shut out entirely the farm market, [page 126] and by plowing under corn and wheat and the destruction of foodstuffs, food from foreign countries has been pouring into our American markets — food that should have been purchased by us from our own farmers.

In other words, while some of the countries of the Old World were attempting to drive the wolf of hunger from the doormat, the United States flew in the face of God’s bounty and destroyed its own foodstuffs. There can be no question about that.

Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:29 am to


Let’s see how it was carried out. Make a test for yourself. Just get the platform of the Democratic Party, and get the platform of the Socialist Party, and lay them down on your dining room table, side by side, and get a heavy lead pencil and scratch out the word “Democrat,” and scratch out the word “Socialist,” and let the two platforms lay there.

Then study the record of the present Administration up to date. After you have done that, make your mind up to pick up the platform that more nearly squares with the record, and you will put your hand on the Socialist platform. You don’t dare touch the Democratic platform.


Now, after studying this whole situation, you will find that that is at the bottom of all our troubles. This country was organized on the principles of representative democracy, and you can’t mix Socialism or Communism with that. They are like oil and water; they refuse to mix.

And incidentally, let me say to you, that is the reason why the United States Supreme Court is working overtime throwing the alphabet out of the window three letters at a time.
Posted by Bass Tiger
Member since Oct 2014
46558 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:35 am to
I don't need a Dim to tell me the history of their cultural Marxist movement, I'm 65, I've been a witness to their diabolical plan to deconstruct the constitutional republic.
Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:35 am to

Always have in your minds that the Constitution and the first ten amendments

There are just three principles, and in the interest of brevity, I will read them. I can read them quicker than talk them.

“First, a Federal Government, strictly limited in its power, with all other powers except those expressly mentioned reserved to the States and to the people, so as to insure State’s rights, guarantee home rule, and preserve freedom of individual initiative and local control.”

That is simple enough. The difference between the State constitutions and the Federal Constitution is that in the State you can do anything you want to do provided it is not prohibited by the Constitution. But in the Federal Government, according to that government, you can do only that which that Constitution tells you that you can do.

What is the trouble? Congress has overstepped its bounds. It went beyond that Constitutional limitation, and it has enacted laws that not only violate the home rule and the State’s right principle — and who says that? Do I say it? Not at all. That was said by the United States Supreme Court in the last ten or twelve days.

Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
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Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:35 am to

Secondly, the Government, with three independent branches, Congress to make the laws, the Executive to execute them, the Supreme Court, and so forth. You know that.

In the name of Heaven, where is the independence of Congress? Why, they just laid right down. They are flatter on the Congressional floor than the rug on the table here. They surrendered all of their powers to the Executive, and that is the reason why you read in the newspapers references to Congress as the Rubber Stamp Congress.

We all know that the most important bills were drafted by the Brain Trusters, and sent over to Congress and passed by Congress without consideration, without debate and, without meaning any offense at all to my Democratic brethren in Congress; I think I can safely say without 90 percent of them knowing what was in the bills.

Posted by 19
Flux Capacitor, Fluxing
Member since Nov 2007
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Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:37 am to
The Pedocrats' chant "Save our democracy" is a lie.
Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
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Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:44 am to

Now, suggestions, and I make these as a Democrat anxious for the success of my party,and I make them in good faith.

No. 1: I suggest to the members of my party on Capitol Hill here in Washington that they take their minds off the Tuesday that follows the first Monday in November. Just take their minds off it to the end that you may do the right thing and not the expedient thing.

Next, I suggest to them that they stop compromising with the fundamental principles laid down by Jackson and Jefferson and Cleveland.

Fourth: Stop attempting to alter the form and structure of our Government without recourse to the people themselves as provided in their own Constitution. This country belongs to the people, and it doesn’t belong to any Administration.

Sixth: I suggest that from this moment they resolve to make the Constitution the Civil Bible of the United States, and pay it the same civil respect and reverence that they would religiously pay the Holy Scripture, and I ask them to read from the Holy Scripture the Parable of the Prodigal Son and to follow his example.

Stop! Stop wasting your substance in a foreign land, and come back to your Father’s house.

Now, in conclusion let me give this solemn warning. There can be only one Capitol,Washington or Moscow!

Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
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Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:45 am to

There can be only one flag, the Stars and Stripes, or the Red Flag of the Godless Union of the Soviet.

There can be only one National Anthem. The Star Spangled Banner or the Internationale.

Posted by BCreed1
Member since Jan 2024
1381 posts
Posted on 3/26/24 at 10:56 am to

I don't need a Dim to tell me the history of their cultural Marxist movement, I'm 65, I've been a witness to their diabolical plan to deconstruct the constitutional republic.

It wasn't just the Dems. It was the GOP too.

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