Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Releases Statement After Being Charged In Prostitution Ring
© Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports
On Friday morning, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft was charged in a prostitution ring in Jupiter, Florida...
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Here was his statement...
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Filed Under: NFL
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km67 months
Two misdemeanor charges against him.
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Skinny67 months
Was Dave Portnoy with him?
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TigerSpray67 months
Jerry Jones next.
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SmelvinRat67 months
He's worth 6 billion. He should just pay for delivery instead of takeout...
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aremore67 months
This guy has enough money to make anything go away. Money talks BS walks. Nuff said. End of discussion. k?
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Tigermite67 months
I havent really been following this story, but when the shite did getting busted with a prostitue turn into human trafficking? So what if the dude wanted some superbowl victory poontang
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Cheese Grits67 months
It is one thing to get a BJ from a local with a pimp as there is some consent. Apparently Kraft was using asians brought from overseas and kept hostage with no freedom. Pimping is one thing but white slaving is a whole different level especially if it involves crossing country borders.
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goodgrin67 months
"Apparently Kraft was using asians brought...", "but white slavery is a ..." What???
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km67 months
Apparently??? Apparently???
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JETigER67 months
They must not have video of him giving money. He can’t control if someone attached his groin, he is an old man and can’t maneuver well so that is not his fault.
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ExpoTiger67 months
Yeah there are some key details that we are missing here. What a ridiculous situation.
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Cajunboy4667 months
This guy is worth 6 billion dollars and you can’t get any better pussy than a strip mall chic must be some fire pussy
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OGJangalang67 months
Indeed! She must have that voodoo clam!
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bigman33467 months
white trash whore POS i am sure
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GeauxsomeMeaux67 months
I wonder if he had any deflated balls?
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gumbeaux1067 months
Lol now that's funny
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Daddyof467 months
Sure. Team cheats and wins a super bowl. Owner cheats and wins...jail time?
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KosmoCramer67 months
Cheats how? His wife died of cancer.
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